With the many modes available in Jurassic World Evolution 2, players will raise tons of dinosaurs. These include all sorts of creatures from the famous velociraptors to the lesser-known proceratosaurus, leaving for there to be plenty of variety to be found across different locations. Some are given to players, where others need to be unlocked. For those desiring to customize and have the final say on which dinosaurs go into their parks, this guide can tell players how to create dinosaurs.

The Jurassic World Evolution titles have always featured plenty of customization options for players’ dinosaurs. No matter if fans decide to deck their dinosaurs out in unique skins or make them behave exactly how they want with genome adjustments, they can always get their perfect dinosaur as long as they have the fossils to get it.

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Jurassic World Evolution 2’s Fossils


The way that players can get their fossils in Jurassic World Evolution 2 works roughly the same as it did in the original title. Players will need to have a Science Center and an Expedition Center in their park to access fossils. From there, players will need to assign a few of their scientists to a dig site, and they'll go to work digging up the fossils found there. Once their expedition is complete, fans can use the Science Center to assign more scientists to analyze the fossils found.

Players can watch the genome sequence found for the dinosaur underneath the creature’s information as fossils are being selected to see how much DNA they're earning from the items being analyzed. Once the sequence has reached 50%, the dinosaur can be made at the Hatchery by once again asking for the help of the scientist's players have hired.

By going into the “modify genome” menu, fans can make sure their JWE2 dinosaurs can act a certain way by giving them genetic traits as well as editing what their appearance looks like with the help of skins.

Fans should note that this only applies to things such as Chaos Theory mode and Sandbox mode where the map calls for players to be able to use fossils to grow their park. Otherwise, the scientists will be sent out on a live capture mission to retrieve a certain amount of dinosaurs, having a random chance value decide how many they successfully bring back.

Regardless of the way dinosaurs are obtained, players are going to have a difficult time running out of creatures to display in unique ways while their park rating in JWE2 skyrockets.

Jurassic World Evolution 2 is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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