From Squall and Wakka to Mickey Mouse and Pete, Final Fantasy and Disney have a rich history of intriguing characters, and Square Enix has crafted a successful formula to integrate these characters seamlessly within the Kingdom Hearts franchise. Kingdom Hearts features a diverse cast from both universes, with each character bringing unique perspectives and backstories to the overarching plot. Given the groundbreaking success of Auron in Kingdom Hearts 2, Final Fantasy 16's main character Clive Rosfield could prove a quality companion in Kingdom Hearts 4.

Franchise crossovers are consistently popular, with titles like Mario + Rabbids making waves in the community. Square Enix was one of the earliest to hop on the trend, combining the immersive worlds of Disney and Final Fantasy in the form of Kingdom Hearts in 2002. This union allowed players to explore iconic Disney locations like Neverland, Agrabah, and Wonderland while also encountering marquee characters from the Final Fantasy universe. Kingdom Hearts 4 could continue this tradition by adopting Clive in its storyline.

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Clive's Lore Makes an Appearance in Kingdom Hearts a No-Brainer

A screenshot of Final Fantasy 16 featuring an aged Clive at night.

Auron's appearance in Kingdom Hearts 2 cemented his place as one of the most beloved protagonists in the history of Final Fantasy, and if early fan reception is any indication, Clive Rosfield is on a similar trajectory. It's not hard to see why, as his lore and leading role in the events on Valisthea are generating excitement. Valisthea, Final Fantasy 16's universe, is beset by conflicts among its inhabitants as humanity battles for control of its Mothercrystals - the most valued resource on the planet - in the face of the Blight plague and the fading of the aethers.

The case for Clive's place as a companion stems from his tale of vengeance and unique abilities. Vengeful characters tend to attract players, and Clive's lore could be a big factor for Kingdom Hearts 4. Clive, as the Archduke of Rosaria's firstborn, was meant to inherit Phoenix - Rosaria's Eikon - but the power went to his younger brother instead. He would go on to become the First Shield of Rosaria thanks to his skilled swordsmanship, which gave him the ability to wield a portion of the Eikon's fire as the protector of Phoenix.

Clive's story takes a tragic turn as a military incursion leads to the incapacitation or death of his brother Joshua at the hands of the dark Eikon Ifrit. He begins a journey of revenge, fighting epic battles against Eikons and clashing with other magic users while facing moral dilemmas. This dynamic fits nicely into the Kingdom Hearts narrative, and Square Enix could take inspiration from previous integrations of Cloud and Squall to bring Clive Rosfield into the fold. Cloud's search for his memories and Squall's calm, brooding personality fit seamlessly into the game's story and combat, and a similar approach to Clive would boost positive fan reception to the character.

Clive's role as the First Shield of Rosaria gives him fire abilities, and he can also warp around a battlefield like Final Fantasy 15's Prince Noctis. These abilities featuring along with his famed swordsmanship could prove to be an X-factor for Kingdom Hearts 4. While not everything about him needs to carry into the Kingdom Hearts adaptation, he would add depth to the game's world. Clive's lore and abilities are almost guaranteed to offer a quality experience, and given Kingdom Hearts' history of employing intriguing companions, Final Fantasy 16's protagonist qualifies to be in the cast of Kingdom Hearts 4. His design, personality, and proficiency as a swordsman make Clive a no-brainer addition, and Square Enix could yield massive dividends by featuring him in the next Kingdom Hearts installment.

Kingdom Hearts 4 is in development.

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