Without a doubt, Square Enix surprised fans the world over when it officially announced Kingdom Hearts 4. No release date was given, but hopefully, the confidence to show some gameplay of Kingdom Hearts 4 now means that it won’t be that long of a wait. The trailer shows Sora fighting a huge Heartless in Quadratum, a new world that is some form of afterlife for Sora. Before that, though, the trailer shows some glimpses of the wilderness.

What’s clear is that this doesn’t match with Kingdom Hearts 4's Quadratum area, leaving many to wonder what this could be. Since Sora is separated from Donald and Goofy, it could be that he has access to brand new worlds, and a lot of people are thinking that this wilderness is none other than Endor from Star Wars.

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Kingdom Hearts 4 - A Star Wars World?

It should be noted that fans have been wanting a Star Wars world in Kingdom Hearts since Disney acquired the former. The very idea of Sora facing off with Sith Lords and having a keyblade variant of the lightsaber is intriguing, to say the least. As a result, this could very well be some wishful thinking for Kingdom Hearts 4…but it adds up.

Seen above around the 4:35 time stamp, it’s clear that—wherever this is—is absolutely dominated by trees. Even looking at the size of them brings the Star Wars forest moon of Endor to mind, but the real kicker is a single shot from the trailer. As seen below, there appears to be a giant metal foot standing in the heavily-wooded area—seen in the top right of the image below/trailer above. The shape of it fits exactly what an AT-ST foot looks like.

kingdom heart 4 trailer star wars world

As many know, AT-STs are present during the Battle of Endor. This could suggest that a world featuring the events of Star Wars: Return of the Jedi could somehow work itself into Kingdom Heart 4’s story. Organization XIII suggests that if Sora leaves Quadratum for another world, he won’t be able to find his original one. This seems to be the primary story direction, at least for now, and this could involve Sora eventually leaving Quadratum to find nothing but a new host of Disney Worlds for players to explore.

If this is the case, then Star Wars fits perfectly into the game. If Luke Skywalker joined Sora as a companion here, it would no doubt be exciting for fans. Perhaps the overall story goes in another direction, but the fact that the place looks like Endor and that there is something similar to an AT-ST foot in the trailer is going to keep Kingdom Hearts 4 fans hoping and guessing for quite some time.

Kingdom Hearts 4 is in development.

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