
  • Combining excellence with the right armor choice in Kingdom Come: Deliverance is crucial for Henry's survival and success in battle.
  • Polish Armor offers a good starting set for defense but lacks coverage and leaves Henry vulnerable to blunt attacks without a helmet.
  • Different armor sets like Meissen, Nuremburgian, and Kuttenberg offer varying levels of protection, durability, and charisma for players to consider.

Henry's best chance at survival in Kingdom Come: Deliverance is combining excellency with his weapon and selecting the best armor for protection. Using the strongest armor available will help Henry resist attacks and keep his health as high as possible. Of course, every armor set will come with its pros and cons, offering players significant boosts in certain categories while decreasing others. Making sure the right combination is used for Henry's battle type is crucial for victory.

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Not all armor sets come with complete coverage — in fact, only one set covers everything from head to toe. Fortunately, players aren't tied down to using one armor set per playthrough, which means Henry will often be wearing a mixture of two or more different sets at a time. Surviving the war in Kingdom Come: Deliverance will test players' build-crafting skills when it comes to using the right armor and weapons, and this guide will help ease the pain when deciding on the right gear for the best defense.

12 Polish Armor

The Heaviest And Clunkiest Set Available

Kingdom Come Deliverance Talking to an NPC

The most basic armor in Kingdom Come: Deliverance, Polish Armor will give Henry his first taste of defense and the ability to survive longer in battle, but at a price. Polish Armor is quite heavy and clunky, reducing Henry's speed by a small amount and also reducing his visibility. This doesn't bode well for stealth players, as the noise that Polish Armor makes will have enemies turning their heads towards any incoming attack.

Polish Armor does add a bit of Charisma to Henry's stats, which will give him a small sense of honor as he explores different towns. Unfortunately, Polish Armor doesn't come with a helmet, leaving Henry's head wide open for blunt attacks. This armor set also has the lowest stat increases for Stab, Slash, and Blunt, and offers Henry the least amount of protection out of the bunch. It's a good starting set, and will help Henry feel confident behind the sword, but by no means should it be relied upon for too long.

11 Saxon Armor

A Supplementary Run-Of-The-Mill Armor Set

Armor sets found in Kingdom Come: Deliverance

Players looking to give Henry an extra boost of confidence and charisma can look towards the Saxon Armor set, as it provides decent options in the Body Garment category, something the Polish set lacks. Saxon Armor offers players four unique body garment options: Dark Saxon Gambeson, Saxon Dyed gGmbeson (in three colors), Saxon Gambeson (in two colors), and Saxon Halved Gambeson. All four options offer similar stat increments, but the Dark Saxon Gambeson brings the best value with the lowest Noise, Visibility, and Conspicuousness.

Saxon Armor has good coverage on its stat spread and gives some supplementary protection in areas that the Polish Armor set does not. Early on, players can mix and match the two sets to give Henry a better chance in battle, but they'll quickly lose their credibility once newer sets become available. For now, the Saxon Armor pairs nicely with players looking to test their archer abilities and keep a low profile while attacking the enemy.

10 Meissen Armor

Good Durability With Excellent Arm Amor

Guard walking around town in Kingdom Come: Deliverance

The next step-up in terms of protection and durability will be the Meissen Armor set, which is a significant upgrades over the Polish Armor options. Unfortunately, it ranks lower on the list due to the fact that Miessen Armor only provides Henry with arm armor and leg plates. Players will need to find the remaining pieces to protect Henry elsewhere, but the Meissen Armor set isn't something to overlook. The Meissen Plate Pauldrons rank third among all arm armor options in Stab, Slash, Blunt, and Durability.

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Using the Meissen Plate Pauldrons may be the way to go for long stretches of the game, as they give Henry some of the best protection in Kingdom Come: Deliverance at a lower cost than the two better choices. The only other downside to using Meissen Armor, aside from the lack of coverage, is the noise it makes. Players won't be able to stalk their prey, but with the right perks equipped, Henry should be able to withstand long battles.

