The Jujutsu Kaisen anime and manga series features Itadori Yuuji, a boy who is suddenly thrown into the world of Jujutsu sorcerers and curses after he becomes the vessel of Ryomen Sukuna, the King of Curses.

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While Itadori serves as the protagonist of the Jujutsu Kaisen series, Gojo Satoru often steals the limelight as he is hailed as the strongest jujutsu sorcerer there is. Despite Gojo's many strengths and powerful techniques, even he has weaknesses that he succumbs to, or that can be used against him. These weaknesses can be either physical, due to a technique, or emotional; however, they all share one thing in common: they can be used to leave Gojo Satoru at a disadvantage.

5 Angel's Innate Technique (Technique Nullification)

Hana-Kurusu Flying Down to Save Megumi

Hana Kurusu is a young sorcerer around the same age as Jujutsu High's first years; however, what sets her apart is the ancient Heian-era sorcerer called Angel that lives within her. While this is immensely similar to Sukuna being in Yuji's body, there are differences, as Hana and Angel share a symbiotic relationship, unlike the one between Itadori and Sukuna. Moreover, despite Hana being in control of her body, she is able to wield Angel's innate technique, Technique Nullification.

This technique allows her to nullify all forms of curses and cursed techniques. Even cursed techniques such as barriers and seals can be nullified. As someone able to nullify all forms of cursed techniques, she would prove a problem if she and Gojo ever faced each other. Moreover, Hana's nullification is so powerful that she is able to nullify the Prison Realm and free Gojo.

4 The Inverted Spear Of Heaven

inverted spear of heaven

Satoru Gojo's Limitless technique, infinity, which prevents objects from reaching him, is one of the things that makes the sorcerer so strong. If nothing can reach him, nothing can harm him, and so the sorcerer is protected from a lot of things. However, if an object can nullify his technique, then Satoru can be injured by the object.

Of the many cursed tools portrayed (so far) in the Jujutsu Kaisen anime series, The Black Rope and the Inverted Spear of Heaven would have an effect on Gojo; however, the Inverted Spear of Heaven has proven to be the more effective one. The Black Rope is able to disrupt cursed energy and interfere with a cursed technique. It was used in the Jujutsu Kaisen 0 movie by Miguel when he faced Gojo. On the other hand, the Inverted Spear of Heaven could nullify Gojo's infinity technique outright. The spear was used by Toji Fushiguro, and combining it with his incredible physical ability, he was able to wound Gojo despite him (Gojo) concentrating on defense.

3 Exhaustion

Jujutsu Kaisen Episode 27

Few things affect Satoru Gojo; however, exhaustion is one of those few things. Season two of the Jujutsu Kaisen anime series shows that overusing his technique can lead to exhaustion, which causes his senses to be dulled. In this way, Gojo can even be fatally wounded with an ordinary weapon, as he would have to deactivate his technique when he is tired.

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Before Toji attacked Gojo, as seen in season two of the anime, he used all sorts of ways to wear him down mentally. By having various sorcerers attack Gojo consistently, Gojo had to consistently keep his technique going for days without rest. After entering Jujutsu, Gojo finally released his technique and was exhausted. Moreover, due to his exhaustion, Toji had an opening to attack and did so. Toji then mentioned that even without his technique, if Gojo was not exhausted, he would have noticed him as he tried to attack. And that was why he went through the trouble of exhausting him first by throwing small fries at him.

2 Prison Realm

prison realm in the anime

While Gojo is hailed as the strongest sorcerer of all, even he is not exempt from being able to be sealed. And when sealed, he can do nothing, making him effectively useless. Before the Shibuya incident, Kenjaku decided that defeating Satoru Gojo was too tall a task and that sealing him would be more effective. Using the Prison Realm, a cube-like special-grade cursed object at the center of his plans, Kenjaku decided that he would seal Satoru Gojo, making it the major goal of the Shibuya Incident.

In order to seal Gojo using the Prison Realm, some conditions must be met. These conditions included keeping him within a four-meter radius of the prison realm, ensnaring him, rendering him immobile and unable to access his cursed energy, and lastly, closing the gate of the seal while waiting for it to 'process' Gojo. After all conditions were met, Gojo was sealed, and the prison realm could then be moved. Moreover, one of the things that made the sealing so effective against Gojo was that he could not unseal himself and had to wait for others on the outside to unseal him.

1 Emotional Vulnerabilities

Gojo and Geto

One of the most effective ways to deal with a Jujutsu sorcerer is undoubtedly to disrupt their emotions. During the Kyoto Goodwill Event, Hanami stated that Jujutsu sorcerers lose their edge when their comrade has been gravely injured. Hanami stated that Maki lost her focus and composure while she was battling the cursed spirit alongside Fushiguro, and her comrade got injured. This sort of situation in which a sorcerer is overwhelmed by their emotions is not uncommon, and even Gojo is not free from his emotional vulnerabilities, as seen during the Shibuya incident.

To completely seal him, Kenjaku had to immobilize Gojo for one minute after the gate of the prison realm opened. This would have been impossible. However, Kenjaku needed one minute to pass in Gojo's mind, and to distract the sorcerer, he revealed himself. Gojo, seeing his should-be-dead best friend, was momentarily stunned and had three years' worth of memories pass through his mind. This then allowed Kenjaku to complete the sealing. Had Gojo not succumbed to his emotional vulnerability, he would have had a chance at escaping the sealing.

MORE: Jujutsu Kaisen: Things You Should Know About Gojo Satoru