Killing Floor 2 may be a first-person shooter, but the player will need all the tools at their disposal in order to defeat the Zeds. As wave after wave of enemies bombards the player, thoughts will inevitably turn to alternative tools and strategies that may help the player eke out a victory in fights that otherwise seem impossible.

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Melee is a powerful but high-risk option in Killing Floor 2, and players who hope to last for a while on the frontline against the Zeds must learn how to get the most out of their weapons. Learning to avoid attacks and block isn't enough. Mastering parrying is the key to making melee-builds work, and though parrying doesn't require the pixel-perfect timing that it does in some games, it does require the right gear and a good deal of practice to use correctly in the heat of battle. Here's everything the player needs to know about the art of parrying.

Parrying Basics

Killing Floor 2 - Berserker - Player chops off the head of an enemy with melee weapon

Whether played as a single-player horror game or with partners,Killing Floor 2 gives players plenty of ways to kill, and some players will naturally gravitate towards melee, a satisfying but sometimes difficult style of attack. The majority of enemies use melee, which means the player is exposing themselves to considerable harm by engaging the enemy at close range. Thus, anything the player can do to negate damage while in melee combat will give them a vital edge. Picking the right class and weapon matter, but so does the timing of attacks and blocks.

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The player can't parry if they don't have a melee weapon equipped, so the first step is to do so. The Pulverizer, Zweihander, and katana are all good choices for parrying. The Berserker Perk is also tremendously useful if the player intends to focus on melee, as it grants several melee and parry-related bonuses. When playing with others, it's best to coordinate with teammates, letting ranged classes provide fire support from the back line while the melee character parries.

How To Parry

zweihander killing floor 2

The block ability serves two functions in Killing Floor 2: an ordinary block will simply reduce some incoming damage, whereas a parry will either stagger the enemy or knock them down. The difference is timing. Instead of simply holding the block button in preparation for an enemy attack, wait until the enemy is about to strike. If the player times it correctly, the attack will be parried. The timing of this can be difficult at first, so don't worry if the technique isn't mastered after a single battle, especially when playing solo. Keep trying.

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Zeds tend to stagger their attacks rather than attacking simultaneously, so trying to parry a large group of enemies can result in the player needlessly dying. Attacks from basic enemies such as Clots and Gorefast often don't need to be parried either, since they're weak enough that the player can simply kill them instead, saving time for more dangerous threats. With a strong enough melee weapon and perfect timing, the player can parry enemies like Patriarch, getting them out of otherwise sticky combat situations and helping their partners survive these horrifying encounters.

Killing Floor 2 is currently available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Linux, and Microsoft Windows.

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