One of the biggest achievements of the last two years has to be the rejuvenation of Justice Leauge. The Snyder Cut is finally out there for people to watch, and that thing is a whopping four-plus hours in length. As expected, fans worldwide are super excited to watch the film and see Zack Snyder's vision come to life.

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The hype has reached a point that there are countless videos on the topic. From many interviews and a lot of talk about the future to many theories. But most importantly, there are a whole lot of ridiculous memes. Let's check them out.

10 Oldest Lie In America

Lex Luthor Zack Snyder

It may be a dream world, or maybe it's real. But Snyder Cut is alive and buzzing. Justice Leauge is one of the few movies that are re-released in this manner and at this scale. It's truly a feat in itself that the fans could recognize that the Snyder Cut was a real thing and turn it into a reality. It's a big achievement for the fans and Zack Snyder to work on his cut and fix the aspects of Joss Whedon's Justice League.

9 Zack Snyder's Spider-Man

 Zack Snyder Spider-Man Gun

Since Zack Snyder's Justice League is real, it will only push people to build more absurd memes. Like, how a Zack Snyder's Spider-Man movie might look. It can be a movie with a vigilante Spider-Man using guns instead of the web after saving Gwen Stacy. That movie can be a dark take on Peter Parker, who's not only let his uncle die but also his aunt, Mary Jane, and Miles Morales. Now that's a deeply wounded warrior Spider-Man who'll be thirsty for some blood.

8 Her Name Is Martha

 Zack Snyder Directing Batman

For many, Batman V Superman's biggest plot hole was the scene where Clark says, save Martha, and they stop fighting, and his mom is saved. The scene is so notorious that it's now an ultimate meme and can be used to fix any bad situation. Like the time when all the HBO executives were discussing Snyder's Cut and realized all of them have mothers with the same name.

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7 Nice & Humble

 Zack Snyder Allegations

This is a hilarious one and very true. In the last two years, many new fans have realized how good Zack Snyder is, not just as a brilliant visionary but also as a human being. He comes out as being an extremely friendly director who's more concerned about building films. Many recent comments on his videos are in similar taste, talking about how good a man he is.

6 We Live In A Society

 Zack Snyder Joker

There aren't many examples of a meme about a movie becoming a part of another movie. But Snyder did it, and he did it with class. The Joker "we live in a society" meme is part of Justice Leauge Snyder's Cut. The circle is finally complete as the famous Joker meme cements itself into an actual film. The credit goes to society for believing in Snyder and forcing WB's hands to let him rebuild his vision.

5 It's About Family

 Zack Snyder's Family

This one seems like it has a point. Man of Steel had elements of how Clark loses not one but almost three father figures. First his biological dad, then his earth dad, and lastly, General Zod. Batman V Superman was more about mothers, with Martha being the central point. And the third one is about building a family of heroes with different tragic backgrounds. From Bruce being hurt by Robin's death, Wonder Women seeking revenge for her sisters, and every other character are deeply invested in the cause, making the serious tone of Snyder's Cut all about family.

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4 Smallville Did It First

Smallville vs Zack Snyder

Some things are not meant to be turned into a show, and some things are. This is why how good Smallville was will always be debatable. But one thing we can agree upon is that Zack's version of Superman is far more realistic, powerful, and comic accurate in many ways. It takes a lot to build something around a character that's larger than life. A character like Superman is full of really creative yet ridiculously over-the-top aspects, and Snyder has really done a good work bringing him to life.

3 What Did He Say Again?

Batman Superman Save Darksied

The Martha meme returns, but this time, it's used to predict Zack Snyder's Justice League's alternate ending. What if, when Darksied fails, he utters the one most overpowered word in Snyderverse, "Martha." This one is pretty creative, especially if we see Batman and Superman's hilarious nature, who suddenly wants to help the main antagonist.

2 You, Her Crush & His Dad

Steppenwolf Old vs New

The you vs. the guy she tells you not to worry about meme is pretty old but perfectly used here. The older version of Steppenwolf was a very common big bad guy design. There wasn't much memorable about him, nor in the movie, or his looks or motivations. Comparing that to the new Steppenwolf, it's a night and day difference. The new one is menacing and scary, with an alien aspect to him that was completely missing from Joss Whedon's Steppenwolf.

1 Snyder Cut VS Whedon Cut

 Zack Snyder Meet The Spartans

This has to be one funny meme using a snap from an actual Snyder film. One part is the amazingly directed 300, and on the other side is the parody, Meet The Spartans. But despite the hilarious nature of this meme, it's pretty much accurate. Since Whedon changed the look and feel of the characters. He took them from dark, gritty, and realistic to lighthearted comedians trying to act cool.

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