The "Nest of Vipers" quest is the thirteenth of twenty-nine main storyline quests in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. The quest will task gamers with a recognizance mission in the forest north of Talmberg. In Kingdom Come, there are consequences for every action and inaction in-game. The Nest of Vipers quest is no different.

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Players will be able to use their own motives and desires to decide how to proceed. Gamers will need to ask themselves if the Bandits deserve mercy or annihilation. Henry will acquire the quest from Sir Radzig, who claims that Neuhof was attacked by a band of outlaws hiding in the forest.

Locating the Bandits

Bandit Camp Kingdom Come (1)

The Bandits are located in a small village named Pribyslavitz, which is due north of both Rovna and Talmberg. The village was once abandoned, but Runt's followers and the Cuman army now occupy it. Players can use two different routes depending on which town they are traveling from:

  • Talmberg: Travel to the woodcutters camp, then take each path that forks to the left. Head west at the crossroads.
  • Rovna: Travel north beside the stream that flows to the northeast.

Morcock, Runt, and the Chief

kingdom_come_deliverance_Nest of Vipers

There are a handful of different approaches players can choose from once they reach the camp. Gamers that travel past the moat will likely run into a Cuman guard. If players choose to ask for Morcock, they will be brought into the camp and shown a cutscene of a villager being executed by Runt. Likewise, approaching the gate of the bandit village will display the cutscene as well. If gamers speak with Morcock, he will leave to notify the chief that a new member would like to join the bandits.

At this point, players can decide to wait for the chief or run away. Waiting for the chief is definitely the worst option to choose. The chief will approach Henry while drunk and badmouth Morcock. He will then give an order to kill Henry, and the entire village will attack. Even Morcock will try to kill Henry, some friend he is. Players should run before the chief arrives and return to the village in the evening when there are less guards roaming the area.

Becoming The Saboteur


Gamers that do not side with Morcock will need to avoid the guards or choose "F***" in their initial dialogue with the guard. The response will prevent the NPC from leading players into the camp. Gamers that associate with Morcock will be unsuspicious in regular armor. On the contrary, players that do not indicate their relationship with Morcock will better avoid detection with Cuman gear. Therefore, infiltrating the camp will be much easier if gamers acquire Cuman gear. Killing and hiding guards on the outskirts of the village is one way to get ahold of the items. Players will be able to move about the camp and interact with items without suspicion if they have the correct armor pieces equipped.

Sabotage With Poison And Fire

Kingdom Come Nest of Vipers

The most effective way to complete the next objective is to strike the bandits at night. Gamers can weaken and kill a handful of bandits by poisoning the village food supply. Gamers can also set fire to the bandit arrow stores, which will spread throughout the village. There are two pots to poison and two arrow stashes that can be set on fire. Gamers need to make sure they are in the bandit camp to the North and not in the Cuman camp.

Players can choose to kill all of the bandits single-handedly, but it will not reduce the number of enemies in the final battle of the next quest. It will also be a waste of time, as there will be far too many bodies to loot. Due to the numbers of Cuman and Bandits that frequent the area, it will take some time, as well. Players are better off completing the objective and returning with reinforcements. After inspecting the area and disrupting the village, players can return to Sir Radzig.

Fetching Reinforcements

Sir Radzig Kingdom Come

Players will then speak with Sir Radzig, who will want to know all of the information gathered from the camp. Radzig will also want to know what, if any, tactics were used to sabotage the bandits. After giving Radzig an inordinate amount of information, gamers will get rewarded 250 coins if they were successful. Radzig will order Henry to travel to the town of Talmberg and find an NPC named Lord Divish.

Lord Divish will provide troops to assist the assault on the bandits. Players should stock up on potions and make sure they have the correct armor equipped before confirming they are ready to move out.  Stealth is not as crucial in the final stage of the next quest, so players should use whichever armor they prefer. Resting is also advised before setting off. Prior to attacking the bandits, Henry will meet once more with Sir Radzig to discuss battle plans. The discussion will end the quest and initiate the "Baptism of Fire" quest.

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