
  • Henry's story continues in KCD 2, picking up where the original left off with familiar faces and new challenges for players to enjoy.
  • The map in KCD 2 is twice as big, featuring two different areas for exploration filled with hundreds of NPCs and intricate daily routines.
  • With more RPG choices and a complex morality system, players can expect deeper interactions and consequences for their actions in the sequel.

Just over six years after the release of the original, Warhorse Studios has just revealed that their next game will be the highly anticipated sequel, Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2. In a YouTube video nearly 14 minutes long, the developers and lead actors revealed much about the upcoming medieval RPG, including a cinematic trailer, fragments of gameplay, and lots of juicy details to get fans excited.

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With a vastly bigger development team and more resources, KCD 2 promises to be bigger and better, while still staying true to the vision of the original. The following are the most important takeaways from Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2's big reveal.

6 Henry's Story Will Continue

The Sequel Follows On From Where The Original Finished With Henry As The Main Character

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Henry on a Horse

As Kingdom Come: Deliverance ends without Henry having reclaimed Sir Radzig's sword and without having avenged his parents, it is only natural that players continue his story in the sequel. It appears that KCD 2 will pick up almost exactly where the first left off, with Henry and Sir Hans on the road to Trosky Castle, which is seen multiple times in the trailer.

As the sequel is bigger in scope, players can expect Henry to rub shoulders with even greater nobles than those he met in Rattay. On another note, it has been confirmed that going back to locations from the previous game won't be an option, but there will be familiar faces such as Sir Hans Capon and potentially the warrior-priest Father Godwin too. However, new players to the franchise need not fret about missing out, as the story has been written in a way that does not exclude them.

5 The Map Is Twice As Big As The Original, Taking Place In Kuttenburg & Bohemian Paradise

The Game Is Split Into Two Maps, Each The Same Size As The Original

Trosky Castle and Countryside in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2

One of the big reveals is that Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 will take place on two maps, each roughly the same size as the map from the original. As the first game was by no means small, players can expect endless exploration of two vastly different areas. Predominantly, most of the game will take place in and around the large silver mining city of Kuttenburg, which is so big it is said that one street is the equivalent of the original's biggest town, Rattay.

With hundreds or perhaps thousands of NPCs in Kuttenburg, all of whom have their own beds and lives, this urban area will be full of intrigue and mayhem; a stark contrast to the second map. The other half of KCD 2 will take place around Trosky Castle and in the aptly named Bohemian Paradise, which in the modern day is a nature reserve.

4 More RPG Choices With A Complex Morality System

NPCs Will Connect The Dots And Remember & Henry May Even Be Branded For His Crimes

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Henry Being Branded

While the original has a solid morality and reputation system, the developers explained that this will be taken to new levels in KCD 2. For example, with smarter AI, villagers and townsfolk will now connect the dots better when seeing blood on Henry's clothes just after something else has happened. If they are suspicious of the protagonist, they will remember and be more vigilant whenever he is around.

7 Open-World Games Offering Realistic Daily Routine Simulations

The following open-world games offer highly immersive experiences, including the implementation of daily routines for NPCs.

In one scene, Henry can be seen moments before he is branded with a mark for some crime he committed, and this has been confirmed to be a feature that will see the player treated differently. All of this ties into the promise of more RPG choices, with players able to either save the world or punish it for its sins. Smooth talking and seduction are two options players can solve problems with, as are stealth, and, of course, brute force.

3 Crossbows & Early Firearms

These Requested Weapons Can Be Seen Multiple Times

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Crossbows, Father Godwin and Henry

One of the most requested features for a Kingdom Come: Deliverance sequel, was the addition of crossbows, as these were missing from the first game. Thankfully, the trailer shows this iconic weapon in multiple shots, including one where Henry is using the crossbow from horseback.

Additionally, those who are brave enough, and this is not an understatement, will be able to try out early forms of firearms, that are just as likely to blow up in their own face as they are to obliterate the enemy. As the two KCD games take place in the early 15th century, this is perfectly accurate for the time period.

2 Same Vision As The Original, But Bigger & Better

With A Bigger Development Team & More Resources, Warhorse's Dream Is Finally Realized

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Kuttenburg

Around a decade ago, Kingdom Come: Deliverance started out as a dream, and it was only thanks to crowdfunding and the dedication of a small development team, that it came to fruition. However, with fewer hands on deck and resources, they weren't able to achieve everything they wanted, and while KCD is still a great game, it does have its weaknesses and didn't go as far as they wanted.

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However, after selling 6 million copies, growing their team, and with much more experience, Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 appears to be the realization of the original dream. The map is bigger, battles are bigger, animations appear cleaner, mechanics have more depth, and the story is apparently even darker, although thankfully punctuated with even more moments of humor too. In other words, anyone who loved the first game should be incredibly excited about KCD 2, and its higher quality and larger scale should draw in new fans too.

1 KCD 2 Will Be Released In 2024 On PS5, Xbox Series X/S, & PC

Although The Exact Release Date Is Unknown, It Will Be This Year

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Siege of a Castle

While many fans were expecting, or at least hoping, that Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 would be announced, few were optimistic enough to even think about a 2024 release. Nevertheless, Warhorse has said they hope to have the game out before the end of the year, and while an exact date has not been confirmed yet, players can expect to play Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 in 2024.

It was also confirmed that KCD 2 will be available on current-gen platforms, namely PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S, as well as PC. In fact, players can add the game to their Steam Wishlist now! With other great medieval games arriving soon, such as Manor Lords, 2024 is shaping up to be quite the year for fans of the Middle Ages.

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