Now is the time to jump back into Henry's life in Kingdom Come: Deliverance and re-master the combat system, as a sequel to the action RPG will be hitting stores in 2024. Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 welcomes Henry back and tells his story following the events of the first installment. The open-world aspect of this game holds so much opportunity for players to engage in — whether it's combat, survival, crafting, or player building.

Combat is important in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. However, keeping Henry alive and ensuring that his weapons and armor have the best odds of striking enemies down and surviving a battle is equally, if not more, important. Equipping Henry with the best weapons and armor is just part of the puzzle, as are utilizing some of the best perks in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. Another option is to take advantage of all the available potions. These unique items can do a variety of different things, from curing ailments, to boosting certain stats, to even giving a boost to Henry's weapons and armor. This guide will show players where they can find these potions, how to craft them, and what they do.

How to Dodge in Kingdom Come: Deliverance

Dodging is an important factor in Kingdom Come: Deliverance, as it will keep Henry alive and aid him in victory when taking on various enemy groups.

How To Heal Henry In Kingdom Come: Deliverance

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Henry Being Branded

The number one question players may have regarding potions is how to use them effectively. It's one thing to have potions in Henry's inventory, but it's another to find the right time to use them. Unfortunately, Henry won't be able to use any of his potions in the heat of a battle. Withdrawing his weapon to guzzle down a potion would place him in an awkward position to take a swing of the sword. Instead, players will have to wait until a battle is over, or preemptively take a potion before starting combat. This gives Kingdom Come: Deliverance players an opportunity to strategize and prepare Henry for a tough war, or cure him of any damage sustained once the last blow has been delivered.

Using potions is relatively easy once players take this factor into consideration. To do so, open the inventory, select the potion you wish to use, and apply it to Henry. Once consumed, the potion will disappear from their inventory, and Henry will reap the benefits of the potion. Not all potions are alike, and some can either have devastating results on Henry's health or do absolutely nothing. It's important to read the details of each potion before giving it to Henry. Some may prove deadly with no chance of survival, while others can enhance a weapon with destructive side effects.

Kingdom Come Deliverance: Best Bows, Ranked

For ranged combat in Kingdom Come: Deliverance, players should pick one of these powerful bows in the game. Here's how they rank up.

All Potions Available In Kingdom Come: Deliverance

Mortar and Pestle in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2

There are 31 categorized potions available in Kingdom Come: Deliverance, and players can obtain them through various measures. Players can find potions off the bodies of enemies they've slayed, purchase them from NPCs found at herbalist stores or bathhouses, or create them on an Alchemist Bench. Players cannot craft their own Alchemist Bench, but they can be found in several villages, giving Henry plenty of opportunity to craft his own arsenal of potions. Using a base material followed by ingredients and herbs, players can brew their own concoctions.




Aesop Potion

  • Spirits
  • 1 Wild Boar's Tusk
  • 1 Wormwood
  • 1 Belladonna
  • 1 Comfrey.

Increases Horsemanship by 5 for ten minutes. For the same duration, dogs will not bark at Henry.

Remedy for Merhojed

  • Water
  • 1 Valerian
  • 2 Thistle
  • 1 Charcoal

A remedy that will cure all the infected.

Armor Potion

  • Wine
  • 1 Marigold
  • 1 Chamomile
  • 1 Wormwood
  • 1 Antlers

Henry's charisma is increased by 5 for ten minutes.


  • Water
  • 1 Thistle
  • 1 Nettle
  • 1 Charcoal

Cures poisoning, whatever the cause.

Aqua Vitalis

  • Water
  • 1 Marigold
  • 2 Dandelion

For five minutes, strikes will wound Henry 50% less.

Artemisia potion

  • Spirits
  • 2 Wormwood
  • 1 Sage

Henry's strength and Warfare skill are increased by 5 for ten minutes.

Bane Potion

  • Wine
  • 1 Wormwood
  • 2 Belladonna
  • 1 Fly Agaric

Gradually depletes 110 Health points.

Bard Potion

  • Oil
  • 1 Belladonna
  • 1 St. John's Wort
  • 1 Nettle
  • 1 Charcoal

Increases Speech by 5 for ten minutes.

Bivoj's Rage Potion

  • Wine
  • 2 Sage
  • 1 Wormwood
  • 1 Cave Mushroom

Increases Strength and invokes blood frenzy. During combat, it will increase damage by 50%.

Bowman's Brew

  • Spirits
  • 2 Eyebright
  • 1 St. John's Wort

Increases Henry's Bow skill for ten minutes by 5 points.

