
  • Killer Instinct: Anniversary Edition update 3.11.14 is now available for download on PC and consoles.
  • The patch arrives nearly 11 years following the fighting game's original release.
  • The latest version of the Xbox console exclusive boasts balancing changes, bug fixes, and graphics refinements, among other novelties.

Xbox console exclusive Killer Instinct: Anniversary Edition has received another comprehensive update that introduces gameplay improvements, visual refinements, and a plethora of bug fixes, among other novelties. This patch arrives nearly 11 years following the original release of Killer Instinct.

The long-running fighting game series was originally created by Rare in 1994. Microsoft got hold of the IP following its 2002 acquisition of the British studio. But it took the company another decade to actually revive the franchise with the 2013 Killer Instinct reboot, which was developed by Double Helix Games, nowadays an Amazon subsidiary. Killer Instinct: Anniversary Edition was unveiled and launched a decade later, in November 2023, courtesy of Chicago-based Iron Galaxy Studios.

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The definitive edition of the fighting game then received another patch in December, with Iron Galaxy now following up on that release with the debut of Killer Instinct: Anniversary Edition update 3.11.14. The latest version of the game introduces dozens of changes, including balancing fixes, stability improvements, and even some new graphics options. Specifically, Killer Instinct: Anniversary Edition now supports AMD's FSR 2 upscaling tech, with this addition arriving some 18 months after the open-source solution first became available to Xbox developers.

The 3.11.14 version of Killer Instinct: Anniversary Edition also addresses a peculiar bug that sometimes caused attacks to fire in the wrong direction because a character's stance would end up being mirrored. Furthermore, the patch tackles an unrelated issue that would sometimes cause Riptor's Flame Carpet to miss unexpectedly, with the remedy arriving in the form of adjusted character hitboxes. Another fix was introduced to Eagle, whose Sonic Screech VFX will no longer linger if the fighter performs his Killer Instinct Counter Combo Breaker during the animation.

Maya's Knife Normals in Killer Instinct: Anniversary Edition Now Hit Harder and Faster

The new patch also addresses some rare issues with dropped input that could occur when relaunching the game using the Xbox Series X/S Quick Resume feature. In terms of balancing, the biggest changes were bestowed upon Maya, whose knife normals—attacks perfomed by holding a direction and pressing a single button—now hit harder and faster. Iron Galaxy said this aspect of her moveset was always meant to be better than her kick normals in order to incentivize players to hang onto her blades.

The 3.11.14 update became available for download across PC and the last two generations of Xbox consoles on February 29, at 4pm ET. This includes the Xbox Game Pass version of Killer Instinct: Anniversary Edition, which has been available to Microsoft's subscribers from day one.

Killer Instinct: Anniversary Edition Update 3.11.14 Patch Notes


  • Added an option to the Audio Screen to toggle the high frequency audio that triggers the Ultimate Source™ Killer Instinct Sound-Link Jago figure. This is now Off by default.
  • Fixed an issue for Windows (Microsoft Store/Xbox App) players where some input devices, including the Mad Catz™ Killer Instinct Arcade FightStick TE 2, would not be recognized.
  • Removed Exclusive Fullscreen mode to ensure players would not miss player invites for the Windows version.
    • This change was only made after extensive testing where we concluded that there is zero performance difference between Exclusive Fullscreen and Borderless (Fullscreen).
  • Fixed an issue where player inputs could be dropped after entering the game from Quick Resume on Xbox Series S|X.
  • Fixed an issue on Xbox where players with large saves would sometimes encounter “Can’t Retrieve Shadow” error messages when trying to fight Shadows in Shadow Survival and Shadow Lords Missions.
  • Fixed an issue where PC users could lose Fight Stats and Player/Character level progression due to the Player 1 controller assignment not matching the Player 1 slot.
  • Previous ‘Live Adjustment’ on 2/9/24 to Ranked Mode
    • Points lost on a Ranked Promotion match have been updated to be more reasonable.
    • Scoring in general for Bronze to Gold ladders are more streamlined while remaining competitive. Promotion matches now have significantly less penalty for lost matches.
  • Fixed a host of stability issues.

