Since it began in 2002, the Kingdom Hearts series has introduced players to a multitude of important characters. Kairi, a young girl and future keyblade wielder, was introduced as one of the three co-protagonists of the original Kingdom Hearts. Despite being the foundation for the title's plot, as well as that of many of its sequels and spin-offs, the character has never truly taken the reins of the lead protagonist. However, recent titles have given Kairi a larger role, with both Kingdom Hearts 3 and Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory offering the character fleeting moments in the spotlight. In order to continue this trend and finally give Kairi her due, Kingdom Hearts 4 needs to go all in on the character's recent heyday.

Kingdom Hearts 4 was announced during the franchise's 20th Anniversary celebration in 2022. The title is the first since the completion of Kingdom Hearts' Darkseeker Saga in Kingdom Hearts 3: Re:Mind. The narrative will follow Sora in the world of Quadratum, a setting introduced in Kingdom Hearts 3 and appearing quite similar to modern Final Fantasy titles. Little else is known about Kingdom Hearts 4, as only its announcement trailer has been released since its unveiling, but the title will provide the foundations for an all-new chapter in the franchise.

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Kingdom Hearts' Kairi is Experiencing a Quiet Heyday

Sora and Kairi with the sky in the background, from kingdom hearts 3

Despite providing the foundation for nearly every Sora-driven Kingdom Hearts title, Kairi has never been featured as a true protagonist. In fact, her inclusion up until Kingdom Hearts 3 was primarily as motivation for Sora and Riku to journey between worlds, as she was often missing or being used to summon the titular Kingdom Hearts. Kingdom Hearts 3 appeared to right this wrong, showing Kairi, who was gifted a keyblade at the tail-end of Kingdom Hearts 2, in various battles alongside protagonists from spin-off titles. However, by the game's conclusion, she was both used to summon Kingdom Hearts and missing all over again.

Since the release of Kingdom Hearts 3, Kairi has been enjoying a quiet heyday, in which she is given the spotlight but denied growth. Kingdom Hearts 3: Re:Mind saw Kairi made playable for the first time. However, she was silent and largely passive for the duration of her time in the narrative, following other characters' leads. The character's first spin-off title, Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory, also managed to somehow place her on the sidelines. Players control Sora throughout the title's rhythm-action levels, with Kairi shown in a number of brief cutscenes that progress the narrative. While it's a move in the right direction, Kairi's recent time in the spotlight still relegates her to a plot device, a problem that Kingdom Hearts 4 could eradicate as the series enters a new era.

Kingdom Hearts 4 Can Elevate Kairi's Role in a New Saga

Kairi holds Sora's hand in Kingdom Hearts 3.

Kingdom Hearts 4 serves as the perfect opportunity to put Kairi front and center. As the series enters a new saga, characters like Kairi are given a chance to take on a bigger role as a new narrative develops. With Sora trapped in Quadratum, the series needs a new lead protagonist. Riku has already been featured in multiple titles, so the time could be perfect for Kairi to take on a true leading role. Perhaps Kingdom Hearts 4 could see a full role reversal, as Kairi searches for a missing Sora across worlds.

Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory set up a unique dynamic between Kairi and Aqua, as Kairi requests to train under the redeemed keyblade master. While this could happen behind the scenes, it would also serve as a solid foundation for a Kairi-centered Kingdom Hearts 4's prologue chapter. Fans anticipating a bigger role for Kairi in Kingdom Hearts 4 eagerly await news surrounding the title, but with no signs of an impending announcement, the duration of that wait remains a mystery.

Kingdom Hearts 4 is in development.

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