Over the past few years, there has been an explosion of online survival games. Titles such as DayZ, 7 Days To Die, and Rust pit players not only against each other, but against the environment as well. Speaking of the latter, Facepunch Studio's notoriously unforgiving release is considered one of the most influential survival games available, up there with the likes of Minecraft and No Man's Sky. It may be difficult, but there are evidently fans out there who enjoy the punishing factor of it, and the developer is consistently updating the game.

The latest patch for Rust recently went gone live, rolling out a number of tweaks and quality of life changes. Perhaps the biggest update, according to a post on Steam, is the balancing of combat. Listening to player feedback, Facepunch has altered the gunplay in a number of ways to meet fan expectations. One such example is reducing the fuse time of the grenade, which is now at 2.5 seconds. A couple of the weapons, such as the M249, have been made more "aggressive," while the slugs for the shotgun have been tweaked to make it more suitable for mid-range combat.

RELATED: New Rust Update Adds Ziplines, Rail Network ‘Proof of Concept’, And More

While guns and other weapons in Rust are a key factor of the gameplay, there is more to the world. One of the other things July's patch improves is the loading time. Anyone who's played the game can vouch for just how long it takes to load into a game. The post on Steam says that there have been some optimizations, such as the "Asset Warmup" phase now beginning in the background. There's also been some quality of life changes, as well as improving the process of reporting "problematic content" in the game, which involves the implementation of an Offensive Content report section.

Screenshot from Rust showing the player shooting a game, with the game's logo in the middle.

The Rust update for June also saw alterations to the gunplay, and evidently the studio has taken onboard what players have been saying and used the feedback to make additional changes to combat for this patch. It shows that the developer is more than willing to listen to fans and to make suitable changes to keep the game in good stead with the community.

As well as being influential, and fun, Rust is also well-known for its difficulty. New players can often feel a bit out of their depth as more advanced people come sweeping in to kill off those who are ill prepared. It's not just other players that are cause for concern, either. The gist of the game is to survive, which means foraging for food, building shelter, making clothes, and generally not succumbing to the harsh realities of the game's environment.

The patch notes are as follows:

  • Added tiled cube prefabs for community map makers
  • Added chat filtering
  • Improved M39 DPS and recoil
  • Lowered F1 grenade fuse time to 2.5s (was 3.0s)
  • Shotgun slugs have reduced damage falloff
  • Achievement todo list is now disabled if game tips are turned off in the game options
  • Added a crosshair while free spraying with a Spray Can
  • Increased the default number of sprays per player (25 -> 40)
  • Can now Mute and Report players from the Contacts screen
  • Z/C/Y keys no longer control zoom when in free camera (replaced with debugcamera_zoomin and debugcamera_zoomout binds)
  • Added debugcamera_raise and debugcamera_lower binds instead of hardcoding to Q/E
  • Added physical camera convars for the debug camera
  • Added camera info overlay command for the debug camera
  • Kayak now faces away from the player deploying by default
  • Mailbox, BBQ, Medium Battery and Windmill now face toward the player by default
  • (CUI) Add support for vertical overflow on Text components
  • Updated player inventory idle animation
  • Added interaction sounds for small loot containers (food, medical, tech, ammunition, etc)
  • Updated generic loot crates with existing interaction sounds
  • Hapis Island: Added 3 new monuments
  • Jackhammer will hit hotspot every time without tap firing
  • Torch despawns after 30 seconds
  • Dropped backpacks will despawn after 30 seconds for rocks + torches
  • Streamer mode will hide map name in server browser
  • Can insert photos into mailbox
  • `benchmark_demo {demo}` command to run the benchmark on different demos
  • Can connect 'domain.com' without a port on the end
  • Servers will no longer show the name of the custom map, only "Custom Map" if they are running one
  • Optimized bulk loading assets from bundles
  • Improved hide blood option
  • Added hurt flash disable option
  • m249 is slightly more aggressive
  • HMLMG recoil is more aggressive
  • Lowered HMLMG durability
  • Increased HMLMG crafting cost
  • Using scopes on weapons now increases their recoil
  • Reduced blur/blood effects
  • Accuracy bonus removed from the silencer
  • Fixed first shot while ADSing sometimes playing the non-ADS fire animation
  • Fixed missing deploy sound for combat knife
  • Fixed missing sounds for smoke grenades and supply signals
  • Fixed missing crosshairs and camera movement while first person spectating
  • Fixed smoke grenade effects not working correctly with first person spectating
  • Fixed horses not properly moving with elevators
  • Fixed error with a particular configuration of items when making Low Grade at a Mixing Table
  • Fixed missing localization on progress bar when Hold to dismount is enabled
  • Fixed some deployable entities changing rotation every time they are selected on the belt
  • (CUI) Fixed some skin id's not loading correctly (PR#37)
  • Fixed some missing sfx on the Spray Can
  • Fixed an exploit when changing water quality
  • Fixed flashlights & laser needing to be turned on every time you equip them
  • Fixed exploit to steal attachments out of shop fronts
  • Fixed nodes & animals taking extra hits
  • Hapis Island: Fixed berries not spawning
  • Hapis Island: Fixed roadside spawns being overly scarce
  • Hapis Island: Fixed numerous other reported issues.
  • Fixed flashlights & laser needing to be turned on every time you equip them
  • Fixed exploit to steal attachments out of shop fronts
  • Fixed nodes & animals taking extra hits
  • Fixed animal headshots not playing hitmarker
  • Fixed exploit to let you keep last item in softcore
  • Fixed ability to shoot through armored window collider
  • Fixed exploit to keep shopfront standing when breaking wall frame
  • Fixed debris not created for walls on triangle foundations
  • Fixed research tables getting stuck researching

Rust is available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

MORE: Rust: How To Enter Console Commands & The Most Useful Ones

Source: Steam