Viewers get a glimpse of how extensive the Momobami Clan really is in Kakegurui XX when a few members of Kirari's extended family arrive at Hyakkaou Private Academy to partake in the Election games. As their moniker suggests, The Hundred Devouring Families have created a network of members whose companies span across Japan (and possibly further), making them the most influential and revered people of the nation.

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Kirari Momobami may be at the head of this conglomerate, but this position is put up for grabs along with the presidency position, and her cut-throat family couldn't be happier! So let's meet Kirari's competitive subordinates from the Momobami Clan introduced so far in the Kakegurui Compulsive Gambler and Kakegurui XX anime series on Netflix.

The following families (excluding the Jabami clan, to avoid spoilers) are ranked according to where they seemingly sit in the Momobami family hierarchy as of the beginning of Kakegurui XX .

10 Rei Batsubami: Stuck in Servitude

Kakegurui XX Momobami Clan Rei Batsubami Kakegurui Compulsive Gambler Season 2

This ambiguous character does not appear in the Manga and was created solely for the anime series, which is surprising considering how significant her role in Kakegurui XX is. Presumed after an unfortunate loss, the Batsubami family is forced into a life of servitude, waiting on all the other members of the Momobami clan for the rest of their days. Rei has lived this way since her youth and subsequently developed a deep hatred for both gambling and bullies, further impassioned by the loss of her childhood "friend."

The cunning Rei uses the invisibility that comes with servitude to her advantage and makes a bold attempt to swindle the presidency position out from under everyone's noses with the Hundred Votes Auction. She almost also wins 3 billion yen in the process with a simple coin toss and, thanks to her bravery (and Yumeko), is finally granted the opportunity to officially join the Momobami clan, with a new, self-appointed family name.

9 Erimi Mushibami: Torture Department

Kakegurui XX Momobami Clan Erimi Mushibami Kakegurui Compulsive Gambler Season 2

This young lady made a memorable debut on Kakegurui with her iconic Finger Guilotione contraption used for one of the most sadomasochistic gambles (so far). Needless to say that Midari gets a great thrill out of this game, and Yumeko was over the moon to expose the young girl for her disingenuous ways.

Erimi prefers her Gothic Lolita outfit over a school uniform, which perfectly matches her iconic pink pigtails and two-toned irises. She may the baby of the group, but do not be fooled, as Erimi has a deviously cunning side with a slight control-freak complex about her. When the tables are turned, however, the young girl loses all confidence and becomes a blubbering mess, putting her immaturity on full display.

8 Nozomi Komabami: Canine Enthusiast

Kakegurui XX Momobami Clan Nozomi Komabami Kakegurui Compulsive Gambler Season 2

Not much is known about this lovely lady or her family's business, however, the Komabami family does not appear to inspire much respect from the rest of the Momobami clan. Nozomi always has her trusty "steed" by her side and is rarely seen without her colossal Saint-Bernard in tow.

This (ahem...) underdog snuck into the head of the pack by amassing 15 votes in the Election Games, proving herself to be an unexpectedly efficient contender by placing 9th overall. Nozomi takes on the Vice President in a game of Gin Rummy in the finale, the result of which is to be determined, however, she gives the impression of being more of a follower than a leader and is unlikely to be an adequate replacement for Kirari.

7 Miroslava Honebami: Clean-Up Crew

Kakegurui XX Momobami Clan Miroslava Honebami Kakegurui Compulsive Gambler

Although Miroslava has proven herself to be a worthy opponent in the gambling arena, she appears to hold no desire in becoming the president or clan leader herself and is merely advocating for Terano Totobami's claim to the thrown. Her loyalty, attentiveness, and sharp wit mean she should not be underestimated, however, she proves to be inadequate at deception, which is not an advantageous feature for gamblers.

Miroslava nearly claims the winning pot in the Greater Good Game after following the instructions left for her (by Itsuki), but sacrifices it all without hesitation when logic dictates that everyone would lose otherwise. The gesture of using all her tokens on tax for the greater good speaks extensively about Miroslava's character overall.

6 Sumika Warakubami: The Great Pretender

Kakegurui XX Momobami Clan Sumika Warakubami aka Kawaru Natari Kakegurui Compulsive Gambler

When viewers first meet Sumika, many get strong Japanese horror vibes from her, as she could have easily been a Samara Morgan substitute in The Ring. In most situations, Sumika goes completely unnoticed, however, everyone snaps to attention in those few instances she does speak. She seems to be quite friendly with Rin and rarely interacts with others; until Kawaru Natari makes a surprise appearance.

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The highly renowned actress is the perfect opponent for the pop star, Yumemi Yumemite, who has idolized Kawaru since, like, forever! Nobody would have guessed that this sensational entertainer is in fact Sumika's alter-ego, seemingly created to put a bit of distance between herself and the Momobami clan, as the A-list celebrity is more invested in persuing her career that gaining a gambling reputation.

