
  • Gojo's unique appearance, powerful skills, and caring nature make him an unforgettable character in Jujutsu Kaisen.
  • Gojo's Domain Expansion and Unlimited Void techniques showcase his immense power as a sorcerer.
  • Gojo's Six Eyes ability allows him to see and manipulate cursed energy, but covering his eyes helps him maintain stable energy and avoid fatigue.

White-haired characters have always been a fan favorite for years, and Satoru Gojo is no exception. An iconic character from the hit anime Jujutsu Kaisen, Gojo's personality, powerful skills, and unique look make him hard to forget.

Fanse first meet him as Yuji Itadori swallows the cursed finger of Sukuna, and lives to tell the tale. Since then, he has been a very present member is Yuji's quest to find the rest of Sukuna's fingers and toes. Gojo is remembered as the character with the iconic blindfold over his eyes, but why does he wear it?

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A Brief Introduction to Satoru Gojo

Satoru Gojo from Jujutsu Kaisen

Gojo is a teacher and special grade sorcerer at Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical School, where he mentors students on how to be jujutsu sorcerers. Yuji and his fellow students are in luck, for their mentor is one of the most powerful jujutsu sorcerers to ever exist. He is funny, young at heart, and cares about his students a lot. It was him who convinced the jujutsu elders to not execute Yuji immediately, but rather kill him when he has ingested all twenty of Sukuna's appendages. This way, they can destroy twenty cursed objects at once. Gojo pitched this to prolong Yuji's life, because he knows that finding all the objects will be a very difficult task and will consequently take a lot of time. His subtle caring nature aside, he is very confident in his abilities as a sorcerer, which can be annoyingly justified as his talent and power definitely speak volumes. In fact, Gojo's abilities are so feared that curses have plotted to destroy him. There is a cockiness about him, which is super entertaining to watch. He has the air of an older brother to these kids, which is seen in the way he interacts with them.

How powerful is Satoru Gojo?

Gojo's Unlimited Void

In season one of Jujutsu Kaisen, we see Gojo's Domain Expansion abilities in his face-off against the cursed spirit Jogo. This is an advanced technique that allows the sorcerer to create a barrier stretching as far as they please, creating a domain within these barriers where those in the real world exist as well. In a fight, one could create this barrier around an opponent, and a whole new space is created within it. The domain heightens the sorcerer's abilities.

Domain expansions can be used against each other in a fight, it is rare but possible. In the battle against Jogo, Gojo countered his Domain Expansion with his own, which shows just how powerful he is off the bat. Once Gojo creates his domain, he uses a technique called Unlimited Void. The effect this has on his opponents are that they feel everything and nothing at the same time, leaving them paralyzed against a slow and painful demise. The power of this technique is that being exposed to it for 0.2 seconds is considered deadly, and if they are free they need two months of rehabilitation.

The Six Eyes Ability

Satoru Gojo (Jujutsu Kaisen)

Gojo posseses the Six Eyes ability, a rare technique that he inherited from his family. In fact, he is the first person in one hundred years to wield both the Six Eyes and Limitless Cursed technique. He is also the only character at this point in time who possesses the Six Eyes, for no two bearers can appear at the same time. As part of this ability, Gojo has amazing visual perception. It is the reason he can see through his eye coverings and clearly see things kilometers away. The author of the manga, Gege Akutami, has also confirmed that Gojo can see non-cursed object through his eye coverings. He can see the flow of cursed energy, determine its function and identify the user. Once the cursed energy is identified, Gojo can manipulate it in a very precise manner.

So why does Gojo cover his eyes?


If Gojo's eyes are uncovered for too long, he will experience great fatigue. It would be a waste for him to be uncovered all the time, for the Six Eyes is most useful against cursed energy. Thus, covering his eyes are a way for him to maintain stable energy on a daily basis. Gojo has covered his eyes with bandages, sunglasses and now a blindfold. Akutami has stated that even though he uses the reversed curse technique to keep his mind fresh, he will still tire easily without a blindfold. As a test, Akutami said that if anyone were to wear Gojo's sunglasses, they would see pitch blackness. This is a testament to the power of the Six Eyes ability, for Gojo is able to see perfectly through them.

Jujutsu Kaisen is available to stream on Crunchyroll & Funimation.

MORE: Jujutsu Kaisen: Gojo Vs Sukuna, Explained