Square Enix Japan released a new trailer video showing off what fans can expect from Kingdom Hearts this year in 2020. It featured both updates for Union Cross and Dark Road but also confirmed that Kingdom Hearts Melody of Memory is an official game coming out this year.

The trailer also reveals that Square Enix has even more upcoming Kingdom Hearts projects besides these three. When the video reaches the 0:09 mark, it reveals a graphic that shows off a collection of Kingdom Hearts games that Square Enix calls "Phase 2," which sounds like it took inspiration from the MCU.

RELATED: Kingdom Hearts Fans Find Melody of Memory Logo Online

Five games in total make up this phase. We know three of them already — Kingdom Hearts 3 Re: MindKingdom Hearts Dark Road, and Kingdom Hearts Melody of Memory — but there are two others still blank. According to the graphic, Kingdom Hearts Melody of Memory leads into one of the unrevealed projects, and then that project will lead into what looks like the final game of the phase. Perhaps Kingdom Hearts 4?

Tetsuya Nomura, the director of the Kingdom Hearts series, talked about how Square Enix brought on two new Kingdom Hearts development teams earlier this year, and that each one was working on their own Kingdom Hearts title. The announcement for one of these games was supposed to happen in April but never did. Nomura confirmed last night that it ended up suspended over coronavirus concerns and that this 2020 video is what it was supposed to be.

This means that Kingdom Hearts Melody of Memory comes from one of the new dev teams, so one game is still being worked on by the other. We know it's not Dark Road because it comes from the devs that worked on Union Cross. We know it's not Re: Mind because that came from Osaka, which only leaves whatever comes after Melody of Memory.

Since Square Enix is going out of its way to name the next collection of Kingdom Hearts games a "phase," it would make sense that it plans to wrap up said collection with a numbered title or "core game." If this is the case, then the blank space between this numbered title and Melody of Memory should be whatever new project the remaining dev team is working on. The question is whether or not the new game will release on current generation-consoles or the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X.

Kingdom Hearts Phase 2 will release across 2020 and beyond for different consoles.

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