The final trailer for Kingdom Hearts 3's upcoming Re: Mind DLC has arrived, and it teases a lot of fan-requested content. One of the most exciting segments revolves around the fact that Kairi will be a playable character.

Other playable characters besides Sora has been something Nomura has been talking about since Kingdom Hearts 3’s development. The game allowed fans to take control of Riku and Aqua but only for brief encounters (similar to how KH2 allowed fans to control Riku for a short time against Twilight Xemnas).

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The Re: Mind DLC promised that more Kingdom Hearts characters would be available for fans to take control of, and this trailer reveals that it's kept that promise. In the trailer, Kairi works together with Sora to fight against Armored Xehanort at Scala ad Caelum. She performs a Counter Blast spell and even a variant of Strike Raid that causes her to teleport to whatever enemy it connects with. She wraps things up by executing an original Shotlock command that sees her rising into the air, raining meteors of light down on her opponent, and then sailing gracefully through the storm.

For the longest time, Kairi, despite being a Princess of Heart and a member of Kingdom Hearts' leading trio of characters, could do little to nothing aside from being a damsel in distress. She suffered this while the rest of the female cast played active plot-defining roles. Kingdom Hearts 3 looked to try and change that by training Kairi in the way of a Keyblade, but it never really showed what she was capable of until now. Any fans of the character should be able to look forward to watching her take her place among characters like Aqua, Xion, and Namine - at least as far as powers go.

Speaking of Aqua and Xion, players will be able to take control of them as well. How often or long players will be able to switch between these characters remains to be seen, but the trailer does confirm their playability. Among them, it also looks like Ventus and Terra will be playable as well. Roxas was confirmed in earlier news, but he's on the playable list too. With the ways things look, fans should be able to take control of all the original Kingdom Hearts trios from Paopu (Sora, Riku, and Kairi), to Sea Salt (Roxas, Lea, and Xion), to Wayfinder (Terra, Aqua, and Ven) when Re: Mind arrives.

Kingdom Hearts 3 is available now for PS4 and Xbox One. Re: Mind will release January 23, 2020, PS4 and February 25, 2020, for Xbox One.

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