
  • Anti-Domain Techniques are used to counteract the sure hit function of a Domain Expansion, prolonging the fight until the user runs out of cursed energy.
  • Techniques like Hollow Wicker Basket, Simple Domain, and Falling Blossom Emotion neutralize the barriers or attacks of Domain Expansions.
  • Different Anti-Domain Techniques have their own strengths and weaknesses, and some can be customized with Binding Vows or used alongside specific sword techniques.

Since only the most accomplished Jujutsu Sorcerers and Curse Users in the world of Jujutsu Kaisen can feasibly deploy their Domain Expansions in combat, they are in the minority without any doubt. As the vast majority of those who can perceive, interact with, and manipulate cursed energy are unable to deploy this technique, which has been described as the pinnacle of jujutsu sorcery, they would also be in dire need of a countermeasure to deal with it in the worst case scenario.

When trapped in a completed Domain Expansion, especially one with a sure hit function, most Curse Users, cursed spirits, and Jujutsu Sorcerers would struggle to resist because of how most of their cursed techniques will be far less effective within this setting. Therefore, a school of techniques has been devised to counteract the effects of a Domain Expansion, which are collectively known as Anti-Domain Techniques. Each has its own purposes and risks, with only the most skilled users able to harness them to their full capacity in Jujutsu Kaisen.

RELATED: Jujutsu Kaisen: Barrier Techniques, Explained

What Are The Different Kinds Of Anti-Domain Techniques?

Jogo Gojo Unlimited Void Domain Expansion Jujutsu Kaisen

Most Anti-Domain Techniques essentially target the sure hit function of a Domain Expansion and attempt to nullify it, in a bid to minimize the damage they can inflict. Deploying such techniques essentially serves to draw out a fight long enough for the Domain Expansion user to run out of cursed energy, resulting in their cursed technique burning out.

This process can occur in a number of ways depending on the nature of the Anti-Domain Technique used. Additionally, the Big Three Sorcerer Families have also devised their own Anti-Domain Techniques known as Secret Arts. Since they have been around for centuries, it is not surprising to see the variety of countermeasures they possess in dealing with cursed spirits, Curse Users, and Jujutsu Sorcerers of all skill levels.

Esoteric Technique: Hollow Wicker Basket

Hollow Wicker Basket Jujutsu Kaisen

A predecessor to the New Shadow Style's Simple Domain, Hollow Wicker Basket was a technique used in the past to counteract Domain Expansions by materializing a spherically shaped woven basket like defense around the body of a user. The technique is activated when a user folds their fingers between one another and stretches their arms outwards.

Much like other Anti-Domain Techniques, Hollow Wicker Basket nullifies the sure hit function by neutralizing the barrier imbued with an individual's innate cursed technique. Unfortunately, this does not extend to the cursed technique itself, where it will fail when deployed against an incomplete Domain Expansion or a non-lethal one. This could be seen in Reggie Star's fight against Megumi Fushiguro, where the former sorcerer was unaware that Megumi's Chimera Shadow Garden was an incomplete Domain Expansion.

New Shadow Style: Simple Domain

New Shadow Style Simple Domain Jujutsu Kaisen

Developed by Sadatsuna Ashiya during the Heian Era, Simple Domain is an even more effective means to deal with Domain Expansions. It was created as a means for the Heian Era Sorcerer to protect his followers from Special Grade curses, described as a "Domain for the weak." He also established Binding Vows to forbid the technique from being spread to other Curse Users. Unfortunately, there were quite a few Sorcerers and Curse Users who were able to witness the technique in action and reverse engineer it.

A user of Simple Domain nullifies the barrier instead of the imbued cursed technique of a Domain Expansion by casting a barrier around themselves, thereby eliminating the sure hit function. While this can be quite useful against low to moderately powerful Domains, it is rendered quite ineffective against stronger, more refined ones, which can destroy the Simple Domain in a matter of seconds.

RELATED: Jujutsu Kaisen: Jogo’s Disaster Flames, Explained

In either case, Simple Domain only really helps in buying time for the cursed energy of the Domain Expansion to run out, leading to its dissipation. Different Binding Vows can be used to customize the Simple Domain, and this technique also has offensive applications when paired with certain sword techniques under the New Shadow Style. Two of the most prominent users of these sword techniques in the series are Kasumi Miwa and Atsuya Kusakabe.

Secret Art: Falling Blossom Emotion

Falling Blossom Emotion Jujutsu Kaisen

In direct contrast to how Simple Domain uses a barrier to dispel the sure hit function of a Doman Expansion, Secret Art: Falling Blossom Emotion uses cursed energy to nullify attacks. This technique was developed by the Zenin Family and is one of their Secret Arts that has been passed down to deal with Domain Expansions. It works by enveloping the user in cursed energy to counter-attack as soon as a sure hit attack from a Domain Expansion makes contact with it.

Thus, by neutralizing the attack directed towards them with an equal amount of cursed energy, Falling Blossom Emotion provides a more reactive avenue to defend oneself against a Domain Expansion. It also has offensive applications when used in conjunction with swordplay, as the blade coated in cursed energy will automatically hit anything that the cursed energy comes into contact with, making attacks far more efficient and accurate.

Domain Amplification

Domain Amplification Jujutsu Kaisen Gojo - Featured-1

Lastly, Domain Amplification sees a user coat themselves with a thin layer of their innate Domain, thereby neutralizing either any cursed technique they interact with, or the sure hit function of a Domain Expansion. The only drawback to this technique is that a user will be rendered unable to use their own cursed technique, restricting them to hand-to-hand combat. However, it can be used in conjunction with the user's own Domain Expansion in a clash of Domains, because the user is not actively deploying their cursed technique and is instead imbuing their innate Domain with it.

Jujutsu Kaisen is available to stream on Crunchyroll & Funimation.

MORE: Jujutsu Kaisen: Domain Amplification, Explained