Kaguya-sama: Love is War is a classic romantic comedy series that revolves around the exploits of two Student Council members; Shirogane and Kaguya. The majority of the series takes place at the prestigious Shuichin Academy, following both as they refuse to admit their love for each other, believing it would make them appear, “weak.”

These high school prodigies refuse to admit their affection and start playing mind games on each other to make the other person confess first. This is evident in some of their arguments, love-confessing traps, and counter-strategies.

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Kaguya-sama: Love is War is a popular ani-manga series by Aka Akasaka, and brought a different perspective to the rom-com anime formula. Originally, the anime focused on love confessions between the two students, but it later changed. The story evolves to one involving the lead characters figuring out their feelings for each other, but still without confessing. Despite the non-admittance, the heated chemistry between President Shirogane and Kaguya becomes more obvious, which leads to the big question; Who will confess first?

Student Council President Miyuki Shirogane is an intelligent and committed boy from a humble home. On the other hand, Kaguya Shinomiya is from an elite and affluent family. At the start of the anime, she tries to intimidate Shirogane, using her family’s name and status. However, he refuses to be putty in the hands of Kaguya, standing his ground when they clash and conversing with her as an equal and sometimes a superior due to his position as the Student Council President.

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Ironically, despite the difference in status, Miyuki and Kaguya are similar in many ways. They are both exceptionally intelligent, with grades to show for it. Also, they are both prideful individuals, one of the main reasons for them not wanting to confess their love. Season 1 was mainly about love-confession battles in a roundabout manner. However, season 2 offered more spice to their "love war."

As usual, the air-headed Student Council Member, Chika Fugiwara, remains neutral in the love fight, but still, she knowingly causes problems for Miyuki and Kaguya, making the series more interesting. Another development is the Student Council member Miko Iino, who labels Shinomiya as an evil seducer. Yu Ishigami goes through his daily troubles on the sidelines while remotely supporting the Student Council President.

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Season 2 also offered interesting developments, such as Kaguya befriending Miyuki's younger sister to secure her place in Miyuki's heart. Miyuki also tries to impress Kaguya by revealing his interest in astronomy. In terms of the weapons they both have in their arsenals for the never-ending love war, Kaguya's family wealth, resources, and influence gives her an edge over Miyuki. Using her resources combined with foresight and futuristic planning, she often sets up situations that put Miyuki at a disadvantage. Miyuki also exploits Kaguya's weakness. As a tsundere, Kaguya gets flustered way too easily. Although, this doesn’t imply that Miyuki doesn’t sometimes get embarrassed; he just has better control over his emotions compared to Kaguya.

The popular fan theories online about the Miyuki-Kaguya love war is that either none of them wins, or they may confess their love for each other at the same time. Better still, one of them may confess first. Either way, the end of this prolonged battle would be a sight to see. Sadly, season 2 ended without Kaguya or Miyuki confessing their love, despite the intense moments within the season. It ends with Miyuki and Shinomiya confidently facing each other, neither of them yielding to their opponent.

Hopefully, season 3 reveals a confession from one of them. Even if we witness a confession and the love feud coming to an end, knowing the two prideful characters, they might change the scope of their battle. For instance, their new battle may revolve around who first says, "I love you," or other couple-related confessions. Most likely, fans would soon see what Aka Akasaka has in store in Kaguya-sama: Love is war.

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