
  • Always pick up a weapon, even a Tree Branch, to defend yourself against Klowns - but aim to upgrade to better weapons when possible.
  • Certain weapons, like the Brick, are more effective at stunning Klowns and should be prioritized in your inventory over less useful items.
  • Consider the range, damage, and durability of each weapon when choosing your loadout - some weapons are more effective in certain situations.

Killer Klowns From Outer Space: The Game seems poised to be a cult classic of a game just like its movie counterpart. To that end, lovers of the Franchise have been looking to level up their human gameplay - largely considered the more difficult of the two roles in the game's current state. A key part of that is their inventory. Which weapons should players keep, and which are better left behind?

While some of what makes a weapon good is down to personal preference, players need to know what advantages and disadvantages each has before making that decision. Additionally, some weapons are leagues better than others, and picking them up is almost always a waste of inventory space. Keep reading for a deep dive into each of the game's Offensive Survivor Items, what they do, how best to use them, and how they rank in the overall meta.

How to Unlock All Killer Klowns From Outer Space Cosmetics

Here's how to unlock all human and klown cosmetics in Killer Klowns From Outer Space, to customize your favorite characters

12 Tree Branch

Slightly Better Than Nothing

a human with a tree branch slung across their back
  • Very Common
  • Blunt Weapon
  • Low Durability

The Tree Branch is by far the most common weapon Humans will loot in a match. While it is better than being completely empty-handed - this isn't by much. The Tree Branch, while having an impressive range, is very low durability. This means that it is not likely to survive an encounter with a Klown, leaving the wielder defenseless.

This is especially lackluster considering the benefits of fighting Klowns is currently quite low - it is usually better to disengage and run away. However, having the option of a weapon in a pinch is a good idea - especially since players can't put anything else in that inventory slot anyway. Pick up the first weapon you find in every match (even a Tree Branch), and then replace it with another, better one when possible.

11 Baseball

A Useful Distraction, Not A Great Weapon

A baseball lying on a picnic bench
  • A Throwable Weapon
  • Low Damage
  • Makes Noise To Distract Klowns

The Baseball, similar to the Tree Branch, is better than having an empty inventory slot, but it shouldn't be a priority over other items. This weapon is throwable and can be used to attack a Klown's nose from a distance. However, the damage it does is very poor, so you're better off going to town with a Baseball Bat instead.

Some players do find a use for Baseballs beyond their abyssmal combat performance. However - when thrown, they make a noise that attracts Klowns, and can be used to distract enemies while the Humans escape. As such, players might keep a Baseball on them until they find a Brick, but throwables share inventory slots with consumable items and quest items - there is a lot of stiff competition. When the choice is between a stamina item like an Energy Drink, or carrying a Baseball, survivors should always choose the Energy Drink.

10 Baseball Bat

Good Damage But Fragile

a human player in the woods with a baseball bat on their back
  • Long Range But Middling Damage
  • Blunt Weapon
  • Breaks fairly quickly

The Baseball Bat is a direct upgrade of the Tree Branch in every way - it has a similar range, better damage, and more durability. If a Human prefers to keep Klowns at arms length, the Baseball Bat is the best choice in the Blunt Weapon category. However, the Blunt category overall is the lowest priority for weaponry due to its lack of additional uses.

While Blunt Weapons have the ability to charge powerful attacks, they cannot deal lethal damage to Klowns (only stun them) and cannot assist players in cutting their way out of a cocoon. Blunt weapons are best carried by players who travel with someone who has a Firearm or Sharp Weapon, so that they can stun the Klown and step aside for the ally player to deal the killing blow.

9 Frying Pan

A Heavy Hitter When Charged

a human player finds a frying pan on the ground
  • Hard Hitting With Charged Attack
  • High Durability
  • Blunt Weapon

However, if the player doesn't care about that tiny bit of extra range, the Blunt Weapon category opens up in terms of the best choices. The Frying Pan, for instance, has a much shorter range in exchange for insane durability and damage. The fully charged attack of the Frying Pan can one shot some Klown types.

In addition to being a great Blunt Brawling weapon, Frying Pans are among the most common weapons in a match, and the most common high durability item by far. Players aiming to get their hands on one of the rarer weapons should familiarize themselves with the Frying Pan and carry one until they find their desired weapon.

How to Unlock All Klowntalities in Killer Klowns From Outer Space

Here's how to unlock all Klowntalities in Killer Klowns From Outer Space to kill humans with style!

8 Wrench

A Throwable Blunt Weapon

a human player holding a wrench while crossing the bridge
  • A Throwable Weapon
  • A Blunt Weapon
  • Durable but no Charge Attack

The Wrench, while technically a Blunt Weapon, behaves more like a cross between a Throwable and a regular weapon. Instead of having the charged attack that most Blunt Weapons have, it can be thrown for significant damage. While not dealing quite as much damage as a brick, it can be used multiple times, unlike the brick, losing only a fraction of its durability each time.

However, players must ask themselves how often those multiple uses will come in handy - they'll need to collect it from the ground next to the Klown if they want to throw it again. A dangerous prospect when Klowns have access to dangerous melee abilities and weapons to delete Humans from the map.

7 Metal Pipe

Long Ranged, High Damage, & Sturdy

a player holding a metal pipe, and hovering over the weapon in their inventory
  • Long Range
  • Durable
  • Middling Damage

The Metal Pipe behaves similarly to the Baseball Bat in terms of range and playstyle. It is a Blunt Weapon of moderate damage which allows you to keep some distance between yourself and the Klowns during fights. However, it ranks more highly than the Baseball Bat on the list due to its much higher durability.

