Warning: The following contains spoilers for Jujutsu Kaisen Episode 26, "Hidden Inventory 2", now streaming on Crunchyroll.

Jujutsu Kaisen start to the second season left a ton of highlights, and the second episode fills the holes being a continuation, literally a second part of the first episode. After setting the first major plot line with the Star Plasma Vessel bodyguard mission, "Hidden Inventory 2" tries not only to explain Gojo's powers, but also to show how big of a threat Megumi's father actually is.

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A few scenes with Satoru and Suguru joking around were also welcomed during this episode, specially when easily defeating the Q and then the bounty hunters but what this episode is mainly trying to accomplish is to create anticipation for the clash between Gojo and Toji Fushiguro. For that purpose, they are showing Toji's perspective on the confrontation, building an entire perspective about his character and overall personality.

The Chosen One

gojo satoru

Starting from the beginning, this episode serves to understand a bit more about Gojo's unique abilities that put them at the top of the world when it comes to sheer power for a sorcerer. Already considered to be impossible to defeat at this stage of his life, what separates Satoru Gojo from the rest is mostly a birth right. Like Toji relates, he is the first one in centuries to possess both the Six Eyes and the Limitless technique making him a one of kind type of talent.

The Six Eyes are an innate gift attributed to the Gojo family. Similar to the Byakugan or the Sharingan in the Naruto universe, the Six Eyes allow its user to see the flow of cursed energy and read cursed techniques with an overall improved perception. Thanks to that, the user can also have a precise control over cursed energy. However, this ability is rarely inherited among the Gojo clan. Several hundred years can pass before another user appears and there cannot be two blessed with the Six Eyes at the same time.

Although they are very useful, they also have their downsides. They are a passive trait that cannot be deactivated and cause a lot of fatigue, reason why Satoru tends to cover his eyes at any chance he gets, although coveting still doesn't deactivate them completely. The main purpose of the Six Eyes is precisely to be able to use the Limitless technique. This technique is also an inherited gift of the Gojo family. This god-like power allows the user to manipulate and distort space at will. While this ability is much more common in the clan, only the bearers of the Six Eyes can master its power.

Infinity Jujutsu Kaisen Episode 26

Limitless can be used in many different ways. It can stop anything (Infinity), create a magnetism (Blue), allow short-range instantaneous movement (also Blue) or create a destructive repulsive force (Red). During this episode Satoru showed that he still doesn't control Red perfectly. Combining Blue and Red it creates Purple, the fusion of convergence and divergence creating a mass that completely erases everything it touches. They can also use long-distance teleportation by compressing the space between their location and destination. The Domain of the Limitless traps the target inside the concept of infinity leaving them in a catatonic state.

An Awful Father But An Even Worse Enemy

Toji Fushiguro

After the explanation of Gojo's innate abilities it's certainly difficult to picture any way to overcome them in a fair fight. That's the exact same assumption Toji made. His interesting portrayal this just creates a very negative image around him. He doesn't seem to care much about his mission, when asked about Megumi he doesn't even know who he is, spends the entire day betting and losing money.

However, when is time to kill sorcerers he is commonly known as the very best. This time he is up against his, by far, most difficult target, the Star Plasma Vessel protected by the two prodigies Satoru Gojo and Suguru Geto. Toji's powers are sitll unknown, but he is described to be at least stronger than Suguru and perhaps close to Gojo's level. Taking that into account his first course of action was to put a huge bounty on Riko's head with a time limit. Knowing that no one is going to be able to get her with Gojo around. He just got a group of sorcerers working for free with the sole objective of tiring Gojo down. With fatigue, the Six Eyes lose focus and perception making it more difficult to control Limitless giving Toji the perfect chance.

In the meantime, just waiting for his opportunity to strike, he seems relaxed and calm about his plan, to the point he doesn't care about failing. His little game of bounty hunters already forced Gojo to use his powers and got Kuroi kidnapped. Without any of them being aware, Toju has the upper-hand. His upcoming strike will present Gojo with the most difficult time of his life and will even have an effect on his relationship with Suguru. Their so far condescending attitude while overwhelming opponents is about to switch.

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