
  • Kingdom Hearts fans hope that Kingdom Hearts 4 will bring back classic Final Fantasy characters like Clive from Final Fantasy 16.
  • Square Enix should ensure that Clive's character remains consistent when crossing over into Kingdom Hearts 4.
  • Clive's kindness and moral compass make him an ideal example for Sora's growth in Kingdom Hearts 4.

Many players are hopeful that Kingdom Hearts 4 will not only return to including more classic Final Fantasy characters in the way that previous titles had. However, with the success of Final Fantasy 16, even more players are hopeful that the new protagonist Clive will make an appearance in the next title to fight alongside Sora and his friends.

With Clive as a potential inclusion in Kingdom Hearts 4, Square Enix needs to be careful to make sure that the character is kept consistent from his original outing to any crossover appearances. In the case of Clive, this would help him mesh well with Sora, as it means hanging onto the character's attitude as he does his best to find the best outcome for everyone he interacts with.

RELATED: Sora and Riku Could Learn a Lot in Kingdom Hearts 4 from Final Fantasy 16’s Clive and Joshua

Clive's Kindness is His Greatest Asset

Clive doesn't have many companions during his adventure

One of the best things that Clive has going for him in Final Fantasy 16 is the way that he approaches every situation as one of the kindest people to find within the world of Valisthea. This is noticeable from how he treats those who technically serve under him when he first becomes Joshua's Shield, all the way to the way he fights to protect and earn freedom for Final Fantasy 16's branded magic wielders. As the process of doing every sidequest will also show, Clive has little problem with lending a helping hand to anyone who asks, and often gives even the most shifty-eyed miscreants the benefit of the doubt.

For the sake of Final Fantasy 16, this makes controlling Clive a power fantasy in multiple respects. Not only is he strong enough to kill multiple dragons and face off against godlike beings, but he is able to make the most morally correct decision and see it through to the end. In a way, this isn't too different from Sora in Kingdom Hearts, as no matter how much he fumbles or plays directly into the villain's plans, he is still able to win the day while sticking to his own convictions.

Clive as a Template for Sora's Growth in Kingdom Hearts 4


While not much time has actually passed in the Kingdom Hearts series from the first game to the upcoming fourth mainline title, Sora has gone through a lifetime of experiences. However, as much as he has grown on this journey, it has mostly been by his own means, sticking to what has always made him tick without much guidance outside of Yen Sid or Mickey trying to keep him on the path of light. So, having Clive appear in Kingdom Hearts 4 could finally give Sora a template or framework to build his growth around.

Most importantly, this means that Clive continuing to be the kind, caring man he is across the eighteen years that pass throughout the story of Final Fantasy 16 could be exactly the example Sora needs. Up until Kingdom Hearts 4, most of the adults that Sora has met have all been somewhat jaded or had strayed at some point on the path of darkness. This includes previous Organization 13 members like Axel or the adults that have been through the ringer like Terra and Aqua.

What Sora needs most from Clive is an example of someone who consistently struggles against insurmountable odds and even a racist, slave-owning world, but still comes out the other end happily showing kindness to everyone he can. That of course doesn't mean that Clive isn't more than willing to smack-talk Hugo Kupka in Final Fantasy 16 when they fight, which compares well to how Sora also exchanges harsh words with his own enemies. So, there are worse options for Sora to emulate as he grows up in Kingdom Hearts 4 than Clive, and there are few Final Fantasy characters that would be better among the most popular options.

Kingdom Hearts is currently in development by Square Enix.

MORE: Kingdom Hearts 4 Could Learn from Final Fantasy 16’s Limit Break