There hasn't been much revealed regarding Kingdom Hearts 4 since its first trailer in April 2022, but one thing is for certain: Disney worlds should make a return. Donald and Goofy were confirmed to be searching through past worlds looking for clues to find Sora, specifically investigating Olympus and asking Hades for help. Olympus has been one of the most recurring locations in the Kingdom Hearts series, and it seems players will be exploring the Hercules-themed world once more in Kingdom Hearts 4.

With the return of Olympus, one feature should also come back that Kingdom Hearts 3 dropped. The Olympus Coliseum was an engaging side mode present in previous Kingdom Hearts games, but Kingdom Hearts 3 opted out of including the tournament in favor of expansive exploration around Mount Olympus, the city of Thebes, and the Realm of the Gods. Although exploring the world of Greek mythology was an enthralling experience, the world could have used something else to entice players to revisit. Most of the worlds in Kingdom Hearts 3 were one-and-done adventures, so Kingdom Hearts 4 should feature more engaging side content like the Olympus Coliseum.

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The Olympus Coliseum in Previous Kingdom Hearts Games

Olympus Coliseum in Kingdom Hearts 2

In Kingdom Hearts 1, the Olympus Coliseum didn't have much to explore compared to other worlds, but it hosted four tournament cups where Sora, Donald, and Goofy fight groups of Heartless for various rewards including equipment, new abilities, and Keyblades. Players would also fight against special bosses like Hades, Hercules, and Final Fantasy characters such as Cloud, Squall, and Yuffie. The Coliseum also included a notorious boss battle against Sephiroth, which was a pleasant surprise and challenge for even the most experienced players.

In Kingdom Hearts 2, the Olympus Coliseum mode is hosted in the Hades' Underdrome as opposed to the Coliseum. Beyond this new setting, the Underdrome introduced eight cups, with each having new features like restrictions to party members and drive forms, time limits, and even darkening the arena. Kingdom Hearts 2's Underdrome didn't have as many rewards as Kingdom Hearts 1, but players could still compete to earn equipment, materials, and weapons. The cups also featured special characters like Hercules, Hades, Pete, and Ceberus, and the same Final Fantasy characters from Kingdom Hearts 1 alongside newcomer Tifa.

How the Olympus Coliseum Could Fit into Kingdom Hearts 4

Kingdom Hearts 3 Olympus Heartless

The reintroduction of the Olympus Coliseum seems like a great addition for Kingdom Hearts 4, but one has to wonder how it would fit the narrative considering Sora is likely not going to be with Donald and Goofy for a good part of the story. Perhaps another character could fill in the role as Donald and Goofy's leader, such as King Mickey. It might not make sense for the heroes to take some free time to participate in tournaments while Sora is still missing, but the same could be said for Sora during the events of Kingdom Hearts 1. If this is still a concern, Kingdom Hearts 4 could have the Olympus Coliseum be a training ground for Keyblade wielders.

There are several characters who could polish their skills by participating in the Olympus Coliseum, such as Lea/Axel and Kairi, but returning characters like Ventus, Roxas, and Xion should also continue their training to become Keyblade masters. There's not much that should be changed from previous games to improve the Coliseum, aside from unique new opponents. Kingdom Hearts 4 could incorporate battling against the other Keyblade wielders for a challenge, and other Disney and Final Fantasy characters should make appearances as well. Regardless of who the player controls, the Olympus Coliseum should follow a similar structure to the cups from Kingdom Hearts 1 and Kingdom Hearts 2 in order to entertain and reward players for their combat skills.

Kingdom Hearts 4 is in development.

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