
  • Summer Game Fest will feature a presentation on the upcoming JRPG Metaphor: ReFantazio on June 7.
  • Fans can anticipate new teasers and insights into the development process during the event.
  • Metaphor: ReFantazio offers similarities to Persona 5 but introduces a fantasy world with unique elements.

Atlus fans will be getting a treat on June 7 when Metaphor: ReFantazio takes the spotlight at the Summer Game Fest. Atlus' anticipated JRPG has been in the works for a while, but fans are eager to learn more about Metaphor: ReFantazio.

Summer Game Fest is an anticipated event every year, especially after E3 began to falter. Now that E3 is no more, Summer Game Fest has become one of the major gaming players of the summer season, bringing reveals, trailers, and hands-on experiences with upcoming games and expansions.

Metaphor: ReFantazio Skips One Feature That Persona 6 Can Swing for the Fences On

Metaphor: ReFantazio is skipping out on a mainstay of the Persona series, leaving room for Persona 6 to make drastic improvements.

Now, Metaphor: ReFantazio will be getting the same treatment at the summertime show. On June 7, the Director and the Artist of Metaphor: ReFantazio, Katsura Hashino and Shigenori Soejima respectively, will be holding an onstage presentation about the upcoming JRPG. Not much has been said about what will be revealed, but fans can likely expect a new teaser and to learn something about the development process of the title. One of the last large reveals for Metaphor: ReFantazio was during the Game Awards of 2023, which was led by Geoff Keighley, same as the upcoming Summer Game Fest.

Metaphor: ReFantazio has of course been compared to Atlus powerhouse Persona, with the last main entry to the core series, Persona 5, taking the franchise to new heights. The ten-year anniversary of Persona 5's release is gradually approaching, leaving many fans wondering when they'll get their first glance at Persona 6. Not much is known about the next entry in that series, but Metaphor: ReFantazio may help to tide over fans, as it will contain many similar experiences and game mechanics to the title.

Similarities and Differences Between Metaphor: ReFantazio and Persona

Players of Metaphor: ReFantazio can expect similarities to Persona 5, but the titles aren't without differences. Metaphor: ReFantazio takes place in a fantasy land called the United Kingdom of Euchronia that's referred to as a "mirror" of the modern world. Players will control the main protagonist, who will be fully voiced, unlike Persona's main protagonists. They will be joined by a series of companions over time that will assist in turn-based battles, who can also build bonds with the main character throughout the story.

While an exact time Atlus will take the stage hasn't been stated, the Summer Game Fest will kick off at 2 pm PT. Although the Persona series is unlikely to have anything new revealed during the event, gamers can expect a wide array of titles being shown off in detail, many of which will likely be launching during the latter half of 2024.

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Metaphor: ReFantazio

Developed by Atlus' Studio Zero, Metaphor: ReFantazio is a fantasy RPG set in the United Kingdom of Euchronia, a medieval world that mirrors the modern-day "real world." It takes inspiration from the Persona series with its turn-based combat and social sim elements.

PS4 , PS5 , PC , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S
Studio Zero