The Flash season 9 showcased several notable comebacks from beloved characters within the shared superhero universe. However, Amunet Black, portrayed by Katee Sackhoff, was not among the returnees. Sackhoff has recently revealed her efforts to reprise her role in The Flash's final season, shedding light on the unsuccessful nature of her attempts.

Sackhoff made a substantial impact on The Flash as recurring antagonist Leslie Jocoy, who goes by the aliases Amunet Black and Blacksmith. The talented 43-year-old actress joined the show in its fourth season in 2017, making five notable appearances as the Central City crime boss. She returned for a memorable one-off appearance in the second half of the sixth season in 2020. Throughout her portrayal of Amunet Black over the years, Sackhoff garnered a devoted fan following and became a beloved character among viewers.

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While the exact circumstances of Sackhoff's exit from the series remain unclear, The Mandalorian star expressed her disappointment in a recent interview on The Playlist podcast. Despite her willingness to return, she disclosed that she was not invited back for The Flash's final season. Sackhoff further mentioned that she remains uncertain about the reasons behind her exclusion, considering her character's popularity among fans. She speculated that her absence might be attributed to a lack of favor among certain individuals involved in The Flash's production. "You know what – a lot of people love that character in The Flash," she said. "I was really disappointed that I didn't get to go back and actually reprise that role. Obviously, someone over there didn't like me that much because I did everything short of getting down on bended knee. So, they did not want my character back again. So, I tried!"

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The podcast host, Mike DeAngelo, expressed disappointment, referring to it as a "bummer" that Sackhoff wasn't approached to reprise her role in the final season. The host also pointed out that numerous other individuals might find themselves in a similar situation, "trying to come back as well." In response, the actress concurred, further explaining that she believed this could be a common occurrence for many individuals due to the extensive nine-season run of The Flash and the introduction of several characters, with only a handful getting the opportunity to conclude their story arcs. "Oh, I'm sure. There's just so many seasons and so many characters to wrap up that I think that you gotta be discerning in what the story's gonna be moving forward," Sackhoff said.

Witnessing the resurgence of Amunet Black alongside her lover and smart criminal, Goldface, in the climactic The Flash finale would have been an enthralling experience, considering their undeniable on-screen chemistry that captivated audiences before. Although Amunet Black doesn't make a triumphant return, The Flash pays homage to her legacy by cleverly incorporating Goldface's confession of betraying her to facilitate his daring escape.

The Flash season 9 is now streaming on The CW app.

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Source: The Playlist Podcast