Kenny Omega is one of the top professional wrestlers in the world right now, spearheading All Elite Wrestling alongside his fellow "Elite" members Cody Rhodes, Brandi Rhodes, and The Young Bucks. Besides professional wrestling, one of Omega's passions is video games, and he set aside a week to visit E3 2019 in Los Angeles, where he revealed his favorite video games.

Omega spoke to Kotaku's Stephen Totilo about his current favorite games as well as his favorite titles growing up. He said that as a kid, he played hockey games, finding titles like Final Fantasy 3 to be "grindy and difficult." However, he later discovered Earthbound, and Nintendo's bizarre Mother series then became his all-time favorite video game franchise.

"It wasn’t until I stumbled upon Earthbound and its humongous box at my Blockbuster video. I played it and something struck a chord with me and it captivated me. And I played it over and over and over again. My friends and I would try to speedrun it, and we never got sick of it. From then on, I was bit by the RPG bug and loved all things JRPG," Omega told Kotaku.

kenny omega favorite games cries when playing mother 3

Omega said that he still plays Mother 2 (known as Earthbound in the West) and Mother 3 (which was never released outside of Japan) at least once a year, enjoying how the games compare and contrast Eastern and Western culture. This makes sense, as Omega himself has split his time between Japan and the United States.

Omega likes the Mother games so much that they still give him an emotional reaction. "I still cry every time I play Mother 3," he said. Omega didn't clarify if he plays the original Japanese version of Mother 3 or one of the fan-translated versions that are available through emulators, as an official Mother 3 localization still hasn't happened as of the time of this writing.

Meanwhile, one of the games Omega is currently playing the most is Apex Legends, the free-to-play battle royale title from Respawn Entertainment. He said that he sometimes discusses official AEW business with people while playing the game together. "One of the things I would actually do is, if you want to talk business with me, learn Apex, we'll squad up, join a party and we'll talk all the business you want while we play."

With E3 2019 over, the next big gaming event Omega will be attending is Fyter Fest in Florida. It's at Fyter Fest where AEW is doing a special crossover event with the CEO fighting game tournament, which will be streamed live online for free on Bleacher Report Live.

Source: Kotaku