Media Molecule's Dreams is a game creation system for the PlayStation 4 that was released last year. Dreams is a versatile system that allows players to make anything they can imagine, and now YouTube channel Kinda Funny Games has released an entire video made with the system.

Kinda Funny Gaming is the gaming branch of the YouTube channel Kinda Funny that focuses on covering gaming news as well as reviewing new releases. Working with the Dreams development team Team Pig Detective, the channel has now released an entire video talking about some of the incredible games made in Dreams animated entirely in the Dreams system.

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In the latest episode of Kinda Funny's "The Blessing Show" series, channel member Blessing breaks down just what Dreams is before highlighting some games that players can play within the system. The video showcases the versatility of Dreams by showing a variety of genres through the selected experiences. There is a word-based first-person puzzle game, an action-packed arcade racer, a block-based puzzle game, and even a side-scrolling shoot-'em up. In between the sections of gameplay, Team Pig Detective's animation shows a Dreams-created Blessing introducing each of the games.

While most Dreams players will engage primarily with the different games that creators make within the system, there is a lot more that Dreams creators can do. The video is an example of the capabilities Dreams has as an animation platform, but some creators also use it for more niche artistic pursuits like one Dreams creator who made an incredibly realistic carpet tile asset for other creators to use. The video's inclusion of animation done in Dreams is a great way to further show off what the system is capable of in addition to the many incredible creations that fans have made within Dreams.

It is great that Sony has said it plans to stand by Media Molecule and Dreams as the company continues to deliver updates to the game. While Dreams' intricate system is able to create some amazing things, it also requires creators to learn quite a lot, meaning that it can be a hard sell to many players who don't want to invest that time despite its great critical response. Hopefully, word about how many great games are available on Dreams continues to spread so that the title's community can grow and get even more fantastic creators to continue to expand the game's library.

Dreams is available now on PlayStation 4.

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