Keep Talking And Nobody Explodes can be seen by players as being either a team-building or a team-breaking experience. Racing against the ticking clock of a soon-to-be exploding bomb, players have to work together to avoid its detonation by solving a wide range of puzzles.

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Be it cutting the right wire, working through an invisible maze, or just releasing a button at the right time. Players must work together as only one can see the bomb while the rest must hunt through the manual for the solution. Fans of puzzle games will want to make sure they have prepared themselves fully for this explosive experience before tackling their first bomb.

10 Bring A Notepad

Keep Talking And Nobody Explodes In Game Manual On PlayStation

Players that are on the side of reading the manual will want a piece of paper and a pen to help them solve the harder puzzles. Although everything is in the manual, it can get difficult for some players to understand what they are reading.

Making the occasional note of the important things may come in handy in the future. It can also help some visualize the puzzles the other player is seeing, such as the different colored wires, so they can find the right pattern quicker.

9 Start Out Simple

Keep Talking And Nobody Explodes menu screen

Beginning with the bombs that have over five modules or the incredibly time-consuming puzzles is not a great way to introduce other players to the joy that is Keep Talking And Nobody Explodes.

Starting off small with easier bombs that have simple puzzles and long solving times, means both the person defusing the bomb and the team behind finding the right instructions can carefully work through the modules with less stress. Gradually, players can work their way up to bombs with more modules or different puzzles, as the easier modules can be solved faster.

8 Learn The Manual

The Keep Talking And Nobody Explodes manual spread out on a table

Reading can be a bit of a chore for some players, but it is well worth it before getting stuck into defusing bombs. Even having a small understanding of some earlier sections in the book can take the strain off of many modules players will face.

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Players that have some sort of knowledge of the manual will be able to help those looking at it find where they need to look or give guidance on where to start. Those that have the role of looking at the manual may be able to find the section they need faster and therefore more time can be given to harder puzzles.

7 Check Over The Bomb

A wide shot of a bomb on a table in Keep Talking And Nobody Explodes

Although the timer is going down, players should still take the time to look over the entirety of the bomb to see what is in store. Many features on the bomb may be useful to help solve the modules that the players will be facing.

Locating where the batteries are, the serial code, and other features early on can help complete modules as the player with the bomb will know exactly where to look later. This also allows the players reading the module to understand what they are facing, as they can be told what can be seen already.

6 Pick A Starting Point

Keep Talking And Nobody Explodes bomb with a variety of modules and a 3 minute timer

After explaining what modules can be seen on the bomb, the team must work together to decide how to proceed. Each group's tactic may be different when approaching the bomb, however, it would be more beneficial to combat the modules the group is most comfortable with first.

By completing the ones that are deemed as being easier, the team can spend more time trying to solve the harder puzzles without the worry of needing to complete the others. This will also reduce the stress on all players.

5 Keep Calm

A player in Keep Talking And Nobody Explodes pressing the Abort Button

It's a pretty simple tip to give, but incredibly important. Co-op puzzle games like Keep Talking And Nobody Explodes rely on teamwork for levels to be successfully finished. The loud beeping of the bomb may startle players, but it is nothing to be afraid of.

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Remaining calm and keeping a level tone while playing helps players understand one another easier without trying to shout over the others if playing with more than two people. Not to mention how this will also prevent players from falling out at group events.

4 Easy Does It

A player solving a bomb in VR in Keep Talking And Nobody Explodes

Slow and steady does in fact win the race when defusing bombs. The timer may be going down, but players that rush are more likely to make mistakes, and each strike can cause them to lose time to solve the bomb.

Taking a step back from solving and thinking through the solutions to the puzzles is far more beneficial than trying to rush through modules. This avoids the mistakes players could make when mishearing other members of the team or moments of pressing in the wrong place.

3 Name Symbols

A player solving the bomb with red lighting in the background, they have failed once in Keep Talking And Nobody Explodes

An exciting part of Keep Talking And Nobody Explodes is players creating their own language to describe certain modules of the bomb. This can especially be seen during the keypad modules that display different shapes and symbols that need to be pressed in a certain order.

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Players will find it easier to understand one another if they agree between themselves on specific names for the different symbols. This can be picked up during playing by describing the symbol the player sees or going through all the symbols before playing to agree on specific names.

2 Practice Makes Perfect

The Free Play menu of Keep Talking And Nobody Explodes showing a bomb set for 4 minutes and 30 seconds with 8 modules

As with many games that require players to solve puzzles, barricades will be met and need to be overcome. This can only be done by practicing the modules over and over until the whole team is confident in solving them.

There is no need to progress quickly through levels, and there is enjoyment in completing similar bombs repeatedly. Quickening the time it takes to solve the bombs can be incredibly fulfilling for a team as they attempt to beat their past records as well as prepare for the quick solving that will be required in harder difficulties.

1 Always Have Fun

Player looking at unsolved bomb in Keep Talking And Nobody Explodes

The most important tip for any player when playing Keep Talking And Nobody Explodes is to make sure that everyone is having fun. Searching for the solution to a module or solving a bomb shouldn't be stressful, but an exciting co-op experience for all players to enjoy.

Taking it in turns to be the one with the bomb in their hands will keep all players entertained for hours on end. Finally, the feeling of success is sure to keep puzzle lovers playing in the hope to better their skills as well as solving all the modules available.

Keep Talking And Nobody Explodes is currently available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and Nintendo Switch.

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