Yozora. The mysterious Verum Rex videogame character introduced in the Kingdom Hearts 3 "Toy Box" world has been revealed to be extensively more important to the Kingdom Hearts series than it originally seemed. During the Kingdom Hearts 3 ReMind DLC, Yozora came face to face with the series protagonist, Sora, in a place that he explains is not the "real world". Regardless, Yozora is not only revealed to be a person, but a person told to "save" someone by the name of "Sora". This results in much confusion from the Sora that fans know and love, especially when Yozora decides to attack him - yikes.

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After his climactic clash with Sora in the secret episode, and with all the mystery surrounding his character, fans were bound to start theorizing about Yozora and what the debut of the character means. Here's a list of some of the most intriguing theories.

10 Yozora And "Noctis" Are Linked In Someway

Both Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy are run by Square Enix. The character "Noctis Caelum" from the Final Fantasy XV (FF15) title bears a striking resemblance to Kingdom Hearts 3's Yozora. Many fans believe the reasons for this are due to the fact that Kingdom Hearts creator Tetsuya Nomura was the original front runner for the game Noctis was supposed to debut in, Final Fantasy Versus XIII (FFV13).

Nomura's direction for the game never came into fruition and the FFV13 project later released as FF15 with similar concepts, but a different director. In FF15 Noctis Caelum is a King. Yozora made his debut in the Kingdom Hearts in-game title "Verum Rex", which translates loosely to "True King" in Latin. It's quite possible that Nomura had ideas for Final Fantasy he just couldn't let go of, reworking them into Kingdom Hearts. This could explain the many similarities these two characters share.

9 Yozora Is A Different World's Version Of Riku

Due to their undeniable mirrored appearance, some fans think that Yozora could be a different version of Riku (pictured above). Riku has had quite the journey throughout the Kingdom Hearts series. Submitting to the darkness in his heart at first, he eventually claims complete control over it and uses it for good. A Keyblade master, and a powerful hero in his own right, it's possible that Yozora could be a different version of Riku from another reality/universe. After all, Donald saw the resemblance!

8 Yozora Is A Fusion Of Both Sora And Riku

The Kingdom Hearts 3 secret ending scene foreshadowing the ReMind DLC shows both Sora and Riku waking up on what appears to be the streets of modern-day looking Shibuya/Shinjuku, Japan. Yozora watches from atop of a high skyscraper and a close up of his eyes reveals that they are two different colors, one Blue, the other Red.

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Ever since their Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance outfits, these two colors have become loose symbols of Sora and Riku in the KH franchise - Sora, Red and Riku, Blue. Due to his differing eye color and the shot layout of the KH3 secret ending scene, some fans believe that Yozora is a being from a different reality with a combination of both Sora and Riku's traits.

7 He Is A Keyblade Wielder (Or A Future One)

During his clash with Sora in the Kingdom Hearts 3 secret episode, Yozora does something previously only accomplished by Riku within Kingdom Hearts lore - he steals Sora's Keyblade. By using some sort of futuristic technology, Yozora is able to scan, steal, and then wield the weapon leaving Sora temporarily unarmed. The Keyblade weapon cannot be wielded by just anybody, one must be exceptionally strong-hearted or strong-willed to use one. It's also typically linked to its wielder. Could Yozora be a new or future Keyblade wielder of the series? Many fans think so.

6 He Is Somehow Part Of The Master Of Masters Plan

With a new wave of Kingdom Hearts lore on the way, the iconic "Master Of Masters" is sure to have his hand in the series upcoming addition. Revealed to be the true puppeteer of the series in Kingdom Hearts Union χ, The mysterious cloaked master appears to be in the same world as Yozora in the KH3 secret ending.

Always in control and one step ahead, fans are wise to assume that Yozora may somehow fit into the master's overall grand scheme. The secret ending film in which Sora, Riku, Yozora, and the Master Of Masters, all make an appearance in is indeed titled: "Yozora".

5 Yozora's World Is Destroyed Or He Is Lost

During the "Verum Rex" trailer in the "Toy Box" world, Yozora and his comrades are shown to be up against an enormous threat that is either consuming or invading wherever they are located. Buildings and streets are seen to be inevitably imploding into a storm-like vortex, and giant robots are attacking in numbers.

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Some fans have speculated that the place Yozora originally comes from has been destroyed - that, or he has somehow become lost from his world. The main reason for this is because he mentions that he wandered into the place of his meeting with Sora by accident. It's also interesting to note that the two companions Yozora was fighting with during the "Verum Rex" trailer are nowhere to be seen in his meeting with Sora.

4 "Kingdom Hearts" Is A Form Of Media In Yozora's World

When Sora and Yozora meet in Kingdom Hearts 3: ReMind, both of them seem somewhat confused about their whereabouts. The two meet in a place Yozora describes as not being "the real world" and explains that his form is not what he "really looks like". The first time Sora saw him, Yozora appeared to be a fictional videogame character, but upon meeting, Yozora explains he is truly present and he has also heard of Sora as well. There are fans who believe it's quite possible that in Yozora's own world, Kingdom Hearts is merely a videogame (or some form of media), just like "Verum Rex" was a videogame in the "Toy Box" world Yozora was introduced in.

3 He Is In A Similar Romantic Predicament As Sora

In the Verum Rex trailer, Yozora appears to be trying to save a girl. He comes close but as they are about to grab hands, he is pulled away. Throughout Kingdom Hearts, Sora is always trying to reach, save, get back to, or find, Kairi - his somewhat "love interest" of the series.

Somehow, the two of them seem to always be pulled apart in a very similar fashion to Yozora and the girl he is trying to save in Verum Rex; both metaphorically and physically. Plenty of fans believe the two boys are in a similar situation.

2 Yozora Is Sora/Is An Alternate "Dark" Version Of Sora

There is a strong theory that Yozora is a darker alternate Sora from another reality. Sora is the "chosen one" of the Keyblade. "Verum Rex" loosely translates from Latin to "True King". Sora wears a crown around his neck and is often visually compared to a King in KH lore. Coincidence? Most fans don't believe so.

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The name "Sora" in Japanese translates to "Sky" and "Yozora" to "Night Sky". As if this theory wasn't strong enough, Sora's personality is bright and cheerful, whereas Yozora's is dark and brooding. Topped off by sharing the same dialogue Sora spoke in the first Kingdom Hearts title once successful completion of the ReMind DLC is complete, this theory has many fans convinced.

1 All The Yozora Fan Theories Are Wrong, Nomura Is Just A Mastermind

Whether it be for his Final Fantasy ideas or his highly revered Kingdom Hearts series, Tetsuya Nomura often receives high praise from the Kingdom Hearts fanbase. A collaboration of two cultural phenomenons, the series is one of the most illustrious crossovers ever accomplished in videogames, and with it comes many twists and turns. Famous for the complexity of his mysterious and intriguing storytelling, maybe no fan truly knows what to fully expect from Nomura and his team at Square Enix about Yozora, or the Kingdom Hearts title he'll appear in - but that's what makes theorizing so fun!

NEXT: 10 Worlds That Should've Been In Kingdom Hearts 3