As with most Blunt Weapons, players can charge a more powerful attack (using the right mouse button on a PC) while using the Metal Pipe. The damage of this attack won't match the one-shot power of the Frying Pan, but it is likely to chunk a Klown early on into the fight. This is a great way of softening enemies up for someone who has a Sharp Weapon, so the Metal Pipe is a great supportive weapon choice.

6 Brick

Your Best Bet To Stun A Klown

a human throwing a brick at a clown
  • Throwable Weapon
  • Heavy Damage
  • Aim For the Nose

The Brick is by far the best throwable weapon currently available to survivors. To use the brick optimally, throw it at a Klown's nose. This deals enough damage to stun most Klowns, which you can then follow up with a sharp or firearm weapon to kill a Klown. If you miss and hit a different part of the Klown, the damage will still be respectable, but you may need to wack them with a baseball bat a couple of times to make them sit down.

Furthermore, the best part of the brick is that it does not compete for inventory space with most other weapons. Capable of going into one of your smaller pockets, you can easily take a Brick and carry one of the best inventories in the game: A Brick, a Sharp Weapon of your choice, an Energy Drink, and a Med Kit.

5 Shotgun

Become A Brawler To Be Feared

a human woman holding the shotgun
  • The Best Short Range Weapon For Brawling
  • Firearm Weapon Type
  • Limited Ammunition

The Shotgun is for the players who have murder on their mind. This weapon does an insane amount of damage, and is capable of popping a Klowns nose. Firearm weapon types in general should never be passed up, but players need to be cognizant of the fact that these weapons have ammunition - and the Shotgun's ammo is even rarer than other guns.

Some ammunition is often found near the gun itself, but it runs out quickly if not conserved. Once the initial bullets are gone, it is pretty hard to find more. To assist in conserving ammunition, players with a shotgun should group with other players who can deal damage with melee weapons, while the gun carrying player mainly uses their weapon for kill shots and crowd control.

Killer Klowns From Outer Space: Where to Find All Klownspiracy Room Tapes

Here's where to find all Klownspiracy Room tapes in Killer Klowns From Outer Space to unlock lore about the Klowns.

4 Fire Poker

Long Ranged & Very Sharp

a human with a firepoker on their back and a knife in hand
  • Similar Range to the Baseball Bat
  • Heavy Damage With Charged Attack
  • Sharp Weapon Type

The Fire Poker might seem like a strange weapon to bring to the Klownpacalypse, but don't let its odd playstyle fool you. The Fire Poker is thrust like a rapier, and is the only sharp weapon with a secondary charged attack. This weapon can help squeamish players keep their distance while still having the power to duel Klowns to the death.

Additionally, Sharp Weapons have an added utility that makes them difficult to pass up - they let you free yourself from cotton candy cocoons. This is great for players who can't count on help from allies, since Klowns will often try to cocoon players instead of killing them to remove key items from the map (players who are killed outright drop their inventory, while cocooned players do not).

3 Woodcutter's Axe

Powerful Enough To Break Bones

a human opening a gate with an axe on their back
  • Highest Melee Weapon Damage
  • Very Durable
  • Sharp Weapon Type

The Woodcutter's Axe is a very heavy Sharp Weapon, which makes it one of the highest damage weapons in the category. While the swing is a bit slower than a Baseball Bat, the ability to pop Klown noses and cut your way out of cocoons can't be understated. As a result, if you are a player who prefers the playstyle of weapons like the Baseball Bat or Metal Pipe, the Woodcutter's Axe is a good choice when available.

The only downside of this well-rounded weapon is the arc on the swing. The weapon's lack of precision can make it difficult to reliably hit a Klown's nose - wasting valuable weapon durability. This shouldn't disuade players completely, but the Woodcutter's Axe has a slightly higher skill floor.

2 Revolver

6 Shots With Their Name On It

human aims revolver at Klown
  • Firearm Weapon Type
  • Limited Ammunition
  • Ideal For Popping Klown Noses

The Revolver is for players who want to answer the Klown's guns with some firepower of their own. The Revolver is not as high damage as the other firearm in the game (the Shotgun) but the range is much longer. While a shot in the Klown's body will of course damage them, the ideal use of the weapon has its welder hitting the Klown's nose with every shot. This deals more damage, conserving precious limited ammo.

Advanced players can pair their precision aim with either kiting (using stamina items like Popsicles and Energy Drinks, and stuns from Airhorns and Bricks) or a melee wielding partner to keep the Klowns off of them. As the Revolver is typically much easier to find ammo for than the Shotgun, a Human with a Revolver can realistically kill four to five Klowns in a match.

1 Knife

Portable But Invaluable & Deadly

a human brandishing a knife at a klown
  • Very Short Range
  • Sharp Weapon Type
  • Great For Nose Popping

The Knife is widely regarded as the best survivor weapon in the current meta, largely due to its low skill floor and utility. As a Sharp Weapon, the Knife can of course kill Klowns and cut through Cotton Candy Cocoons, but it is also very easy to aim in a fight - meaning players are likely to hit the nose consistently. As for durability, the knife has the lowest durability in the Sharp Weapon category. However, it is also the easiest one to find. For the best results, check kitchens, food stalls, and other similar locations. Dead players can also draw a knife while playing mini-games, gifting it to an ally of their choice.

The only true downside to the knife is its low range, which puts you in danger of succumbing to a Klown's abilities. To mitigate this risk, it is suggested to carry a brick alongside your knife, and use it to open any conflicts so that they last a shorter time (putting you at a lower overall risk).

Killer Klowns From Outer Space: The Game is available on Xbox, PlayStation, and PC

killer klowns vertical
Killer Klowns from Outer Space: The Game