Jujutsu Kaisen is a story by Gege Akutami and features a diverse cast of characters who make use of a unique power system. The story follows a collection of sorcerers who battle monsters called “curses” through the use of cursed energy.

Cursed energy allows one to use cursed techniques and the mainline anime introduces us to a variety of sorcerers with several cursed techniques that have varying effects. However, there is one character who was introduced in the Jujutsu Kaisen movie Jujutsu Kaisen 0, and that is its main protagonist, Yuta Okkotsu.

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Who is Yuta Okkotsu

Jujutsu Kaise Yuta Okkotsu Rika Orimoto

Yuta Okkotsu is the main protagonist of the prequel to Jujutsu Kaisen, Jujutsu Kaisen 0. Similar to the main character of the show, Yuji Itadori, Yuta is put on trial to be executed as he is believed to have been cursed by his deceased friend Rika. Similarly to how he comes to the aid of Yuji one year later, Gojo halts the execution and does some digging. Events take place in the story which result in Yuta becoming a student at the Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College where he is trained to use curse energy to kill curses and eventually uses those skills to beat a powerful cursed sorcerer seeking to wipe out humans that aren’t sorcerers.

By the end of the film, it's revealed that it was not Rika who cursed Yuta but the other way around, and that Yuta’s cursed energy was so vast he was able to make a curse strong enough to give someone the power to beat Gojo, the most powerful cursed user in the series. Throughout the course of the film, Yuta shows to be a highly powerful sorcerer, even whilst being untrained. While having no idea what cursed energy is or how to implement it he was able to create a powerful cursed monster of his own, defeat a powerful curse which overpowered Maki, a character able to rival grade 2 curses, and was deemed himself to be a special grade sorcerer in his own right.

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Again this is before even honing his skills or training any of his abilities. All of Yuta's feats at the beginning of the film are based solely on his vast amounts of Cursed energy, which seem to be endless. At this point, it is difficult to get a gauge for how strong the sorcerer truly is. By the end of the film, after only attending the school for a handful of months and still in his first year, Yuta was able to defeat another special grade sorcerer, someone who could be considered by many the second most powerful sorcerer alive at that point in the story.

Yuta does not show up in the main anime at all, but it is revealed that he is of the same bloodline as Gojo, and they are distant relatives. Gojo Satoru states that most of one’s ability as a sorcerer is determined from their birth and thus Yuta’s ability makes sense. Gojo even goes so far to say that Yuta will match his strength one day. Even so, his abilities are never explained apart from being a bottomless well of cursed energy and despite seeing him utilize a myriad of cursed techniques it is unclear what his cursed ability even is. So what can Yuta do?

What Are His Powers

Yuta Okkotsu and his classmates

Apart from being an infinite well of cursed energy, Yuta is also highly skilled, showing the ability to use cursed techniques not even Gojo himself can do. He learned to use reverse cursed technique, something Gojo only learned to do after being put on his deathbed in his second year, to heal others in his first year. He has been stated to have even more cursed energy than Gojo too, and is one of only two characters to display the ability to use other people’s cursed techniques. He even managed to pull off a domain expansion, though we do not yet know the rules of it as the technique was interrupted. The show goes to great length to make it clear he is strong but does not do much in explaining the specifics of his abilities. So what exactly is his cursed technique?

Even after his friend passes onto the afterlife, a Rika curse remains with Yuta. It is because this is in fact his cursed technique. Rika exists as a partially manifested cursed spirit made from Yuta's cursed energy. Even though she is made from Yuta's energy she maintains her own free will and is capable of acting as a combat partner for him and even exercises her own ability to think, feel, strategize and utilize cursed energy. Even before fully manifesting she is capable of paralyzing individuals such as Itadori, preventing them from moving. She also has an ability similar to Megumi’s shadow in that Yuta can store weapons inside of Rika to use for later. However, that is not even the full extent of his cursed technique.

Yuta can use the full power of his cursed technique for 5 minutes and then once that time is up must wait to use her again. Rika stores cursed energy that Yuta can tap into when he uses the technique, can fully manifest Rika in the physical form to fight for him as a special grade cursed spirit, and allows him to use cursed techniques. If Rika is his cursed technique then what cursed techniques is he using? Well, Yuta is the only character to display the use of multiple cursed techniques such as cursed speech and shikigami. The reason for this is Yuta’s unique ability to copy the cursed techniques of others. It has not been fully revealed how he copies others' techniques or what conditions need to be fulfilled to do so, but he has been shown to use the cursed techniques of those he has killed and those who are his allies he never even fought.

With all of these abilities, it's a no-brainer why Gojo said Yuta could match him eventually. It will be some time before viewers will get the chance to see any of these abilities animated as Yuta will more than likely not be showing up until after season 2. Even so, he has quickly become a fan favorite and is one of the most powerful characters in the show, and it will be a treat when Mappa animates him in action once again.

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