
  • Kingdom Hearts 4 is expected to address lingering mysteries and unanswered questions from previous games, satisfying fans who have been waiting for answers.
  • The new characters introduced in Kingdom Hearts 3, such as Subject X, the Nameless Star, and Yozora, hold secrets that fans are eager to uncover in Kingdom Hearts 4.
  • The game will need to reveal more about the universe of Kingdom Hearts, including the significance of Quadratum and how the concepts of light and darkness play into the story. Additionally, the enigmatic Black Box and the whereabouts of various keyblade wielders and important characters need to be explained.

As the wait for Kingdom Hearts 4 continues, fans have been busy theorizing about what could be in the upcoming game. Thanks to the franchise’s two decades of frequent releases, its community has become familiar with what tends to come with a new installment. New worlds, a prominent new combat system, and plenty of story reveals are all expected for the next Kingdom Hearts installment, and just judging by its teaser trailer, Kingdom Hearts 4 should deliver on all fronts. The exercise makes waiting easier, even if it means that expectations are already rising.

Chief among those expectations is Kingdom Hearts 4 picking up the pieces KH3 left behind. One of the main criticisms directed at Kingdom Hearts 3’s story was its tendency to set up mysteries, then leave them for future games to answer. There were enough lingering unknowns that it's hard to say if Kingdom Hearts 4 will even be able to cover all of them, though it needs to try. From obscure characters in Kingdom Hearts' wider universe to a literal mystery box, there are a lot of questions that Kingdom Hearts 4 would delight fans by answering.

9 Kingdom Hearts Characters That Are Hiding Big Secrets

These Kingdom Hearts characters are hiding some pretty significant secrets.

Who Are The New Characters Teased In Kingdom Hearts 3?

Starting with characters, the identities of several Kingdom Hearts 3 newcomers are literally obscured. Subject X is discussed at length but never seen; the Nameless Star has conversed with Kingdom Hearts’ main characters with limited information to offer; and Yozora may not even look like he appears in KH3 ReMind. Whether the Nameless Star is the same girl as Subject X, and how Yozora will affect future KH titles, are mysteries that Kingdom Hearts 4 would be wise to address.

Can Quadratum Shed Light On Kingdom Hearts’ Setting?

Sora in Quadratum in Kingdom Hearts 3

Then there are mysteries about the universe of Kingdom Hearts itself. Quadratum, and the “unreality” it represents, will need to be addressed as KH4's primary setting, as well as how the series’ typical light and darkness factor into it. Old Kingdom Hearts traditions, like an appearance by the titular "heart of all worlds" Kingdom Hearts that plays into KH4's new story arc, will need to happen eventually. If nothing else, it would be nice to hear about what King Mickey is currently doing in Scala ad Caelum, and what's happened to that place in general.

What Is In The Black Box?

kingdom hearts 3 black box luxu master of masters

Of course, when discussing mysteries in Kingdom Hearts, there are few more enigmatic than the Black Box itself. First introduced in Kingdom Hearts χ, this mysterious object was entrusted to Luxu by the Master of Masters, and Maleficent has taken an interest in it. Kingdom Hearts fans have endlessly theorized about what’s in this box, and strong proposals include it containing the true Book of Prophecies, or the remaining members of the 13 Darknesses. Unfortunately, like everything about the Black Box, confirmation of that theory will have to wait.

When And Where Have All the Ancient Keyblade Wielders Ended Up?

And speaking of confirmations, Kingdom Hearts 4 has a lot of explaining to do about the whereabouts of many characters. The primary set to be concerned about are the Somebodies of Demyx, Larxene, Marluxia, and Luxord, especially since little is known about Demyx and Luxord to begin with. Skuld, from Kingdom Hearts χ, is also the last member of the player's friend group unaccounted for.

Where Were the Foretellers, And What Are They Doing Now?

However, where the Foretellers and Master of Masters have been is even more important. Even within their ranks, Ava was missing after the other Foretellers returned in KH3's secret ending. Since this group will most likely be the Lost Master Arc's villains, hearing anything about these shady figures would be appreciated in Kingdom Hearts 4.

Kingdom Hearts 4

Kingdom Hearts
PS5 , Xbox Series X|S
Square Enix
Square Enix
RPG , Action