
  • A sequel to Kingdom Come: Deliverance should stick to the vision of the original, emphasizing realistic gameplay with historical accuracy.
  • Improvements in hunting, including tracking and falconry, could enhance the immersive experience in a potential sequel.
  • Adding a horse care system similar to RDR2 and exploring large cities like Prague could offer new challenges and possibilities for players.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance is undoubtedly one of the greatest medieval games ever made. Warhorse Studios' achievement is even more impressive given that the game was only possible thanks to a crowdfunding campaign. With a Kingdom Come sequel very likely on the way, and the success of the original to build on, players could be in store for something exceptional.

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As Henry's story is far from finished, it stands to reason that players will continue as the blacksmith's son who still seeks vengeance for the death of his parents. Nevertheless, from a gameplay perspective, there are several improvements and additions that players want to see in a KCD sequel.

1 More Of The Same

A Sequel Should Stick To The Vision Of The Original


While the hardcore and realistic vision of Kingdom Come: Deliverance might not appeal to all gamers, it is arguably this vision that won the game such high praise and caused millions of fans to fall in love with it. The main hope for a sequel, therefore, is that it sticks to the roots already laid out, with an emphasis on slow, but thoughtful gameplay with a fully simulated world with hours of the day, around which NPCs have realistic schedules.

Other important features from the original that should be carried over and improved on include the layered clothing system, loot being found and protected in logical places, and, of course, the game's iconic historical accuracy. If all the core concepts can be brought over to a sequel while weaknesses such as animations and NPC dialogue can be improved, the future of the Kingdom Come series could be monumental.

2 Better Hunting, Including More Prey & The Ability To Go Hawking

The Complexity Of The Medieval Hunt Has Not Been Done Justice In Any Game

The bow in Kingdom Come Deliverance

Hunting was a popular pastime for many medieval people, most notably the nobility, but also the clergy and commoners. However, while Kingdom: Come Deliverance does allow players to hunt deer, boars, and rabbits with a bow and arrow, there isn't much else to it. For example, hunting boars could be extremely dangerous, but in the original game they simply run away, and it quickly becomes a game of accuracy with the bow.

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Fans of medieval warfare shouldn't pass up these great sword-and-shield adventures.

Nor is there an element of tracking, or using hounds as part of the chase. For a more immersive, realistic, and ultimately fun hunting experience, all of this could be improved upon, and the addition of more animals to hunt would always be welcome. Furthermore, there is a whole other side to medieval hunting; falconry. Hawking or Falconry is pretty much unexplored in video games, and so while it would be a hard leap to make, it would be a revolutionary one and offer players an experience unlike any other.

3 A Horse Care System Similar To RDR2

This Would Add Even More Immersion & Strengthen The Bond With One's Mount

Kingdom Come Deliverance a rider on a horse

While the original game has outstanding survival mechanics and players must also regularly wash themselves and their clothes, for example, it would be great to see this translated to horses too. In this way, a KCD sequel could take a leaf out of Red Dead Redemption 2's book, as the Western RPG features a system in which players must care for their horses by brushing and feeding them.

This wouldn't be too far of a reach either, as the A Woman's Lot DLC introduced a dog companion that players must feed and praise lest he wanders off. A horse care system in the second installment could take things further, with players having to manage the thirst, hunger, stamina, and cleanliness of their horses.

4 A Large City Such As Medieval Prague

A City Would Present New Possibilities

A man riding a horse on a road to a castle in Kingdom Come: Deliverance

Given the down-to-earth scope of Kingdom Come: Deliverance, it's understandable that the largest settlement is the town of Rattay. However, it would be interesting to see the country-born Henry navigate a large city such as Prague in the sequel. A city would present new opportunities and challenges, and provide a completely different environment for players to explore when compared with the purely rural scenery of KCD.

In a medieval city, players would be able to see the complexity of trade, more diversity, large churches and cathedrals, and a wealth of interesting characters.

5 Different Seasons & Terrain

The Original Only Took Place In Spring

Kingdom Come Deliverance Field

Kingdom Come: Deliverance is very specifically set in the spring of 1403, in a small region of medieval Bohemia, just to the southeast of Prague. The lush green fields and forests are stunning, and simply taking a stroll or heading out for a ride in the countryside is incredibly relaxing, especially thanks to the soundtrack.

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Combining both immersion and great mechanics, these medieval-themed games are ideal for fans of simulation titles and history.

This singular season and a lack of other biomes or terrain types is in no way a hindrance to the original. However, to set the sequel apart, it would be interesting to see autumn or winter colors, offering players a glimpse of the region at other times of the year. Furthermore, Bohemia has a wide array of geographical features that would be great to see, such as mountains.

6 Better Mounted Combat

In The Orginal Players Are Best Off On Foot

Kingdom Come: Deliverance concept art of Henry on a horse holding a flag

While Kingdom Come: Deliverance undoubtedly has some of the best first-person melee combat found in any game, it does come up a tad short in mounted combat. Understandably, getting mounted combat right is no easy feat, as a lot more physics are involved with the addition of at least one horse, and striking an opponent who is down on the ground is very different from trading blows with another mounted knight.

Nevertheless, with many years having passed since the release of the original, and with new technology available, hopefully, this is something that the developers have been able to figure out. One dream feature would be the addition of jousting to go alongside the melee tournament duels, which were released late in the development cycle of KCD​​​​​.

Kingdom Come Deliverance
Kingdom Come: Deliverance

PS4 , Xbox One , PC , Switch
February 13, 2018
Warhorse Studios