Visual Enhancements

  • Added FSR 2 anti-aliasing for Xbox Series S|X, Windows, and Steam.
  • Updated ambient occlusion method to GTAO to help dynamic objects look more grounded in the environment.
  • Adjusted fighter materials, effects, and lighting to bring them closer to their intended look, making them easier to read in dark areas or visually busy stages.
  • Upscaled cinematics on Xbox Series S|X platforms.
    • The new size for Killer Instinct: Anniversary Edition for Xbox Series S|X is 86.3 GB
  • Added a Particle Density option in Display Options to reduce the number of particles produced by certain VFX. The default is set to High (no change from original). Our recommendation is Medium or Low for tournament streams.
  • Fixed a host of minor visual bugs introduced in prior seasons of Killer Instinct and Killer Instinct: Anniversary Edition.


  • There were a few situations where a character could end up with their stance mirrored, causing VFX, projectiles, and other game logic to fire in the wrong direction. We have implemented a fix for most of these situations.
  • Several changes were made to character hurtboxes to specifically address instances of Riptor’s Flame Carpet missing unexpectedly. These changes were small and should not affect interactions in any situation other than the Flame Carpet.

No Changes

  • Jago
  • Glacius
  • Omen
  • Aganos
  • Hisako
  • Tusk
  • Arbiter
  • Mira
  • Gargos


  • Fixed an issue where the bottom of his hurtbox would jerk upward dramatically during his Ragged Edge and Forward Dash moves, allowing him to pass over Riptor’s Flame Carpet unexpectedly.


  • Fixed an issue where the bottom of his hurtbox would jerk upward dramatically during his Close Standing Medium Punch, allowing him to pass over Riptor’s Flame Carpet unexpectedly.


  • Fixed an issue where the bottom of her hurtbox would jerk upward dramatically during her Close Standing Medium Punch, allowing her to pass over Riptor’s Flame Carpet unexpectedly.


  • Fixed an issue where the bottom of her hurtbox would jerk upward dramatically during her Grenade Toss and Crouching Medium Kick, allowing her to pass over Riptor’s Flame Carpet unexpectedly.


  • Fixed an issue where the bottom of his hurtbox would jerk upward dramatically during his Crouching Light Punch and Crouching Medium Kick, allowing him to pass over Riptor’s Flame Carpet unexpectedly.


  • Fixed a bug causing Heavy Eye Laser to be -2 instead of the expected -3. We did this by adding one additional frame of recovery time to Fulgore.
  • Fixed an issue causing the Counter Hit windows on all strengths of Eye Laser to be incorrect (either ending too late, or too early).

Shadow Jago

  • Fixed a bug that could cause the Air Shadow Endokuken to land before firing, which would then cause the ground version to come out, consuming twice the amount of meter as expected.

TJ Combo

  • Fixed an issue that could cause the Opener Shadow Tremor to become breakable if TJ had performed any linker during the match.
  • Fixed an issue where the bottom of his hurtbox would jerk upward dramatically during his Crouching Light Punch and Crouching Medium Punch, allowing him to pass over Riptor’s Flame Carpet unexpectedly.


  • Reviewed her Knife normals. The design intention was always that these be superior to the kick normals, as a reward for hanging onto the daggers. We found quite a few cases where these moves were worse or harder to use for various reasons, and made a few changes.
    • Far Standing MP
      • Now hits on frame 6 (was 7), making it faster than Far Standing MK
      • Now recovers on frame 21 (was 25), making it easier to throw out in neutral.
      • Is now +3 on hit, and +1 on block (was +0 and -2)
    • Close Standing MP
      • Now recovers on frame 21 (was 26)
      • Is now +7 on hit, and +5 on block (was +2 and 0)
    • Close Standing HP
      • Now recovers on frame 26 (was 29)
      • Is now +9 on hit, and +1 on block (was +6 and -2)
      • Widened the cancel window from frames 11 to 20 (was 11 to 15) to make this feel better, especially if the player gets it accidentally when expecting the two hit far standing HP.
    • Crouching MP
      • Now recovers on frame 25 (was 28), making it easier to throw out in neutral.
      • Is now +3 on hit, and 0 on block (was 0 and -3)
    • Fixed an issue where the bottom of her hurtbox would jerk upward dramatically during her Close Standing Medium Punch, allowing her to pass over Riptor’s Flame Carpet unexpectedly.


