As Kingdom Hearts 4 prepares to embark on a new story following the conclusion of the "Dark Seeker Saga," it has raised a difficult question of how long the franchise can go on. While fans would all love to see the series continue for many more years to come, how exactly it would change over time is beginning to dawn on peoples' minds. There are only so many Disney and Final Fantasy worlds that Kingdom Hearts could explore before hitting a proverbial dead end.

Following Kingdom Hearts 4's reveal trailer, series creator and director Tetsuya Nomura gave Game Informer some revealing answers about what players should expect leading to Kingdom Hearts 4. Nomura acknowledged that while it's not an immediate issue, there may even come a point where Sora no longer takes center stage. Without delving into too much speculation, it is clear that the series is heading for some significant - but exciting - changes over the next few years that could revolutionize Kingdom Hearts as fans know it.

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How Nomura Sees the Future of Kingdom Hearts


In discussing the legacy of Kingdom Hearts, Nomura was asked how he saw Sora's development throughout the games, and whether the series could ever go beyond him. He acknowledged that while there have been other protagonists within Kingdom Hearts, these have typically been for spin-off games. Nomura said, "I think if Sora is no longer the main character then I would also feel like that would indicate the end to the numbered titles. He's that important to the series."

At face value, this would signify that Kingdom Hearts will, eventually, transition away from Sora. This is likely not going to be for some time, as Kingdom Hearts 4 will mark the start of the "Lost Masters Arc" that suggests more is in store for Sora and his team - if Donald and Goofy find their way to him after Kingdom Hearts 3 cliffhanger ending. However, Nomura added that "people could really dive into this interview that we had today, I did reveal a little bit of new information and more details." This has caused fans to raise their eyebrows and read into what Nomura is saying more closely.

What Nomura May Actually Mean

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As Nomura said, Kingdom Hearts is no stranger to spin-offs, but his recognition that there may come a point where Sora's story ends would be a shock. It comes along with the teaser trailer's implication that Sora has entered an "afterlife" known as the Quadratum, coupled with ominous narration which hints toward a certain finality. Though it might be some time before fans do see Sora's departure from Kingdom Hearts, there is a certain weight behind the idea that the series is approaching some ultimate ending.

More optimistically, given the detail Nomura provided regarding plans for the Lost Master Arc, it definitely doesn't seem like Sora is going anywhere any time soon. If anything, Kingdom Hearts 4 appears to be positioning itself as something of a soft reboot for the Kingdom Hearts series, as gameplay footage shows revamped movement mechanics and a more realistic world-setting in what looks to be modern-day Tokyo. Even fans have pointed out how strange it is to see more human feet on Sora, indicating that the series is planning to set a very different tone. Nomura has given players a lot to think about, and could be laying the groundwork for a radically different experience when Kingdom Hearts 4 officially releases.

Kingdom Hearts 4 is currently in development.

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Source: Game Informer