Jump Force has an incredibly diverse roster of fighters from a variety of Shonen anime/manga, including characters from Dragon Ball, Naruto, and One Piece. But while the characters in Jump Force all have their own unique attacks and abilities, they share one common power, and that is the ability to Awaken their full potential in battle.

To Awaken in Jump Force, players need to pay attention to the Awakening Gauge, which wraps around their character's picture on the screen. The gauge will fill during battle, and once it's halfway full, players can click in the right analog stick to activate it. While in their Awakened state, Jump Force characters will be even more powerful than usual and have access to a variety of especially strong attacks called Ultimate Techniques.

To perform Ultimate Techniques in Jump Force, players can hold in the right trigger and press the standard attack button. These attacks will only be available while the characters are Awakened.

If players let their Awakening Gauge reach fully capacity, they can transform their character entirely when they activate it. This is called an Ultimate Awakening, and will make characters like Dragon Ball Z's Goku turn Super Saiyan, for example. Triggering an Ultimate Awakening is the same as a regular one - just push in the right analog stick.

Learning how to Awaken fighters in Jump Force is just the beginning. Players will want to learn how to use their Awakening Gauges effectively to give them a serious advantage in battle. We recommend players practice with their favorite characters and experiment triggering the Awakening at different times to see if they feel if it's worth holding out for the Ultimate Awakening or not.

Once players have a good grasp of Awakenings in Jump Force and how they work, they will be a lot closer to mastering the game in general.

Jump Force is out now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.