As if the world couldn't love Keanu Reeves enough, the actor and all-around decent human being has apparently gone above and beyond with his generosity this time around. The thing is, he didn't even need to. Humanity as a whole seems to have complete and utter respect for the man that can't be tarnished by anything short of an apocalyptic personality change. But the John Wick star isn't one to stick to the bare minimum when making people happy, it seems.

The 4th film in the Reeves-led John Wick series has just finished filming, and the star decided to celebrate by spreading some cheer around to his stunt team for the movie. Considering the heavy action thriller status of the John Wick franchise, it likely comes as no surprise that the productions tend to use a fair few stunt performers. Since they literally make it their business to do the heavy lifting, Reeves apparently felt that a simple "thank you" wasn't enough to express what they meant to him and the rest of the cast and crew.

RELATED: John Wick: Chapter 4 - What We Know So Far

So he did what any benevolent rich friend would do and bought the whole stunt team $10,000 watches. What? Is that unusual? Do most people not spend a small fortune on gifts for their coworkers? Well, Reeves is anything but usual, and the team members were ecstatic. Stunt performers Jeremy Marinas, Bruce Concepcion, Li Qiang, and Dave Camarillo all got their own Rolex Submariner watch, and each one was engraved "The John Wick Five" and personalized with the recipient's name and special thanks from Reeves commemorating the year and the movie. Several of the performers excitedly posted about the watches to their Instagram stories, providing fans a glimpse into the magical world of being John Wick's buddy.

John Wick 4 began shooting back in June after plenty of uncertainty due to COVID as well as the simultaneous production of The Matrix Resurrections. But it seems as though things went relatively smoothly from that point. The film will feature yet another star-studded cast, including Bill Skarsgård, Donnie Yen, and Clancy Brown, following the series' trend of bringing in different big names for each entry. Considering how everyone seems to be against John by now, a big cast may be exactly what's needed to kick things up a notch.

For those familiar with Reeves' history of being one of the nicest people in Hollywood, this may just seem like another example of his naturally charitable personality. This is an actor who regularly goes out of his way to help those around him. It seems like everybody who's worked with him has a story about some selfless act, from regularly donating heavily to childrens' charities to buying actual Harley Davidson motorcycles for the effects crew of The Matrix and beyond. Buying some top-quality Rolex watches somehow almost seems quaint in comparison.

So as sappy as it may sound, Reeves really does appear to be a class act, even when taking a break to star in one of the worst sci-fi movies ever. It feels like everybody makes jokes about how "breathtaking" he is, but that shouldn't obscure the praise he genuinely deserves for being so kind to those around him. It's a quality more people should adopt, and Reeves is a great example.

John Wick 4 is set to release on May 27th, 2022.

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Source: People