Hyakkaou Academy is home to one of the most overpowered Student Councils of all time, as the President of this prestigious group essentially rules the entire nation. Many influential figureheads have gullible children who are just ripe for the picking, most of which inevitably end up indebted to the Council for life.

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The following characters will be assessed by their respective positions in the Student Council in Kakegurui - Compulsive Gambler and Kakegurui Twinbefore Yumeko Jabami knocks certain candidates out of the big leagues. Each character is ranked by their gambling skills as opposed to their status within the Council; this is a gambling anime after all. Besides, some fans may deem the Beautification Committee as more significant than say the Treasurer or the Traditional Culture Club, which then opens another can of worms entirely.

Details discussed in this article will be from events in Kakegurui Twin, now streaming on Netflix.

12 The Analytical Mind

Kakegurui Compulsive Gambler Kakegurui XX Kakegurui Twin Sayaka Igarashi

Sayaka Igarashi may be Kirari's right-hand man (well, after Ririka, of course) but she shows little interest in participating in the addictive past-time that captivates the students of Hyakkaou Academy, and will take politics over Poker any day.

Sayaka is a power-hungry perfectionist who seeks nothing more than Kirari's approval, and her keen intellect is put on full display during The Tower of Doors. Unfortunately, her greatest asset becomes a weakness as Sayuka displays her inability to color outside of the lines, subsequently losing to Yumeko in the end.

11 The Pop Star

Kakegurui Compulsive Gambler Kakegurui XX Yumemi Yumemite

This highly celebrated performer may be a great contender for the Presidential position in Kakegurui XX, but some viewers argue that they have yet to see her actually gamble. When Yumemi Yumemite does face off against Yumeko (and later, Sumika Warakubami) the only thing that arguable classifies these events as gambling is the fact that money or votes are on the line. Otherwise, they are simply over-glorified talent contests.

Yumemi clearly has a way of manipulating people, which is a valuable trait in the gambling world. However, at the end of the day, her participation in anything at Hyakkaou Academy is merely an attempt to boost her career as an entertainer, in the hopes of winning an Academy Award one day.

10 The Troublemaker

Kakegurui Compulsive Gambler, Kakegurui XX, Kakegurui Twin Midari Ikishima

Not all fans share Kirari's admiration for the deranged Midari Ikishima, whose favorite pastime seems to be Russian Roulette. Much like Yumeko, Midiri's deepest desires are aroused when taking risks, however, she seems more invested in ending her life than improving her finances through gambling.

Midari's desperation for pain sparks from her experience with the sadistic Kirari, who not-so-casually mentions that she would simply love to see the back of an eyeball. Intrigued by the idea, Midari carves out her own eye on the spot (with no anesthesia) and is immediately bitten by the sadomasochistic bug.

9 The Youngster

Kakegurui Compulsive Gambler, Kakegurui XX, Kakegurui Twin Itsuki Sumeragi

Itsuki Sumeragi has a significant amount of weight on her shoulders, as the only first year to form part of the Student Council and is burdened by the high expectations of her successful father. Striving for the top is the only thing keeping Itsuki from being disowned, and the stress of it all is likely what causes her to become unhinged.

When viewers first meet the antagonistic Itsuki, she has a masochistic fetish for collecting people's nails, ripped straight from their fingers. Yumeko quickly puts the young girl in her place, and Itsuki's virtues finally get a chance to shine. Itsuki puts everything in the line for Yumeko, and risks it all again for Kaede's sake, proving herself to be an exceptionally loyal ally.

8 Pride and Prejudice

Kakegurui Compulsive Gambler, Kakegurui XX, Kakegurui Twin Kaede Manyuda

While he may have taken his loss against Yumeko quite severely, his run-in with the dark-haired seductress seems to be the only time that Kaede Manyuda has ever let his emotions get the better of him, which inspired the irrational decisions that lead to his downfall. Eventually, Kaede manages to dust off his bruised ego and reaffirms his gambling skills during the Greater Good Game.

Okay, so he might not have won the Greater Good Game in the end, but that does not make Kaede unworthy of his newfound confidence. Without exchanging a single word, Kaede quickly cottons on to Yumeko's scheme to expose the traitor, putting his immaculate ability to read people out on full display.

7 The Yin and Yang

Kakegurui Compulsive Gambler Kakegurui XX Kakegurui Twin Yuriko Nishinotouin

Yuriko Nishinotouin is actually quite a complex character who is not given much credit after being antagonized right off the bat. Poor Mary is the first victim that fans see destroyed by this conniving third year, but Yuriko is immediately exposed as a fraud by Yumeko. Even though all evidence of her cheating is conveniently missing, Yuriko's reputation takes a complete nose dive, and all her convictions along with it.

