
  • Kingdom Hearts 4 may introduce a Star Wars world, sparking excitement among fans for the potential crossover.
  • Designing a Star Wars world for Kingdom Hearts 4 poses challenges in choosing a location due to the franchise's vast universe.
  • The Forest Moon of Endor from Return of the Jedi is speculated to be the most likely setting for a Star Wars world in Kingdom Hearts 4.

With very little known about Kingdom Hearts 4 right now, there is still a lot of room for speculation based on the bits of information and teasers available. Although what has been shown about Kingdom Hearts 4 has mainly focused on Sora awakening in the realistic world of Quadratum, fans have been theorizing that the series will finally introduce a Star Wars world in this entry. However, the introduction of a Star Wars world brings with it a new problem that Kingdom Hearts 4 will have to handle very carefully given the hype around this potential crossover.

Ever since Disney acquired Marvel and Star Wars, Kingdom Hearts fans have been hoping to see worlds from those IPs show up in a new title. Kingdom Hearts 3 missed the chance to include these franchises, though it did introduce the series' first worlds based on Pixar movies like Toy Story and Monsters, Inc. These properties had fairly straightforward worlds for Kingdom Hearts to work with, and the massive, expansive universe of Star Wars means Kingdom Hearts 4 will have a difficult time choosing a location to represent a potential world for this franchise.

A Star Wars World in Kingdom Hearts 4 Would Need to Dodge One Common SW Pitfall

Kingdom Hearts 4 may include a Star Wars-themed world, which is super exciting for fans, but avoiding one common theme would be beneficial.

Kingdom Hearts 4's Potential Star Wars World Would Have a Hard Time Choosing a Location

A huge part of what makes Kingdom Hearts games so popular is the way they present a variety of worlds from across Disney properties. These worlds can end up making or breaking a Kingdom Hearts experience, as evident by the criticism Kingdom Hearts 3 received for underwhelming worlds like Arendelle from Frozen and 100 Acre Wood from Winnie the Pooh. With this criticism in mind, Kingdom Hearts 4 will have to tread extremely carefully when designing a world from such a popular franchise as Star Wars, but the vastness of Star Wars' universe could prove to be a problem.

There are so many iconic planets in the Star Wars universe that it would be tough for Kingdom Hearts 4 to choose just one for its setting. Even if the game sticks to just the original trilogy, it would be hard to narrow down the one planet that best represents the franchise for Kingdom Hearts' bit-sized format for its worlds. A Kingdom Hearts 4 Star Wars world could attempt to stitch together segments from a movie like A New Hope, with sections on Tatooine and the Death Star, but taking this approach might end up making the world feel too rushed.

The Planet Most Likely to Appear in a Kingdom Hearts 4 Star Wars World

Assuming Kingdom Hearts 4 goes the route of a single planet from the original trilogy for a Star Wars world, there are still several candidates to choose from, with some being better options than others. While Tatooine is one of the most iconic planets in the franchise, its desert environment might feel too similar to a world like Aladdin's Agrabah, and Hoth might also be too similar to Frozen's Arendelle. Both of these planets also could run into a common Kingdom Hearts 3 problem of being too open with too few interesting features to discover.

The most likely setting for a Star Wars world in Kingdom Hearts 4 is Return of the Jedi's Forest Moon of Endor, which was potentially teased in the game's reveal trailer. Not only would Endor be a more interesting location to explore with its dense forest and Imperial outposts, but there would be more action going on in the background with the potential for NPC Ewoks to be fighting Stormtroopers. While it would be difficult to please every Star Wars fan regardless of how Kingdom Hearts 4 handles a world from the franchise, a setting on Endor would be the best option and seems the most likely.

Kingdom Hearts 4

Kingdom Hearts
PS5 , Xbox Series X|S
Square Enix
Square Enix
RPG , Action