E3 Trailers Kingdom Hearts 3D Hybrid Quantum Conundrum

Developer folks of all kinds are getting ready for E3, and to show their anticipation they have been releasing their trailers early. In this mini-roundup we've got trailers from Kingdom Hearts: 3D Dream Drop Distance, Hybrid, and Quantum Conundrum.

Presenting one big push before the big show, Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance has presented audiences with a wonderful E3 trailer full of cinematic cutscenes and gameplay visuals. Although 8-minutes of gameplay footage has already been released, this is a nice little reminder as to why gamers fell in love with this franchise.

At PAX East 2012, we got our first hands-on preview of this title, which made us even more excited for the eventual release of the next Kingdom Hearts that hasn't even officially announced yet. Watch the E3 trailer for Dream Drop Distance below:


Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance is scheduled for a Nintendo 3DS on July 31st.


Looking for a new high-intensity, action packed, first-person shooter? How about giving Hybrid a try, a new game from the makers of Scribblenauts, 5th Cell. This brand spanking new E3 trailer will give a great look at the fast paced firefight throughout the playable different maps. Within the trailer gamers can also see the deep character and weapon customization options. Hybrid is positioning itself as a game where quick reflexes are imperative for the 60 frames per second action.


Hybrid will be available this summer through the Xbox Live Arcade.


Taking a page out of Valve's playbook, Airtight Games looks to entertain puzzle fanatics with Quantum Conundrum. (The co-creator of Portal, Kim Swift, helped develop Quantum Conundrum.) This title was shown during PAX East recently and is ready for E3 with this new gameplay trailer. It looks like it could be fun if you forget that Portal was already made.

Pre-orders now can get an exclusive season pass on Steam that will include three Team Fortress 2 items, a downloadable soundtrack from Quantum Conundrum, and a future DLC puzzle pack. The season pass and the game are both 10% off during the pre-order period until June 20. Pre-ording the PC version will be entered into a sweepstakes to have their likeliness painted by the QC art staff and hung in a location in the game.


Quantum Conundrum will be available June 21 for Steam, XBLA, and PSN.


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