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Kengan Ashura is an action anime series that focuses on the story of Tokita Ohma, a talented martial artist who finds his way into the world of Kengan matches. As Ohma starts fighting in the Kengan matches, he begins to realize that there are many fighters who are better than him.

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After toiling a lot, Ohma ultimately earns a spot in the Kengan Annihilation Tournament, where he fights the strongest of the Kengan fighters. These characters have unique fighting styles, which makes them extremely dangerous. While all the fighters participating in the Kengan Tournament are renowned, some manage to stand out more than the rest.

8 Julius Reinhold

Julius from Kengan Ashura

Julius Reinhold was a fighter for Toyo Electric Power and Co. in the Kengan Annihilation Tournament. Julius demonstrated his monstrous strength when he managed to crush Sawada Keizaburo's leg with his hands.

Due to his size, Julius was considered a brute by his opponents, but that couldn't be further from the truth. Julius was a very intelligent fighter who was extremely knowledgeable about the human body and its weak points. Julius' strength and intellect allowed him to injure Wakatsuki. Furthermore, his abilities were complimented by Agito, who believed that he was one of the better fighters in the tournament.

7 Gaolang Wongsawat

Gaolong from Kengan Ashura

Gaolong Wongsawat was the personal bodyguard of Rama XIII, and at the latter's behest, he represented Yato Trading Co. in the Kengan Annihilation Tournament. Gaolong has trained in muay Thai and boxing for many years, making him a very proficient striker.

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The Thai God of War was extremely quick, and he could launch multiple strong jabs at his opponent in seconds. Given the fact that he outclassed Agito at boxing, who had a better reach, it won't be an overstatement to call Gaolong the best boxer in the world. His boxing ability surprised Agito and forced him to use his normal techniques.

6 Wakatsuki Takeshi

Wakatsuki Takeshi in the anime

Wakatsuki Takeshi was a veteran Kengan fighter with over 300 Kengan matches under his belt. In his illustrious career, he has been defeated only three times, and these losses came against Hatsumi, Ohma, and Agito. By competing in so many fights, he amassed a great deal of experience, allowing him to improve his fighting style even further.

Wakatsuki Takeshi's special body made him a force of nature. In order to defeat Agito, he developed the Blastcore technique, which involved compressing all his muscles to a single point. This resulted in a vicious strike that could take down someone as durable as Julius.

5 Kiryu Setsuna

Kiryu Setsuna from Kengan Ashura

Kiryu Setsuna was a big admirer of Tokita Ohma. He was fixated on the idea of being killed by Ohma, as he believed it was his only chance at salvation. Aside from his weird behavior, Setsuna was an incredibly talented fighter, who could fight against the best Kengan fighters.

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He was able to use the Koei and Niko styles, although he only had partial mastery of the latter. Setsuna's most lethal weapon was Rakshasa's Palm, which he managed to learn within a single year. Rakshasa's Palm is a lethal technique, and he used it to disfigure muscles, destroy organs, and break bones.

4 Hatsumi Sen

Hatsumi Sen fighting

Hatsumi Sen was chosen by Nogi to represent his group in the Kengan Annihilation Tournament. While he is an extremely talented fighter, Hatsumi is not dependable at all. In his peak condition, Hatsumi was able to inflict a loss on Wakatsuki, but on any other day, even an average fighter could cause him problems.

Hatsumi was impressive in the first two rounds of the tournament, but he flopped massively in the quarter-finals. Given all the hype around Hatsumi, fans were expecting him to give Agito a tough fight. However, Agito was in complete control of the fight, and he wiped the floor with Hatsumi.

3 Tokita Ohma

kengan asura anime

Tokita Ohma is the main protagonist of the series. After winning his first two Kengan matches, Ohma gained a lot of fame in a very short time, but Nogi chose Hatsumi Sen to represent his group in the tournament.

Thankfully, Nogi was smart, and he decided to use Yamashita and Ohma as his pawns. In the Kengan Annihilation tournament, Ohma had to struggle a lot to beat his opponents. His desire to become the best forced him to evolve in every single fight, and it played a major role in his victories. Ohma managed to win almost all of his fights, including a duel against Kiryu Setsuna.

2 Kanoh Agito

Akito Fang

Kanoh Agito was known as "The Fifth Fang of Metsudo." He represented the Dainippon Bank and was labeled the frontrunner to win the tournament. Agito's best quality was that even after becoming so powerful, he never lost his passion to fight. He continued to improve and almost became invincible. Agito has great stamina and endurance, which allows him to tank multiple punches from someone as strong as Gaolang.

Agito possessed an ability called "Evolution," which helped him adapt to his opponent's fighting style and create a counter to oust them. Agito could also use "Formless," a technique that required him to take up the same stance as his opponent and defeat them in their own game. While most expected him to win, Agito was eventually taken down by the eventual winner.

1 Kuroki Gensai

Kuroki Gensai with a serious look

Kuroki Gensai is the strongest character in Kengan Ashura. At first, the people underestimated him, but as the tournament continued, Gensai became one of the favorites. Gensai uses the Kaiwan style, which mainly focuses on training a person's hands.

After years of hard work, the person's hands become lethal weapons. Kuroki Gensai has mastered the Kaiwan style, which earned him the nickname "The Devil Lance." If given the chance, he could end a fight with just one swift strike. Kuroki Gensai was also very perceptive, and as the battle progressed, he was able to figure out his opponent's next move.

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