
  • Kingdom Hearts 4 could capture the magic of its early days with a new arc, art style, and concept of Unreality.
  • Sephiroth remains a challenging and iconic boss in Kingdom Hearts history, even among other tough endgame battles.
  • Final Fantasy 7 Remake sets the stage for Sephiroth's return in KH4, with a brutal difficulty akin to Yozora's challenge.

With Kingdom Hearts 4 in development, some fans are anticipating its new arc’s potential to recapture elements that defined the franchise’s earlier days. While KH4’s new art style seems to separate it from the past, the fresh start provided by the concept of Unreality and Sora’s new circumstances also evoke the creativity found within the highly praised first two mainline entries in the series. Now that the original infamously difficult endgame boss of the first game has found new relevance within his own series, Kingdom Hearts 4 would be the perfect opportunity for a long-awaited return.

Originating in Final Fantasy 7 for PS1, legendary RPG villain Sephiroth has since spawned a legacy that transcends both his IP and genre. Further appearing in everything from animated films to fighting game guest slots, this genetically-enhanced super soldier has once again gotten the spotlight within Remake and this year’s Rebirth. His impact extended into his presence within Kingdom Hearts, a franchise where he made an unforgettable mark that could easily inspire further appearances.

Kingdom Hearts 4 Disney World Wish List

With Kingdom Hearts 4 seemingly set to explore unexpected new worlds, there are several stand-outs across Disney's catalog that deserve spots.

Sephiroth Remains One of the Most Iconic and Challenging Bosses in Kingdom Hearts History

Standing Out Among Other Optional Endgame Battles

There are multiple battles unlocked towards the finale of the first Kingdom Hearts which pose the greatest threats available in the game, but Sephiroth can still feel like the ultimate enemy even among them. The likes of the Phantom may test the player's mettle in terms of micromanaging magic, but Sephiroth's massive health bar in KH and Sora's lack of fast movement which would come in later games have allowed this encounter to still remain one of the toughest after decades. KH2 might be seen as an overall easier title by some fans, but its Sephiroth encounter requires intense usage of everything at the player's disposal. In both cases, not having the Second Chance ability equipped can lead to death in just a couple of hits, even if Sora is at max level with the best gear.

There's no shortage of similarly hard bosses in Kingdom Hearts 2's Lingering Will or BBS' Young Xehanort, who arguably eclipse Sephiroth, but these are mostly original characters without the same prestige and name recognition. In a series predicated on crossovers, it makes sense that Sephiroth is more remembered by some players than KH3's Dark Inferno or Dream Drop Distance's Julius, especially with the build-up in the dynamic with Cloud he has been afforded in the past.

The Final Fantasy 7 Remake Trilogy Has Created the Perfect Climate for Sephiroth’s Return in KH4

FF7’s New Continuity Could Fit Right into Unreality

2020's Final Fantasy 7 Remake made Sephiroth more important than ever by having him appear earlier in this new interpretation of the story, and this year's Rebirth has followed up with his role in both playable segments and as an epic multi-stage final boss. FF cast members in Kingdom Hearts originally had some liberties taken in their depictions due to only previously appearing on weaker hardware, but the gap between visuals in Rebirth and the upcoming KH4 seems to be relatively granular. Not only is there a chance that Sephiroth may end up returning in the next Kingdom Hearts, but he also has the potential to be the most accurate incarnation of him in the franchise yet.

Sephiroth's Brutal Difficulty Would Continue a Trend Established by Yozora

Set up in the base game and later appearing as a boss with difficulty largely unlike what the series had seen up until then, Yozora's place in Kingdom Hearts 3 Re Mind has set a precedent that Sephiroth could easily follow. A multitude of options and the unfair advantage of stealing Sora's items make Yozora an optional challenge like what the earlier titles provided, and there's an entirely new set of source material to draw from that would give a Sephiroth encounter in Kingdom Hearts 4 the weight it truly deserves.