5 Rin and Ibara Obami: The Hustlers

Kakegurui Compulsive Gambler Season 2 Kakegurui XX Momobami Clan Rin and Ibara Obami

It is tough to accept that Rin and Ibara are so closely related, as they each approach life in such different ways. Ibara comes across as more rebellious, impulsive, and egotistical, but with a good head on his shoulders and an insightful eye for detail. He earns himself the 7th spot in the Election with 26 points, but it seems he is somehow still not up to the Momobami standards.

In contrast, Rin receives more respect from his extended family than Ibara does, by proving he is not someone to be trifled with because his analytical mind is running a mile a minute. Rin shows on several occasions that he is not afraid to walk away from a gamble when things become irrational and assumes the leading position (5th place) for male representation in the Election, with 72 votes.

4 Miri Yobami and Miyo Inbami: Medicinal Specialists

Kakegurui Compulsive Gambler Season 2 Momobami Clan Miri Yobami and Miyo Inbami Kakegurui XX

Although these lovely ladies essentially represent two separate clans, they are directly related; sisters who were sadly separately when their family parted ways (divorce, perhaps?) Miri and Miyo were so close as children that they formed their own, secret language and can still communicate to this day without exchanging a word!

Both girls give off the impression of being very well-mannered, prim-and-proper ladies, however, their tactics may be the most underhanded of them all. Using their expertise in poisons (and cures), Miri and Miyo rarely seem to play by the rules and would rather use sleight-of-hand to infect their opponents with lethal chemicals. As the older sibling, Miyo carries more authority than Miyo, who willingly sacrifices everything for her sister's sake. Together, they claim the 8th position in the Election rankings with 21 votes, but Miri decided to drop out of the running not long after her epic loss at Nim Type Zero.

3 Terano and Yumi Totobami: Peace Keepers

Kakegurui Compulsive Gambler Season 2 Momobami Clan Terano and Yumi Totobami Kakegurui XX

Yumi Totobami is clearly the Ganguro of the group, with her over-tanned skin, bleach-blonde hair, and bubbly personality, but has yet to reveal her gambling capabilities to Kakegurui fans. Yumi is essentially Terano's adoptive sister and was thankfully saved from living on the streets and now acts as the carefree caretaker for her sister.

It is unclear why Terano is wheelchair-bound, not that it matters, as the ability to walk is not a prerequisite for a successful gambler. Terano has maintained her 2nd place position (with 168 votes) since the get-go, although she has done more work behind the scenes than at the poker table (so to speak.) Even though she seems personally invested in taking the presidential role, it appears that Terano will be happy with whoever knocks Kiriri off her pedestal, regardless.

2 Kirari and Ririka Momobami: Leaders of the Pack

Kakegurui Compulsive Gambler Momobami Clan Kirari and Ririka Momobami Twins President and Vice-President

Kirari is the ultimate antagonist, as her sick, sadistic games have become law at Hyakkaou Academy after she claimed the Presidential title and implemented the house pet system. As the leader of the Momobami clan as well, she has become arguably the most highly influential person in the nation, spreading misery wherever she pleases. Kirari seeks to be entertained above all else, ruining lives on a whim purely because they bore her, and seems to possess no moral code whatsoever.

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Ririka's personality strongly contrasts that of her twin sister, as the shy, reserved and submissive one, with barely enough self-esteem to face the world, unless it's from behind her mask. She is rarely seen far from Kirari's side, that is until Ririka transfers her loyalty over to Mary Saotome after the blonde bombshell refused to join the Student Council. But is Ririka acting as a double agent for her sister, or is she truly invested in Mary's ascension to the throne?

1 Yumeko Jabami: In League of Her Own

the character yumeko with a poker chip from the anime kakegurui

Yumeko is arguably the highlight of the show as she personifies the term "Compulsive Gambler" to a tee, yet has rarely lost a match. As much as this temptress gets off of the thrills of risk-taking (quite literally), she hates deception and consistently exposes cheaters for their treacherous ways, often publically humiliating them in the process. Ironically, several of her victims return to her side as a friend and allies, grateful for the life lesson learned during their gambling session with Yumeko.

The big shocker is revealed about Yumeko Jabami's connection to the Momobami clan (which is only revealed in Season 2 episode 4 of Kakegurui), and fans begin to question her purpose for enrolling at the school in the first place. Is she another member of The Hundred Devouring Families that is hellbent on ending Kirari's reign, and why did the president not acknowledge their relation before? No spoilers, as promised, but the answer lies within an Easter Egg!

Rewatch the Kakegurui XX episode 12, "The Zero Girl."

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