
  • Star Wars and Indiana Jones may feature in Kingdom Hearts 4, offering fresh content and gameplay.
  • Indiana Jones could provide a unique platforming experience, complementing Star Wars.
  • Harrison Ford's presence in both franchises offers potential for character differentiation.

There have been a lot of theories about Kingdom Hearts 4 recently, and one of the biggest points of speculation lies in Star Wars and what role it may play in the game. With Kingdom Hearts 4 continuing the franchise's embrace of Disney-owned characters and films, it only makes sense for Star Wars to now be thrown into the mix. Although there haven't been any official confirmations made about Star Wars being included in Kingdom Hearts 4, it would be surprising if the franchise chose to forego featuring one of the world's biggest media properties.

It would definitely be exciting to see Star Wars make its way into the Kingdom Hearts series, but that isn't the only franchise from Lucasfilm that deserves a chance in the spotlight. The film and television production company is responsible for breathing life into some of the greatest franchises in pop culture, and Indiana Jones is at the top of the list.

This Disney World Just Became a Lot More Likely For Kingdom Hearts 4

While not much is known about which Disney worlds Kingdom Hearts 4 will feature, the success of one recent film increases its chance of an appearance.

Indiana Jones Could Bring Something Fresh to Kingdom Hearts 4

Making Room For More Than Star Wars

Star Wars may be the most popular franchise to be produced under the Lucasfilm name, but the Indiana Jones movies have made a substantial mark on pop culture that would bring something unexpected to Kingdom Hearts 4. With Indiana Jones set to get a new game based on the titular archaeologist, it's a great moment for Kingdom Hearts 4 to jump in with its own version of the character.

There is quite a large demand for Star Wars to be featured in Kingdom Hearts 4, and although it would be fun to see how the game interprets the popular sci-fi series, it's also predictable. Star Wars is one franchise that always gets the spotlight, so it won't be too surprising if it gets its own world in Kingdom Hearts 4. However, Square Enix could really pull out a surprise by featuring Indiana Jones in tandem with Star Wars as an even greater tribute to the legacy of Lucasfilm.

Plenty of Potential For Platforming and Exploration

Star Wars is without a doubt the king of Lucasfilm's roster, but Indiana Jones is definitely second in line. Harrison Ford's portrayal of the iconic Dr. Jones is a beloved performance, and it would be fascinating to see how Kingdom Hearts 4 made the character its own. Most importantly, an Indiana Jones world would make even more sense in terms of Kingdom Hearts 4's gameplay. There are high hopes for Kingdom Hearts 4, but it's almost certain that the RPG will bring back its great platforming elements.

An Indiana Jones world would be ideal for expanding the franchise's platforming and exploration mechanics, as Indy always finds himself in some sort of trouble in his adventures that requires agility, like the iconic boulder chase scene. Star Wars needs to play a small role, as too much of the franchise could prove to be overbearing. Indiana Jones could help continue the Lucasflim focus while also keeping the game from feeling like just a Star Wars game.

Having Fun With Lucasfilm's Roster

Another fun angle that could be taken by including both Star Wars and Indiana Jones is Harrison Ford's presence in both series. With Ford having played the roles of Han Solo and Indy, it could be fun to see how Kingdom Hearts 4 chooses to differentiate the two characters while still keeping their essences intact.

As more news is revealed about Kingdom Hearts 4, it will be intriguing to see what route the fourth mainline game will take with the many Disney properties it can choose from. Star Wars feels like a given at this point, but expanding into other Lucasfilm franchises, like Indiana Jones, could make the crossover even better.