9 Nuremburgian Armor

Durability Over Charismatic Style

Nuremburgian armor in Kingdom Come: Deliverance Henry

If it wasn't for the major drop-off in Charisma potential, the Nuremburgian Armor set could have ranked higher on this list. Nuremburgian Armor offers Henry options for Body Plate, Gloves, Arm Armor, and Leg Plate, with all pieces having higher-than-average durability. The body plate, Nuremburgian Cuirass, is ranked third among all sets, and gives Henry slightly higher durability over the second-best option, but comes at the cost of less Charisma.

The cost of Nuremburgian Armor and those ranked above it also leaves a lot to be desired, as players can easily save up for just a bit longer to purchase better armor pieces that will last longer. On the plus side, Henry's reaction time while wearing Nuremburgian Armor won't be as cut-throat as the lower ranked gear, thanks to how well they hold up. It may not be the prettiest armor set to look at, and villagers won't be too impressed, but at least it does its job in keeping Henry alive.

8 Kuttenberg Armor

For When Henry Needs Some Extra Charisma

kingdome come deliverance

Kuttenberg Armor gives players one of the first instances of a great spread for an armor set, covering Henry with Gloves, Body Plate, and Body Garment choices. The utility comes in the Kuttenberg Gauntlets, which have some of the best stats in Stab, Slash, and Blunt, while the durability of these gloves stands the test of time. The only drawbacks are the lower Charisma increase and the cost of purchasing them, which comes in at a whopping 881.3 coins — the second most expensive gloves in the game.

With that said, the Body Plate and Body Garment offerings of Kuttenberg Armor pale in comparison to the gloves. The Kuttenberg Armor set has three choices in garment: Kuttenberg Gambeson (two styles), Kuttenberg Split Gambeson (two styles), and Short Kuttenberg Gambeson, with the first option being the best of the bunch. Henry will have a better time mixing the gloves with other sets rather than relying on Kuttenberg Armor as a whole.

7 Aachen Armor

Perfect For Complimenting Other Sets

Guard found in Kingdom Come: Deliverance

On the opposite side of the spectrum, Aachen Armor gives Henry multiple options in Body Plate, Body Garment, and Leg Plate, but just one choice of gloves, which isn't nearly as effective as what Kuttenberg has to offer. Aachen Armor has six different body plates, three body garments, and five leg plates, making this set one of the better options to fill out Henry's full gear and compliments some of his more lacking stats.

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While none of the specific categories place Aachen at the top in terms of durability and offensive statistics, Aachen Armor is still a useful complimentary set that players will go back to. They offer Henry good noise reduction, which will help him with skills like pickpocketing and sneaking around an enemy before pouncing. It won't be a game-changer in the heat of a battle, but at least it will help with some other traits and bring up Henry's Charisma.

6 Magdeburg Armor

High Charisma And Durability, But Extra Clunky

Magdeburg armor in Kingdom Come: Deliverance Henry

A noticeable change in how long armor will last comes with the Magdeburg Armor set, which outclasses many of the options before and some that come after it. Magdeburg Armor has Body Plate, Gloves, Arm Armor, and Leg Plate, with the latter two being the best choices in their class in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. Once Henry gets his hands on this set, it will make the difference between lasting one battle and surviving several adventures without worry.

Magdeburg Armor also has a high Charisma increase, which will do well for Henry when he reaches the front gate of a new town. The caveat to wearing this armor set is the noise each piece makes, which does little for Henry's stealth. Still, the trade-off for having one of the most durable and charismatic armor sets in Kingdom Come: Deliverance is worth it, and storming into battle with a strong weapon will have Henry leading the charge and piling up bodies in no time at all.

5 Augsburg Armor

They'll Hear Henry From A Mile Away


Of all sets to be considered complimentary, none are better than the Augsburg Armor set. It only comes with Gloves, Arm Armor, and Leg Plate, with the latter being the best of their respective categories. Though Augsburg Gloves are outclassed by a few other options, they're still durable enough to consider if the others aren't available or have worn out. The arm armor and leg plates will combine well with other sets that have options in the areas that Augsburg Armor doesn't cover.

