
  • Kai Cenat had an unexpected reaction to dying in a game of Fortnite, resulting in him destroying his setup.
  • The streamer ran at his computer and jumped on the desk, likely breaking equipment in the process. After a few seconds, the camera stopped working.
  • Kai Cenat is not the first Twitch streamer to break their setup, and others have experienced similar incidents due to accidents or weather.

After losing in a recent Fortnite stream, Kai Cenat has destroyed his Twitch setup. Fortnite is known for upsetting some gamers and Twitch streamers upon losing, but this may be one of the best reactions to be caught on camera.

Since it was released, Fortnite has caused issues for some gamers. This includes bugs that make the game unplayable and in-game problems like losing gold for no discernible reason. Fortnite glitches can also give players easy wins and an unlimited inventory. Some players have gone as far as to break their consoles and controllers, or even send hateful messages to opponents that defeated them. These reactions go beyond losing in the battle royale, as there are many other popular game modes. While playing an alternate game mode, Twitch streamer Kai Cenat has destroyed his PC setup.

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Drama Alert has shared a clip of the most recent Kai Cenat Twitch stream. In the clip, the popular Twitch streamer appears to be playing a version of Fortnite Creative's Box Fight 1v1 which involves small portions of the map being dedicated to resource management and building. Box Fight-style matches like this give players a specific set of items with unlimited ammo to defeat opponents with, adding some complexity to the strategy. In the video, Kai Cenat is building upward while chasing an opponent. As he claims to be panicking, the streamer gets slower at placing obstacles and is quickly hit by a shotgun blast that's followed up on with AR shots. After his character dies, Kai Cenat wheels his chair back and runs at his computer, jumping into it and causing the stream to end.

The final moment of the Drama Alert clip and Kai Cenat's latest stream is of him standing on the desk that he streams from. The camera then seemingly malfunctions, which could hint at how much damage he did to his streaming setup. Other than Fortnite, Kai Cenat was also playing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 multiplayer, and reacted to a mix of content. Given that the streamer had already lost in Modern Warfare 3, it's not clear what caused him to react in this way. Just one 1v1 Box Fight caused him to jump at his computer, leaving the possibility of a rematch impossible at that moment.

While Kai Cenat is the latest Twitch streamer to break their setup, he likely won't be the last. Beyond intentional destruction, some players have seen their Twitch computers affected by lightning in freak accidents, while other types of weather can also be blamed on fried PCs. Kai Cenat hasn't returned to Twitch since this stream, and it's currently unclear when he'll be back.