The Kingdom Hearts series features one of the most heartwarming stories in video game history. It follows the life of Sora, a young Keyblade wielder who is forced out of his home into a whole new galaxy. His first journey saw him scavenging various planets in search of his friends, but he has since gone on to vanquish some of the greatest threats to the universe.

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Sora has experienced a lot of unexpected things since departing Destiny Island, but not all of what happened is looked back on with fondness. Certain Kingdom Hearts elements haven't aged well at all, and though some were rectified in various remakes and remasters, it's hard to forget the sour taste they left behind.

5 The Combat Scenarios (Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days)

Axel, Roxas, and Xion in Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days

Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days features one of the most heartbreaking stories in the Kingdom Hearts franchise. It documents Roxas's first and only year as a member of Organization 13 and the journey he makes to unearth his true identity. As the only Organization member who can wield a Keyblade, Roxas is tasked with venturing to various Disney worlds to release the hearts of all the Heartless he encounters. It's an engaging story for the most part, but the gameplay is nowhere near as polished as it was in previous entries.

Though Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days allows players to use a variety of unique abilities, attempting to do so can be frustrating due to how the game is designed. Roxas will need to equip certain abilities before starting a mission as he will have no option to alter his arsenal after leaving The Castle That Never Was. This means he can easily run out of spells and potions during his ventures. To make matters worse, the boss fights are incredibly difficult due to how they were designed. Thankfully, those who do not wish to experience the game's combat can watch the three-hour movie adaptation of the game included in the Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD Remix.

4 Sora's Response To Organization 13's Goal (Kingdom Hearts 2)

Saix reaches for Kingdom Hearts in Kingdom Hearts 2

The opening of Kingdom Hearts 2 sees Sora awakening after a year of sleep to find he no longer has a goal. Upon encountering the Nobodies, however, he realizes that a new enemy has risen in the wake of Ansem's defeat. He journeys with Donald and Goofy to Yen Sid's Mysterious Tower, where he learns what Nobodies are: beings who lack hearts. The most powerful Nobodies can retain their human forms, but, like their primitive counterparts, they still lack hearts. Their sole purpose in Kingdom Hearts 2 is to reclaim the hearts they lost, but Sora has no intention of allowing them to do so.

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To reclaim their hearts, these Nobodies form a group named Organization 13 and begin creating artificial Kingdom Hearts. Without Roxas, they are forced to rely on Sora to defeat Heartless and thus release the hearts trapped inside them. The more hearts that are released, the closer they come to achieving their goal. Though they appear evil, their goal isn't overly sinister. Most of the evil acts they commit are in response to Sora's attempts to stop them. The climax of the game sees Sora slaughtering each member of the Organization and ruining the Kingdom Hearts they created. Considering all they wanted was a chance to feel emotion again, Sora's actions were a little insensitive.

3 Kairi's Slow Character Development (Kingdom Hearts 2)

Kairi wields her Keyblade in Kingdom Hearts 2

Kairi was largely sidelined during the events of the original Kingdom Hearts in favor of Sora and Riku. She spends most of the narrative unconscious until she is awakened by Sora toward the end of the game. She then asks Sora if she can accompany him on his journey to confront Ansem, but Sora refuses her request as he believes "it's way too dangerous." Kairi reluctantly accepts his decision, but secretly vows to help him in the future.

Kairi obtains her own Keyblade in Kingdom Hearts 2 and briefly uses it to defeat a group of Heartless. She firmly states "This time...I'll fight," but most of the fighting is left to Sora and Riku. This is understandable as she lacks the necessary experience to take on the Organization, but this shouldn't be the case in the sequels. Kairi is eventually chosen to be a Guardian of Light during the climax of Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance. She is given a limitless amount of time to prepare for the upcoming battle against Xehanort, but she ends up getting captured by Xemnas during her first battle. Aside from the Re Mind DLC, each entry in the series has failed to portray her as anything more than a damsel in distress.

2 The Introduction Of Time Travel (Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance)

Sora in Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance

Prior to the release of Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance, fans had no real issue with the plot. It was easy to follow and understand, but the introduction of time travel left many players confused as to what it meant for the series. Though most have learned to embrace the complexities that come with a Kingdom Hearts game, some despise the way it used time travel to progress the plot.

The climax of Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance revealed that the main antagonist of the game was actually a young version of Master Xehanort. Before becoming the Seeker of Darkness, Xehanort planned for thirteen versions of himself to meet in The World That Never Was. This allowed previously defeated villains to return from the grave, rendering Sora's past triumphs somewhat less impressive. Many felt that using time travel to resurrect these fallen enemies was a cheap move, and though it suited the story, it left a bad taste in the mouths of some fans.

1 Kairi's Visible Undergarments At The Altar Of Naught (Kingdom Hearts 2)

Kairi in Kingdom Hearts 2

For the most part, Kingdom Hearts is designed to be an appropriate game for children to enjoy. Kingdom Hearts 2 advertised itself as a game suitable for fans aged ten and up, but there are moments in the game where this rating can be called into question. Upon reaching the final room of the game, Sora gets the chance to converse with his friends before beginning the final battle. If the player positions the camera in a certain way while standing beside Kairi, however, they may notice an inappropriate design choice.

Kairi's undergarments are clearly visible from below her dress. Though this might not seem like such a big deal on the surface, the fact that Kairi is only fifteen years old during the events of Kingdom Hearts 2 is definitely problematic. Thankfully, developers corrected this unseemly design choice in the Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD Remix, but it's hard to forget that it somehow made it into the game's initial release.

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