  • Fixed an issue where the bottom of his hurtbox would jerk upward dramatically during his Throw attempt, Back + Heavy Punch, Standing Light Kick, Crouching Light Punch, Crouching Heavy Punch, Crouching Heavy Kick, and Whirl special moves, allowing him to pass over Riptor’s Flame Carpet unexpectedly.


  • Fixed a number of issues on other characters that could cause their hurtboxes to narrowly avoid the Flame Carpet’s attackbox in ways that were visually unjustified. See each character’s notes to find out exactly which moves. There are still a large variety of invulnerable, projectile invulnerable, or low crush moves that can avoid the Flame Carpet as intended.
  • Fixed an issue where the bottom of her hurtbox would jerk upward dramatically during her Wakeup, Close Standing Heavy Kick, Close Standing Medium Kick, Close Standing Heavy Punch, Flame Carpet, Back Heavy Punch, and Mortar, allowing her to pass over another Riptor’s Flame Carpet unexpectedly.


  • Fixed an issue where the bottom of his hurtbox would jerk upward dramatically during his Crouching Light Punch, Crouching Medium Punch, Crouching Heavy Punch, Crouching Light Kick, and Crouching Heavy Kick, allowing him to pass over Riptor’s Flame Carpet unexpectedly.


  • The grenades launched from Jumping HK no longer hit as overheads. This is to remove an unblockable setup she had against Aganos, which she does not need in that matchup.
  • Fixed an issue where the bottom of her hurtbox would jerk upward dramatically during her throw attempt, Blade Body Overhead, Crouching Medium Punch, Standing Heavy Punch, and Standing Medium Punch, allowing her to pass over Riptor’s Flame Carpet unexpectedly.

Kim Wu

  • Fixed an issue that allowed a combo off of her back throw, but only against Jago. To be clear, it now allows a combo against no one. Sorry if you thought this meant it could now allow a combo against everyone.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented her Ultra from comboing off of Dragon Grasp directly. We did this by speeding up the first hit of her Ultra significantly, but it will have no other gameplay impact.


  • Fixed an issue preventing the finisher of the 1 Bar and 2 Bar Battlemaniac’s Target Combo from coming out. Because of this fix, performing a Shadow Linker after the Auto-version of the Battlemaniac’s Shadow Battering Ram will require you to perform the Shadow Linker with Medium+Heavy, as pressing Light+(Medium or Heavy) will default to the Target Combo finisher.

General RAAM

  • It is now possible for Hisako to use her Parry/Catch Counter moves to stop a fully charged Unblockable Kryll Shield Attack. This change was made to prevent an unblockable loop that Raam could perform against Hisako. While this may seem like a Hisako change on paper, the specific change was to how the Unblockable Kryll Shield behaves against Hisako, so that is why we listed the change here under General RAAM.
  • Fixed a bug where General RAAM could get frozen if trying to use a Kryll Shield Cancel while cursed by Kan-Ra. Before this fix, the number of frames it could take for the Kryll Shield attack to come out could be inconsistent after releasing the 3P input depending on which version of the Kryll Shield you were performing (Normal, Cancelled, Instinct, Instinct Cancelled). While fixing this issue, we’ve made these consistent timing wise, and so a few of them are 1 frame faster than before.


  • Fixed an issue that could cause his Instinct Light Crushing Swing meteor to aim for the corner when he was not quite at the corner yet, causing it to fall in an unexpected position.


  • Increased the size of the attack box on his Metal Ball linkers to ensure they do not miss crouching opponents.

Shin Hisako

  • Improved the size and range of the hitboxes on Close Standing HP to avoid this move missing its 2nd hit occasionally against large characters.
  • Fixed a bug allowing her to exit her Hvy Rekka 3 much earlier than expected. This move’s frame data now makes a lot more sense, but is significantly worse.
  • Fixed a bug regarding on-hit advantage on the Rekka 2 of each strength. It is now 3, 6, 9 (was 3, 7, 12). The 12 here came from a typo on the last set of changes. This will still allow her to get some pretty robust manuals off of the Rekka 2, but not allow her to go directly back into another Rekka series.


  • Fixed a bug that would allow the Sonic Screech VFX to linger if Eagle performed a Counter Breaker attempt while the Screech was ongoing.