Much like in real life, video game characters go through a process of change. They live through the experiences that players take them through and grow from them into different and (hopefully) better people. Kingdom Heart 4's Sora is no different. Despite seemingly disappearing at the end of the third main series title, Square Enix has confirmed that Sora will be returning in Kingdom Hearts 4 and key to the upcoming 'Lost Master' arc.

The mainstay Kingdom Hearts games take place within a period of about two years and that includes the events of spin-offs like Chain of Memories and Dream Drop Distance. Although two years may not seem like a long time, plenty of things have happened to Kingdom Hearts protagonist Sora that is sure to change a person. And Sora definitely has changed over the course of the series, in more ways than one. Here's how Sora has grown since the events of the first Kingdom Hearts.

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How Sora Has Changed Since Kingdom Hearts

kingdom hearts sora design

One of the most obvious ways that Sora has changed in Kingdom Hearts is his design. This make the most sense as not only have the times changed in reality in terms of graphics since the original game's release in 2002, but the characters within Kingdom Hearts have grown and matured alongside it. Sora is said to be around 14 years old when his worlds-saving adventures began in Kingdom Hearts and by Kingdom Hearts 3, he's around 16 years old. Hence, it makes sense that he would look more mature over the years – with his face losing its childish roundness and his body becomes more elongated reflected in his design over the years.

Before the events of Kingdom Hearts, no one really knew what a keyblade even was – at least, not anyone living on Destiny Islands. When the remote island paradise was suddenly attacked by Heartless, Sora obtains the mysterious keyblade that unexpectedly appears, allowing him the ability to fight off the encroaching Heartless. Despite not officially becoming a 'keyblade master' by Kingdom Hearts 3 years later due to failing his Mark of Mastery exam, his ability to wield the keyblade is technically on the same level since he was able to regain the Power of Waking used to save Kairi.

Although he isn't exactly a keyblade master, Sora is very much a master of heart. He seems to understand matters of heart better than anyone else in the Kingdom Hearts franchise. Due to his understanding of heart, Sora was able to realize the strength of his heart – bolstered by his friendships – was powerful enough to recall the keyblade that was snatched away by Riku by the end of the first Kingdom Hearts itself. Thanks to this, he was also able to figure out quite quickly that Roxas, Axel, Namine, and Xion did indeed have hearts, despite them being Nobodies – although partial thanks to some retcons made in Kingdom Hearts.

However, one of the things that definitely hasn't changed about Sora is his ability to maintain positivity, even through incredibly tough times. He's a teenager tasked to save the world. Not only that, but losing one's friends is hard – losing the love of your life, even more so. Thankfully, Sora has been able to rise above the adversity and push through, doing what needs to be done to get the job done at the end of the day, even if it means sacrificing his own life. Hopefully his positive mental attitude doesn't change during the events of Kingdom Hearts 4, because it seems like he'll need it to get back to his friends and loved ones.

Kingdom Hearts 4 is currently in development.

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