Unfortunately, the biggest problem is that villagers several miles away will hear Henry coming, as the Visibility, Noise, and Conspicuousness are the highest of any other arm armor, and the leg plates aren't too far behind in their own category. Wearing these will ensure Henry will never get the drop on an enemy, which may not matter for players who prefer close-ranged combat. For everyone else, selecting the second or third-best options will make for a stealthier and perhaps safer fighter.

4 Milanese Armor

Jack Of All Trades, Master Of None

Milanese armor in Kingdom Come: Deliverance

For players looking to add some flair and charisma to their defensive set, Milanese Armor gives Henry the best of both worlds — higher-than-average durability and a high Charisma boost. Not only will he look fashionable when walking into different villages, but his acute sense of garments will have many people turning their heads for a second look. Milanese Armor isn't all flash and no bang, as its Body Plate option ranks fifth among all pieces in Kingdom Come: Deliverance.

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Like many of the aforementioned armor sets on this list, Milanese Armor doesn't give much reduction in Noise, making this set one of the louder options of the bunch. However, with how great it looks on Henry, perhaps players won't want to lurk in the shadows when donning these pieces. In all seriousness, Milanese Armor does have decent coverage for Gloves, Arm Armor, and Leg Plates, and has many different Body Plate options to choose from.

3 Warhorse Armor

Henry Finally Gets A Helmet

Warhorse armor in Kingdom Come: Deliverance

For players looking for that complete set, look no further than the Warhorse Armor set — the only set in Kingdom Come: Deliverance to have options in every armor category. Not only does Warhorse Armor have the only choice for Leg Chainmail, but it is also one of just three sets to have a Helmet option, which happens to be the second best in the game. With Warhorse Armor being the only set that is considered "complete," players may be tempted to use it as soon as they aquire all the pieces.

Unfortunately, this armor set is quite noisy and offers average to below-average durability on most of the pieces. While it is convenient to equip Henry with a full set that matches well and looks great in the game, it won't be long before players realize they're not lasting as long in battle and are forced to retreat. The stat spread is a considerable bonus, but mixing and matching with some other sets is the best route to take.

2 Lords Of Leipa Armor

Good For Stealth And Stats, Bad For Durability

Henry wearing a helment in Kingdom Come Deliverance

The Lords of Leipa Armor set is almost a complete set, but lacks Leg Chainmail. Not only does it have one of the best Body Plate options in Kingdom Come: Deliverance, but the Helmet ranks quite high as well. Thanks to its solid coverage across the board, and its darker aesthetic, many players consider the Lords of Leipa set their favorite to use in combat. Not only is it pleasing to the eye, but Henry's chances at remaining a key player in battle bode much better than other sets.

Lords of Leipa Armor may not be as durable as some other sets, but it's less noisy compared to sets that have higher durability, and the Charisma bonus is slightly higher too. Players shouldn't hit up the marketplace of any village if they're looking for this set, as Lords of Leipa Armor is only obtainable through the Rattay Tourney. Each victory, up to five times, will unlock a different piece of this armor set, starting with the Lords of Leipa Gauntlets and finishing off with the Lords of Leipa Cuirass.

1 Zoul Armor

Henry's Best Chance At Survival

Kingdom Come Deliverance battle by a gate

Despite only having four pieces in its set, Zoul Armor is arguably the best set in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. The set boasts the best Helmet and Body Plate in the game, with its Arm Armor and Leg Plate options coming in second place. Players will need to round out Henry's equipment with pieces from other sets, with Lords of Leipa and Warhorse being the best options to round things out, but what Zoul has to offer on its own is unmatched.

While Zoul Armor isn't the best option for those who prefer to fight from stealth, there is no armor that protects Henry as well, nor is it as durable as this set. Outlasting opponents in battle will feel like child's play, and its high Charisma stat will gain notoriety from the villagers of every town. The stat spread for categories like Stab, Slash, and Blunt give Henry the greatest odds at victory, as Zoul Armor ranks above the rest in each respective stat.

Kingdom Come Deliverance
Kingdom Come: Deliverance

PS4 , Xbox One , PC , Switch
February 13, 2018
Warhorse Studios