Kiefer Sutherland Mortal Kombat

While television-addicts are eagerly awaiting Kiefer Sutherland's long overdue return to his role of Jack Bauer for the revitalization of 24 (24: Live Another Day), video game fans are also on the edge of their seats waiting to hear the actor's take on Snake in Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain. Sutherland has some pretty big shoes to fill, as he attempts to follow up fan-favorite voice actor David Hayter's run with the character.

Between Sutherland's busy schedule recording 24 and The Phantom Pain, the actor apparently found time to squeeze in another exciting video game acting gig. This time, he's offering his vocal talents to an upcoming installment in the iconic Mortal Kombat fighting game series. We've heard rumors of the next sequel in the Mortal Kombat series before, but the game hasn't been officially announced yet.

In a recent interview with IGN, Sutherland was discussing the amount of time he has dedicated to his role in The Phantom Pain and casually mentioned his work on a Mortal Kombat game as a comparison.

"I did Mortal Kombat , and that's such a huge game, but it’s so not like [ MGS5 ]."

Mortal Kombat Review

Sutherland didn't confirm his role in the game, but he did explain that he wrapped up his participation on the project "pretty quickly compared to MGS5."

We don't have much information to work with quite yet, but it seems likely that Sutherland was working on the game that one of the Mortal Kombat web-series producers alluded to last summer at San Diego Comic-Con. The producer hinted that work on the follow-up to NetherRealm's 2011 Mortal Kombat game would sync up with the launch of a feature film.

Conspiracy theorists might be tempted to jump to the conclusion that Sutherland could also be involved in that Mortal Kombat film, but we wouldn't hold our breath there. Until official casting has been announced, there doesn't seem to be strong enough evidence to suggest his involvement in the attempt to resurrect the Mortal Kombat film universe.

After 2011's Mortal Kombat and last year's Injustice: Gods Among Us, we are pretty excited to see what NetherRealm has in-store for the future of the Mortal Kombat franchise. Injustice was surprisingly addictive, even to gamers that don't usually enjoy fighting games, so hopefully some of that magic can be channeled into the next Mortal Kombat game.

Sutherland didn't mention what consoles the upcoming title will be released for, but 2011's Mortal Kombat game was offered for Xbox 360, PS3, PS Vita, and PC; so it's pretty likely that the new game will also be available on the majority of current platforms.

Any predictions about what role Sutherland will be playing in the new game? It would be great to see him take on the persona of one of the classic fighters, but there's also a chance he could be a brand-new character. Let's hear your theories in the comments.


Follow Denny on Twitter @The_DFC.

Source: IGN