Kenshi is an open-world RPG in which players are given the ultimate freedom throughout this wonderful, if slightly dusty, world. With the ability to do what they want, fans often adopt the role of traders, thieves, or brutal fighters. However, if fighting is on the cards then there are two things everyone will need, a good weapon and some strong armor.

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The best armor depends on what the player is looking for so it's always worth taking into consideration the need for heavy, light, or medium armor. Nevertheless, some of these protective outfits are so much better than others.

8 White Plate Jacket

White Plate Jacket on different players

With a rather interesting style that could be just the look some are going for or the most terrible design out there, the White Plate Jacket is a good, lightweight armor that provides very few negatives and a few positives.

Such positives include the fact that this armor is both easy to get hold of and covers all of the player's body. This in turn grants extra protection, looks a little cleaner, and just makes the player feel a bit more complete. Unfortunately, there is a dexterity penalty due to it being medium armor but that is considerably lower than many other selections, making it an ideal light and movable medium set of armor.

7 Dark Leather Shirt

Dark Leather Shirt in different colors

Any player who wants to try and either look like a great thief or blend into dark corners of the world will need a Dark Leather Shirt. It's one of the more stylish designs yet still brings some useful resistances and powerful protection.

Essentially, the Dark Leather Shirt grants Kenshi players an impressive blunt and cutting resistance which will undeniably save lives in many separate incidents. On top of this resistance, wearing this shirt will give a stealth bonus, making it ideal for anyone who prefers to get the upper hand before coming into a fight.

6 Leather Turtleneck

Leather Turtleneck on different players

The Leather Turtleneck is a fantastic undergarment that is almost like the jack of all trades. It's strong, has great coverage, and will protect any player, no matter their role or fighting style. This allows it to be particularly useful for both beginners and veterans of Kenshi since it's not the hardest item to get hold of.

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It's got a similar style and bonus to the Dark Leather Shirt but arguably looks much cooler and has the protection so many players desperately need. It also has fantastic coverage, one that beats most armors in this open-world game.

5 Mask Type III

Mask Type III front and back

While perhaps not the most stylish mask in Kenshi, the Mask Type III is a fantastic item to have on the player's face. It's got wonderful protection from gas and duststorms which is ideal in any desert area. Such areas are relatively common and will allow the player to feel a lot safer in what would be a particularly hostile environment.

Moreover, wearing one of these masks will grant the player both blunt and cutting resistance, something that is relatively powerful and useful on multiple occasions. That power extends to the armor in general, especially since it's only light armor.

4 Blackened Chainmail

Blackened Chainmail

As arguably the best medium armor item players can get hold of, the Blackened Chainmail is perfect if protection is the main aim. It looks stylish, deadly, and rather stealthy which is ideal for any thief in Kenshi.

As for protection, it offers a good blunt and cutting resistance as well as a useful harpoon resistance because players never know when they're going to be hit with a harpoon. On top of this, the Blackened Chainmail also has 100 percent coverage so players can go into a battle knowing they are fully protected.

3 Ninja Rags

Ninja Rags on different characters

Nothing says power like being an actual Ninja. Even when disregarding the awesome style of this armor players cannot deny the power the Ninja Rags hold. Especially when considering the number of buffs present and how easy it is to get hold of.

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They're particularly common among vendors and are just as popular among newer, weaker players. This is primarily due to the stealth bonus, the crossbow bonus, the dodge bonus, and the increase in players' dexterity. All that combined with a plus to assassination and any player will be winning when wearing these Rags.

2 Crab Armor

Crab Armor

The Crab Armor can be noticed as one of the most powerful sets in Kenshi if it wasn't so hard to get hold of. Players will need to get the recipe and it can be a real challenge to build, especially if players want it of high quality.

Despite the challenges, it has fantastic protection, amazing coverage, and is just an all-around great set to use. It's worth going for the whole set with this one to maximize the benefits of the blunt and cutting resistance. There's also acid and burning protection to protect the player from anything that may come their way.

1 Samurai Armor

Samurai Armor

When it comes to being a legendary and untouchable fighter everyone thinks of a Samurai. They are fantastically nimble, indestructible and fighters many can only dream of becoming. So why not embody that in Kenshi? Especially when the specific armor is one of the best in the game.

Ultimately, it's the kind of armor players can wear from the beginning of the game to the end. It will help improve the player's stats and will make them untouchable as they progress through the game itself. It has fantastic coverage and boosts stats like defense to a point of overpowering design. This is easily one of the most powerful armor sets in Kenshi.

Kenshi is currently available on PC.

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