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What makes Yuriko virtuous is that, although she may have something to gain from her seat on the Student Council, she uses her status to protect every member of the Traditional Culture Club from falling prey to the house pet system. Yuriko also seems more distraught by her wards' potential lack of security than her own losses after her title is revoked.

6 The Over-Thinker

Kakegurui Twin Sakura Miharutaki

Sakura Miharutaki has earned the significant status of leader of the Beatification Committee and is essentially responsible for upholding the law at Hyakkaou Academy in Kakegurui Twin. She proves to have a particularly analytical mind with the ability to process information at the speed of light, which often gives her the upper hand in most gambling situations.

Sakura's biggest downfall, however, is her habit of over-analyzing everything, subsequently creating too many "what if" scenarios to accurately assess the bigger picture. Unfortunately, her emotions get the better of her when Mary starts sniffing around her turf, and Sakura learns the hard way that intellect is merely one piece of the gambling puzzle.

5 The Instigator

Kakegurui Compulsive Gambler Kakegurui XX Kakegurui Twin Runa Yomozuki

Although it seems that Runa Yomozuki may not officially be able to participate in gambling, she sure knows how to play with people and has a significant influence behind the scenes at Hyakkaou Academy. As the leader of the Election Committee, Runa usually fulfills the role of dealer or adjudicator and takes great pride in being (falsely) impartial.

Despite her youthful appearance, Runa seems to have a better understanding of how things work at Hyakkaou Academy than even Sayaka does, and has a particularly close bond with the Momobami Twins. Runa is an invisible opponent and manipulative puppet master, and should by no means be underestimated.

4 The Tyrant

Kakegurui Twin Sachiko Juraku

Although fans don't get the opportunity to see Sachiko Juraku physically gamble (yet), they have witnessed the full force of her perceptiveness, combined with an advanced intellect that exceeds the norm. Sachiko constructs one of the most elaborate games with her Treasure Hunt, which is arguably only surpassed by the complexity of Kirari's Tower of Doors.

Manipulative perspicacity can only get one so far, but it seems that Sachiko is quite happy in her role as leader of the Public Morals Committee, the perfect playground for such a sadistic bully. With the students as her pawns, Sachiko satisfies her twisted desires at their expense, earning a pretty profit in the process.

3 The Advocate

Kakegurui Compulsive Gambler, Kakegurui XX, Kakegurui Twin Ririka Momobami

Fans have not had much opportunity to see Ririka Momobami in action either, however, it is unlikely that she would have been elevated to the Vice President position simply due to nepotism. Kirari's twin gives off the distinct impression of being her minion; completely submissive with no initiative of her own, emphasized by her need to always hide behind a mask.

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Ririka intrigues viewers when she suddenly becomes Mary Saotome's biggest fan and starts following her around instead of the President. What makes this more suspicious is that Ririka has only ever shown the utmost loyalty to Kirari, so why the sudden change of heart?

2 The Disingenuous

Kakegurui Twin Aoi Mibuomi

Rumour has it that Aoi Mibuomi was being groomed to become the next President of the Student Council, that is before Kirari stepped in to ruin their plans. It is difficult to adequately assess Aoi's gambling capabilities after only witnessing one short game, but watching how he works behind the scenes is a testament to his strengths.

Aoi is undeniably ruthless, although if first impressions are to be believed, he is an advocate with a heart of gold. The more viewers (and Mary) get to know Aoi the less authentic he becomes until it finally all unravels to show how condescending he truly is. If Aoi's mind game talents are even half as good as his gambling abilities, most would be unwilling to bet against him.

1 The President

Kakegurui Compulsive Gambler, Kakegurui XX, Kakegurui Twin Kirari Momobami

Kirari Momobami has been gambling since a very young age, often challenging other members of the Momobami clan (and winning, of course), which essentially set up her status as the leader of the pack since childhood. One might assume that over-confidence would get the better of Kirari eventually, but up until now, her skills and intellect adequately reinforce her inflated ego.

Although Kirari has a severely sadistic side, she appears to be driven more by a perverse curiosity to see how far she can push people before they break (so, not as sadomasochistic as the rest.) But as they say, "curiosity killed the cat," and Kirari's wish to see how Hyakkaou Academy will fair in the Election might end up dethroning this entitled dictator.

MORE: Things Many Anime Exaggerate About Student Councils