
  • Jurassic World 4 may be titled Jurassic City, with filming to start in July.
  • Fans await details about the plot and potential changes in this new film.
  • Good management may revitalize the franchise as it heads toward a 2025 release.

The Jurassic World 4 title might finally be confirmed by a new rumor as the next installment in the popular franchise roars toward theaters next year.

The Jurassic World trilogy followed up on the Jurassic Park films, taking fans to a seemingly successful version of the disastrous park of dinosaur clones attempted in the originals. While the first film in this new trilogy was a success, things went downhill, and the trilogy’s Jurassic World: Dominion is seen as a metaphor for the franchise’s demise. However, a new film would be announced to reinvigorate the franchise. While nothing concrete was revealed about the film, rumors that it was based on Escape from New York gained some traction online.

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Returning to the present, Jurassic World 4 found the perfect director in Gareth Edwards, and the rumors of the film having a vibe similar to Escape from New York have been refuted by insiders, leaving fans wanting clues about the plot and other details. These needs might have been met, as a new rumor from a trusted source might have revealed the name of the upcoming reboot. According to the formidable Daniel Richtman via his Patreon, the upcoming Jurassic World sequel will be titled Jurassic City and is set to begin filming in July against its 2025 release date, barring any changes to the schedule.

It’s been clear since the premiere of Dominion that the next Jurassic World needs to make some drastic changes, and while there’s nothing concrete to go off of just yet, the proposed name for the upcoming reboot seems like a tentative step in the right direction. A flood of predictions and discussion will undoubtedly flow off the name alone, which at first glance promises a change of pace regarding the film’s setting. How this will translate from concept to execution will be interesting to see and might be a real risk coming off of what many will agree is the franchise’s all-time low point. The belief behind the scenes is likely that good management can revitalize the franchise, which could serve as an invaluable asset as the media landscape continues shifting.

It's still too far out to know if this reboot will earn back some goodwill with fans for the franchise. While the initial success that saw the original Jurassic Park eclipse its successful source material and inspire a whole new paradigm in film is likely now out of reach, getting back to being well-regarded seems to be in the cards for Jurassic World.

Jurassic World 4 is currently set to premiere in theaters on July 2nd, 2025

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Source: Daniel Richtman