It's been a long road for Justice League. Initially conceived by Zack Snyder as the sequel to his previous DC superhero works (Man of Steel and Batman v Superman), the film evolved once a family tragedy forced him to step away. Avengers writer/director Joss Whedon was brought in to finish the project. Unfortunately, the film failed both critically and commercially, with a common criticism being that Whedon's contributions clashed with Snyder's sensibilities.

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Naturally, this sparked wild speculation surrounding what could have been. The wealth of footage unseen in the theatrical version led many to call for a "Snyder Cut." Now, Warner Bros. has answered the call with a new version of the film. Set to premiere this month, Zack Snyder's Justice League has many reasons to tune in. However, it also comes with several elements that might repel fans even more.

10 Watch: The Petitioning Paid Off

Release The Snyder Cut of Justice League

Fans of Man of Steel and Batman v Superman have wanted this for years, starting hashtags and petitioning Warner Bros. to "Release the Snyder Cut." Many observers dismissed these people as delusional and even toxic. Ultimately, though, studios are beholden to audiences.

A number of people were clearly passionate about a property and dissatisfied with how it changed hands, leading to high demand for a potential product. Executives finally recognized that and supplied said product. The fans made their voices heard, and they can now all enjoy a movie crafted both for and because of them.

9 Skip: It's 4 Hours Long

4 Hour Cut of Justice League

For reference, the longest comic book flick before this was Avengers: Endgame. A mammoth movie in its own right, this Marvel outing stood at a whopping three hours, and that was already a serious test of audience patience.

Adding another hour to that gargantuan runtime seems a little overindulgent to say the least. This isn't some biblical epic, no matter how much the filmmakers try to convince you otherwise. It's a loud popcorn flick about a group of superheroes saving the world from alien monsters. Better to not wear out one's welcome.

8 Watch: More Batfleck

Ben Affleck in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Though many fans initially hated the idea of Ben Affleck as Batman, their doubts soon dissipated after seeing him in action. Batman v Supermanmay have been lambasted by countless audiences, but one element praised universally was Affleck's turn as the Dark Knight. Not only did he demonstrate Bruce Wayne's charisma, but he ably embodied the older, grizzled crime-fighter beloved in The Dark Knight Returns.

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Unlike Gal Gadot's similarly praised Wonder Woman, he didn't get any solo movies. Now, though, fans can rejoice. Thanks to the unseen footage and the swell of new stuff shot since then, Batfleck is set to make a triumphant return. Plus, unlike the Whedon version, he probably won't have a constant expression that says, "I don't care."

7 Skip: More Aquaman, Flash, and Cyborg

Cyborg, Aquaman, and the Flash in Justice League

Tragically, more Justice League footage also means more scenes with the less enjoyable characters. Specifically, you have to sit through more of Ezra Miller's annoying awkwardness as the Flash, the one-note "angry surfer dude" routine of Jason Momoa's Aquaman, and the charisma vacuum of Ray Fisher as Cyborg.

With a downside that steep, one wonders if Batman and Wonder Woman can truly balance things out. Even if you like one or more of these guys, four hours is a long time. It means that you'll be more aware of any weak links in the cast and spend more time groaning at their failings.

6 Watch: No CG Lip

Henry Cavill in Justice League and Mission: Impossible

When Joss Whedon took over directorial duties, he required extensive reshoots from the actors. Unfortunately, Henry Cavill was filming Mission: Impossible - Fallout and couldn't shave his mustache. To solve this, the filmmakers digitally removed the facial hair. This resulted in his upper lip looking hilariously fake throughout his meager screen time.

Since Cavill's scenes will now be comprised of old footage and fresh reshoots, the Man of Steel will once again be clean-shaven. No longer will the film be plagued by one of the weirdest criticisms ever.

5 Skip: CG Over Everything Else

Cyborg and Steppenwolf's invasion in Justice League

Zack Snyder's movies typically have plenty of CGI. Although it's...less than convincing, he uses the technology to create stylized worlds. Justice League looks to continue that trend and then some. In addition to the green screens decorating nearly every scene and the digital aliens flying around, many of the supposedly human characters are clearly enhanced through computers. This ranges from CG capes on Batman and Superman to Cyborg, who's almost entirely animated. Of course, it goes without saying that he looks less convincing than his Doom Patrol counterpart.

One can't help but wonder if the film has any practical effects at all. For those old-fashioned curmudgeons who prefer when something's actually in front of the camera, it's best to look elsewhere.

4 Watch: Darkseid Has Come

Darkseid in Justice League

Watching Steppenwolf as the villain, it was abundantly clear that he was just a lackey. Comic book fans knew that, and general audiences caught on quickly. Sadly, he didn't have enough personality or menace on his own to help you overlook that.

Thankfully, the Lord of Apokolips is set to play a more prominent role in the new version. Steppenwolf will probably still do most of the heavy lifting, but Darkseid will nevertheless be an ever-present threat akin to a puppet master. It worked for the Emperor in Star Wars.

3 Skip: Jared Leto's Joker Is Back

Jared Leto as the Joker in Suicide Squad and Justice League

Although Jared Leto's method acting antics spawned many a headline, his turn as the Clown Prince of Crime in Suicide Squad landed with a resounding thud. Sure, most of his scenes were cut, but the stuff left was enough for audiences to write the performance off as overdone, underwhelming, and the worst Joker ever put to live-action.

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After throwing a hissy fit and reportedly trying to sabotage Joaquin Phoenix's Joker film, Leto is back and looking more like Marilyn Manson than ever. His Jesus getup certainly doesn't inspire much confidence, neither in his acting nor in his ego. Let's just hope he didn't harass his castmates with dead rats and condoms this time.

2 Watch: It's The Original Vision

Zack Snyder Justice League

Some director's cuts make for better films, as they work to add new scenes, remedy any studio interference, and present a more coherent and complete version that the creators strove for in the first place. Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut and Kingdom of Heaven come to mind.

Whether or not the Snyder Cut does the same remains to be seen. It's safe to say, however, that it will probably be more in line with the previous films. Plot threads like the apocalyptic future will be expanded; the aesthetic won't look retroactively recolored and relit, and the Whedon-style jokes will be eliminated. In essence, this new Justice League will feel less like a haphazard salvage job or a fight between two directors.

1 Skip: Zack Snyder Is Back At The Helm

Zack Snyder Director Sucker Punch

At the end of the day, the movie is directed by Zack Snyder, a filmmaker constantly lambasted for his work yet who keeps coming back. At best, he puts out stylized schlock like 300. At worst, he makes some of the most overproduced, pretentious abominations ever put to screen.

Think back to Sucker Punch, Man of Steel, and Batman v Superman. Paper-thin platitudes pepper phenomenally stupid plot. The desaturated colors, an overabundance of CGI, and insipidly mopey music make for a painful viewing experience. Most controversial (and childish) of all, Snyder wreaks aggressive amounts of death and destruction seemingly to show how bold and intense he is. Few things are more obnoxious than an idiot who thinks he's the smartest guy in the room. Sadly, that's what you can expect in the aptly named "Snyder Cut" of Justice League.

NEXT: DCAMU: Every Justice League Movie, Ranked According To IMDb