The King of Fighters franchise stands as one of the oldest members of the fighting game community. SNK's classic 2D fighter has seen plenty of crossovers in different games and has finally gotten a new entry of its own. While fans were pleased to see Terry Bogard appear in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, most were eager to get their hands on the newest entry, The King of Fighters 15.

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Fans of the series will be familiar with how the game controls and the general flow of combat. However, new players might be surprised at the depth of the game. Even though the characters don't sport move lists as long as those found in Tekken, there is plenty to learn with every character. The game also has a few cool features that players might not know from the get-go.

8 Online Training Mode

KOF 15 Iori vs Yashiro Cropped

One of the most requested features of modern fighting games is an online training function. Training against an AI dummy is undoubtedly useful, especially for learning natural combos and corner play. That said, playing against the computer will never feel the same as going up against a real player. Fighting game AI is notoriously hard and borderline unfair in some games, so learning against the computer in offline mode can sometimes be off-putting.

Luckily, The King of Fighters 15 allows two players to hop into an online training lobby and fight against one another. This is an invaluable tool for new players looking to learn the game with a friend, or even veteran players that want to practice difficult execution maneuvers. Players should definitely take advantage of this feature if they can, as it is often not included in most fighting games.

7 Adjusting Input Delay

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This interesting setting can be found under the "Button Configuration" menu. This menu allows players to customize their button layouts and even completely remap them, a feature especially useful for players on fight sticks. Nearthe bottom of the list, a setting for "Input Delay" can be found. The input delay can be set from 0 frames to 10 frames.

Normally, playing with a high input delay will put a player at a disadvantage. Inputs are often delayed or outright missed thanks to poor net code, but this setting is different from a bad server connection. This setting allows players to manually set an input delay, which might actually suit their play style or control device better. This setting certainly won't be applicable to every player and most may never change it, but it's definitely a nice feature to add — and one that is pretty unique.

6 Tech Roll Recovery

KOF 15 Tech Roll Recovery Tutorial Cropped

Staying on the ground is a viable strategy in games like Tekken or even in Super Smash Bros. Because players cannot attack from wake-up in The King of Fighters 15, staying down is often not recommended. Yet, some combos will leave the player on the ground. How can a player avoid this state?

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It turns out The King of Fighters 15 has a tech roll. If players press both light punch and light kick just before hitting the ground after being juggled in the air, their character will roll backward, allowing the player to reset and avoid any combos on the ground. This is a basic function to learn, but it is a key feature that can change the course of an entire fight. It's important to not only be aware of it, but to also remember to utilize it.

5 Short Hopping

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Another cool feature for new players to learn is short hopping. This is a common feature across nearly every fighting game, and it returns to The King of Fighters 15. Short hopping is done by lightly tapping on whatever allows the player to perform a jump in-game. It can be pretty tricky to get right because of stick sensitivity or controller layout, but once mastered, it is invaluable in many combos.

Though short hopping isn't exactly a unique feature, it's especially cool in The King of Fighters because so many characters have moves that can be performed in midair. This alone makes short hopping an important function to learn, especially for characters with lots of midair moves. Short hopping can also fake an opponent out and bait them into an anti-air attack, which could be just the opening needed to start a devastating combo.

4 Directional Throws

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Throws are generally some of the flashier and more frustrating moves to play against in fighting games. Because of its 2D nature, corner pressure and corner control are key to winning fights in The King of Fighters 15. One good way to force an opponent into the corner is with a directional throw.

There are two different throw inputs players can choose from. One is tied to the light punch button, while the other is on the light kick button. A player can be thrown with a combined input of forward plus either punch or kick, depending on the desired direction. Players wanting to throw their opponents forward will use the punch input throw, while players looking to throw their opponent behind them will use the kick input throw. Throws are great tools for breaking an enemy who guards a lot, and can be invaluable when trying to set up corner pressure.

3 Customize The In-Game Music

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Music has always been a huge part of the video game experience, and this is especially true for fighting games. Some fighting game themes are known nearly universally, like the Super Smash Bros. Melee theme or the theme from the original Mortal Kombat movie, which is now closely tied to the actual game series. Players will all have their favorite songs from a game, and SNK allows players to customize nearly every track inside The King of Fighters 15.

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Players can edit music from the main menu, selecting their favorite tracks to play on their favorite stages. Additional music from across the Fatal Fury and King of Fighters franchise can be unlocked through story mode and other challenges. The game offers unbridled musical customization from across multiple eras of fighting games.

2 Character Missions

KOF 15 Terry Looking To His Opponent Cropped

Tutorials are important in fighting games because most of them are far from user-friendly. There's a lot of jargon that isn't well-defined ,and getting into them is comparable to getting into an established MOBA. It isn't easy, especially for new players. Luckily, The King of Fighters 15 offers multiple levels of training for players. There is a basic tutorial for basic movement and combat actions, and there is of course the training mode.

An interesting tutorial-style mode for players to try, though, is the "Missions" mode. Players will choose a single character and proceed through severalchallenging tutorials that often teach high-execution combos. These combos aren't always going to be the optimal min-maxed combos that pro players will discover, but they offer a chance for players to learn what the character can do. Players looking to learn more about their selected character should definitely check out the Missions mode. It's hard, but it can be rewarding.

1 Watch Match Replays

KOF 15 Match Replay Menu Cropped

There's an age-old adage that states that people can't learn without making mistakes first. In fighting games, this adage holds true. Learning from losses and mistakes is a critical piece to growing as a fighting game player. Luckily, The King of Fighters15 streamlines this process with an awesome in-game feature of match replays.

Players don't have to worry about turning on the replay system. After playing online, players can go back to the main menu and check out their match replays. Extended matches or matches where players disconnect will not be saved, but everything else will. Players can hard save selected replays so that they don't get overwritten or lost. They can be watched and analyzed for mistakes and learning points. This is easily one of the coolest features the game offers, and is a tremendous tool for players looking to grow.

MORE: King of Fighters: Best Characters In The Fighting Game Series, Ranked