Buck's Blood Potion

  • Oil
  • 1 St. John's Wort
  • 1 Comfrey
  • 1 Dandelion

Henry's Stamina is increased by 50% for ten minutes.

Chamomile Brew

  • Water
  • 2 Chamomile
  • 1 Sage

Heals Henry slowly for 5 hours.

Cockerel Potion

  • Spirits
  • 1 Valerian
  • 2 Mint

Increases Energy by 20.

Digestion Potion

  • Spirits
  • 1 Mint
  • 2 Chamomile

Reduces Overstuffing by 20 and cures food poisoning.

Dollmaker Potion

  • Spirits
  • 2 Herb Paris
  • 1 Valerian

Henry's Combat skills are reduced by 5 for ten minutes, and Stamina is lowered by 50%. Henry can't sprint.


  • Oil
  • 1 Eyebright
  • 1 Poppy
  • 1 Valerian
  • 1 Wild Boar's Tusk

Increases Agility and Defense by 5 for ten minutes.

Fake Blood

  • Wine
  • 1 Poppy
  • 1 Thistle
  • 1 St. John's Wort

For use in No Rest for the Wicked.

Hair o' The Dog Potion

  • Water
  • 1 Mint
  • 1 St. John's Wort
  • 1 Sage

Cures drunkenness, prevents a hangover, and cures alcoholism. Your Charisma is reduced by 2 for one hour.

Lazarus Potion

  • Water
  • 2 Comfrey
  • 1 Valerian

Adds 100 Health, and dispels a hangover. Cancels the effects of Marigold Decoction.

Lethean Water

  • Spirits
  • 2 Wormwood
  • 1 Belladona
  • 1 Fly Agaric

Obliterates all perk points, so that they can be used elsewhere.

Lullaby Potion

  • Oil
  • 1 Poppy
  • 1 Thistle
  • 1 Herb Paris

Energy reduced to 0.

Marigold Decoction

  • Water
  • 1 Nettle
  • 2 Marigold

Adds 30 Health and dispels hangover effects for five minutes. Cancels the effects of the Lazarus Potion.


  • Spirits
  • 1 St. John's Wort
  • 1 Sage
  • 1 Mint

A strong alcoholic beverage that causes drunkenness.

Musk of Infinite Allure

  • Water
  • 1 Cave Mushroom
  • 1 Sage
  • 1 Marigold
  • 1 Comfrey

For use in Honeyed Words.

Nighthawk Potion

  • Water
  • 2 Eyebright
  • 1 Belladonna
  • 1 Cave Mushroom

Better visibility in the dark for ten minutes.

Padfoot Potion

  • Water
  • 1 Valerian
  • 1 Eyebright
  • 1 Chamomile
  • 1 Cobweb

Lockpicking, Pickpocketing and Stealth are all increased by 5 for ten minutes.


  • Oil
  • 2 Herb Paris
  • 1 Thistle

Gradually depletes Health by 50.


  • Oil
  • 1 Nettle
  • 1 Mint
  • 1 St. John's Wort

Keeps food fresh for longer and can even turn spoiled foostufs into edible ones.

Saviour Schnapps

  • Wine
  • 2 Belladonna
  • 1 Nettle

Saves the game.

Unknown Potion

Any combination not covered in this guide

An unknown potion. God alone knows what good - or bad - it can do.

Witch Potion

  • Oil
  • 1 Marigold
  • 1 Belladonna
  • 1 Herb Paris

The user will lose control of himself and will even sell his soul to the Devil. His hallucinations, delusions and anxiety will be more intense.

It's important to note that combining these ingredients together will not be enough to successfully craft them. Henry will need to add the base first — Water, Wine, Oil or spirits — and then grind the remainder of the ingredients into the base. Players will then need to stir or boil the ingredients in the correct order before taking the cauldron off the fire and letting it cool. Henry will receive tips and tutorials to make each potion, so it is of the utmost importance to follow the instructions carefully, or risk creating a failed potion and losing the ingredients. Once a potion is successfully created, Henry will have the potion added to his inventory for future consumption.

Kingdom Come Deliverance: Everything You Need To Know About Lockpicking

Lockpicking can be a valuable art in Kingdom Come Deliverance. Here's all you need to know about it and how it works.

Kingdom Come Deliverance
Kingdom Come: Deliverance

PS4 , Xbox One , PC , Switch
February 13, 2018
Warhorse Studios