As with any decent park sim, Jurassic World Evolution 2 has several maps to choose from. Players conduct dino ops across the globe during the Campaign, Challenge, and Chaos Theory modes. Completing these levels unlocks the maps for the treasured Sandbox mode.

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This is where the imagination can truly run wild. It allows players to construct more ambitious theme parks and dinosaur reserves without any of the limitations Jurassic World Evolution 2 usually imposes. Granted, some maps are more suited to the limitless mindset than others, but they can all keep players busy for hours.

7 United Kingdom

United Kingdom in Jurassic World Evolution 2

The UK map may not look like much at first, but it's actually comprised of several medium sections. Each of these has ample room for various dinosaur enclosures. They even have a handful of outcrops perfect for pens, even equipped with water holes to save on landscaping. While the narrow path joining these segments isn't ideal, players can fit walkways and monorail tracks through them with a little maneuvering. Of course, most visitors probably wouldn't mind the hike.

The map resembles the cliffs of Cornwall. That means it has scenic seaside sights complementing the amazing exhibits. With the eye-popping ocean horizon, this feels like one of the most open sandboxes in the game despite its fragmented layout. It exemplifies the new frontier and endless possibilities which permeate Jurassic World.

6 Northwest USA

Northwest USA in Jurassic World Evolution 2

Many maps have mountains in the background or obstructing the building plot, but this lets players construct a park right on top of these towering hills. The Northwest USA sandbox lies amid a vast range and imposing valleys. In this way, it echoes an alpine resort. Unfortunately, this also means it doesn't have the openness of some ground-level maps.

Rather, it's separated into several sections at different elevations, but this is not nearly as frustrating as it sounds. Each of these is a respectable area in its own right, and it's easy to place paths and monorail tracks between each one. Moreover, it's hard not to feel a sense of progression as visitors gradually make their way to the top. Just put a T-rex at the summit, and you're all set. There's nothing like playing "King of the Hill" with dinosaurs.

5 Germany

Germany in Jurassic World Evolution 2

Most maps devote themselves entirely to one type of landscape, but Germany distinguishes itself in this respect. It has the familiar greenery found in many tropical locales, but it also comes with a huge beach. This is great to break up the aesthetic monotony with coastal novelty. Plus, it's practically begging for an aquatic reptile showcase to suit the sandy surroundings.

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The only minor issue here is that the larger inland area is oddly shaped. Players still have plenty of room, but they don't have as much freedom in organizing the park grounds. Instead, they must work around the uneven borders. Thankfully, this is a small concession when this map essentially comes with two biomes for the price of one.

4 Arizona

Arizona in Jurassic World Evolution 2

The brief campaign uses this desert as its first level, and the meager time spent here severely shortchanges a great map. Arizona is among the largest areas in the game. It's a colossal, circular site with no mountains or other contrived hazards to get in the way. Players have utter freedom when it comes to the layout. One would think the harsh climate would negate some of that freedom, but this isn't the case.

On the contrary, the desert biome makes Arizona unique from most maps. The lack of vegetation gives the environment a primeval feel. It also creates an odd convenience in housing the animals, as forest needs are practically eliminated. People wouldn't think of such pens as a lush ecosystem, but this terrific sandbox thumbs its nose at that assumption. Plenty of animals survive here in real life, and these dinosaurs can easily do the same.

3 Washington

Washington in Jurassic World Evolution 2

The state of Washington is known for its immense woods, and this portrayal doesn't disappoint in that regard. The map has an abundance of trees, which is sure to satisfy the forest needs of herbivores and carnivores alike with no extra effort. They extend to the entirety of the gigantic map. Thus, players can have their pick of animals. The game has already fulfilled a basic environmental need found in most of them, thereby saving money and time on landscaping.

Even beyond universal convenience, Washington is a beautiful location. The temperate climate gives the impression of nature thriving, a feeling cemented by the towering mountain and lake in the background. Sadly, players can't build on these, but they do wonders for the atmosphere. They make the map look like a sublime painting, and gamers will be loath to disrupt that picturesque quality with a man-made park. Only the most skilled builders can preserve that natural majesty.

2 Canada

Canada in Jurassic World Evolution 2

Canada combines novel aspects of other maps. It mixes the multiple sections of Northwest USA and the UK with the size and painterly quality of Washington. As such, each sub-area can house several enclosures. What's more is that, unlike other fragmented maps, the paths between segments are wide enough to fit more than just walkways. Players can also place restaurants and other amenities.

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These pros emphasize Canada as a prime location. The sandbox is a relaxing area by a lake with snowcapped hills on the opposite side. Such snowfalls are also a welcome departure from the warmer weather of most other maps. Sure, fans have to deal with the occasional blizzard, but that occurrence is a minor gripe compared to how much this map has to offer.

1 Isla Nublar (1993)

Isla Nublar 1993 in Jurassic World Evolution 2

As the name suggests, this is the island from the original Jurassic Park. As such, it comes with numerous aspects that audiences will recognize. Examples include the tropical climate, the towering Hawaiian mountains in the background, and the waterfall by the entrance. These make for a gorgeous landscape, one taking viewers right back to Michael Crichton and Steven Spielberg's iconic vision.

The landscape lends itself to that same inspiration. Isla Nublar is another huge area, meaning players have virtually no limits to their imagination. They can reconstruct the pioneering park how they see fit. In the end, this map is a dream for any Jurassic fan, and it provides the tools to make that dream come true.

Jurassic World Evolution 2 is available on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X/S.

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